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CLEP Common Literary Forms And Genres

Subjects : clep, literature
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1. A particularly compressed and truncated short story. They are rarely longer than 1 -000 words.

2. A genre of fiction that presents an imagined future society that purports to be perfect and utopian but that the author presents to the reader as horrifyingly inhuman.

3. Originally - a realistic novel detailing a scoundrel's exploits. The term grew to refer more generally to any novel with a loosely structured - episodic plot that revolves around the adventures of a central character.

4. A novel that tells a nonfictional - autobiographical story but uses novelistic techniques - such as fictionalized dialogue or anecdotes - to add color - immediacy - or thematic unity.

5. A play written in the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries that presents an allegory of the Christian struggle for salvation.

6. A novel - such as Jean-Paul Sartre's Nausea - that the author uses as a platform for discussing ideas. Character and plot are of secondary importance.

7. A celebration of the simple - rustic life of shepherds and shepherdesses - usually written by a sophisticated - urban writer.

8. A German term - meaning 'formation novel -' for a novel about a child or adolescent's development into maturity - with special focus on the protagonist's quest for identity. James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a notable example.

9. A fiction genre - popularized in the 1940s - with a cynical - disillusioned - loner protagonist.

10. Traditionally - a folk song telling a story or legend in simple language - often with a refrain.

11. A romance that describes the adventures of medieval knights and celebrates their strict code of honor - loyalty - and respectful devotion to women.

12. A serious play that ends unhappily for the protagonist.

13. A work of fiction of middle length - often divided into a few short chapters - such as Henry James's Daisy Miller.

14. The nonfictional story of a person's life. James Boswell's Life of Johnson is one of the most celebrated examples.

15. A formal poem that laments the death of a friend or public figure - or - occasionally - a meditation on death itself. In Greek and Latin poetry - the term applies to a specific type of meter (alternating hexameters and pentameters) regardless of cont

16. Bertolt Brecht's Marxist approach to theater - which rejects emotional and psychological engagement in favor of critical detachment.

17. Fiction that is set in an alternative reality

18. A succinct - witty statement - often in verse. For example - William Wordsworth's observation 'The child is the father of the man.'

19. A play from the Middle Ages featuring saints or miraculous appearances by the Virgin Mary.

20. An invented narrative - as opposed to one that reports true events.

21. A play consisting of a single act - without intermission and running usually less than an hour.

22. A humorous and often satirical imitation of the style or particular work of another author.

23. A play such as Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale that mixes elements of tragedy and comedy.

24. A composition that is meant to be performed. The term often is used interchangeably with play.

25. A novel written in the form of letters exchanged by characters in the story - such as Samuel Richardson's Clarissa or Alice Walker's The Color Purple. This form was especially popular in the 1700s.

26. A ritualized form of Japanese drama that evolved in the 1300s involving masks and slow - stylized movement.

27. A story about the origins of a culture's beliefs and practices - or of supernatural phenomena - usually derived from oral tradition and set in an imagined supernatural past.

28. A novel in which the author's aim is to tell a story that illuminates and draws attention to contemporary social problems with the goal of inciting change for the better. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin - which exposed the horrors of Africa

29. Literature intended to instruct or educate. For example - Virgil's Georgics contains farming advice in verse form.

30. The brief narration of a single event or incident.

31. A serious lyric poem - often of significant length - that usually conforms to an elaborate metrical structure.

32. An autobiographical poetic genre in which the poet discusses intensely personal subject matter with unusual frankness.

33. A lighthearted play characterized by humor and a happy ending.

34. A story about a heroic figure derived from oral tradition and based partly on fact and partly on fiction.

35. A work of didactic literature that aims to influence the reader on a specific social or political issue.

36. A work of prose fiction that is much shorter than a novel (rarely more than forty pages) and focused more tightly on a single event.

37. The nonfictional story of a person's life - told by that person.

38. A concise expression of insight or wisdom: 'The vanity of others offends our taste only when it offends our vanity' (Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil).

39. A speech - often in verse - by a lone character. The most famous example being the 'To be or not to be' speech in Shakespeare's Hamlet.

40. A lengthy narrative that describes the deeds of a heroic figure - often of national or cultural importance - in elevated language. Strictly - the term applies only to verse narratives like Beowulf or Virgil's Aeneid - but it is used to describe prose

41. An autobiographical work. Rather than focus exclusively on the author's life - it pays significant attention to the author's involvement in historical events and the characterization of individuals other than the author.

42. A work that imitates the style of a previous author - work - or literary genre. Alternatively - the term may refer to a work that contains a hodgepodge of elements or fragments from different sources or influences. It differs from parody in that its

43. Fiction that concerns the nature of fiction itself - either by reinterpreting a previous fictional work or by drawing attention to its own fictional status.

44. A narrative work that reports true events.

45. A novel set in an earlier historical period that features a plot shaped by the historical circumstances of that period.

46. A nonrealistic story - in verse or prose - that features idealized characters - improbable adventures - and exotic settings.

47. Disturbing or absurd material presented in a humorous manner - usually with the intention to confront uncomfortable truths. Joseph Heller's Catch-22 is a notable example.

48. A short prose or verse narrative - such as those by Aesop - that illustrates a moral - which often is stated explicitly at the end.

49. Any composition not written in verse.

50. A novel that focuses on the social customs of a certain class of people - often with a sharp eye for irony. Jane Austen's novels are prime examples of this genre.