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CLEP Educational Psychology Theorists And Theories

Subjects : clep, teaching
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1. Presented a theory of self-efficacy - or the importance of one's personal belief regarding self-ability and chances of success - as key to motivation.

2. Humanistic; Transformational Learning

3. (Tolman)- the theory that animals (and humans) develop expectancy or anticipation of rewards for completing behaviors they have learned - and this expectancy functions as an internal incentive or motivation.

4. While earlier theories often focused on abnormal behavior and psychological problems - humanist theories instead emphasized the basic goodness of human beings. Some of these theorists include Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.

5. Gestalt Theory

6. Physiological- water - sleep food. Safety- security - shelter - protection Belongingness- love - friendship - acceptance. Ego Needs- prestige - status. Self Actualization- self fulfillment - enriching experiances

7. (Spence)- reinforcement combined with frustration or inhibitors facilitated finding a correct stimulus among a cluster which included incorrect ones. This was a 'carrot and stick' model.

8. Perception - Decision making - Attention - Memory - & Problem Solving

9. Occurs when the presence of previously learned material interferes with the learning of new material.

10. Refers to one's belief about one's ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes. Those with high levels for a particular task are more likely to succeed than those with low levels

11. A transitional group - bridging the gap between behaviorism and cognitive theories of learning. timulus-Response; Intervening Internal Variables; Purposive Behavior; E.C.Tolman - Clark Hull - Kenneth W. Spence

12. A theory that psychology is essentially a study of external human behavior rather than internal consciousness and desires.

13. Discrimination Learning

14. Psychoanalytic Theory of Learning; The role of the Unconscious Mind in Learning

15. Development; Concepts: stages of moral development; Study Basics: Studied boys responses to and processes of reasoning in making moral decisions. Most famous moral dilemma is 'Heinz' who has an ill wife and cannot afford the medication. Should he ste

16. Connectionism; Wrote the thesis - 'Animal Intelligence: An Experimental Study of the Associative Processes in Animals' - in which he concluded that an experimental approach is the only way to understand learning and established his famous 'Law of Eff

17. Theory of Classical Conditioning

18. 1925 - Observational Learning

19. Social Constructivism; The Zone of Proximal Development is a concept for which he is well known.

20. In the study of motivation - an explanation of behavior that asserts that people actively and regularly determine their own goals and the means of achieving them through thought.

21. (Thorndike)- the idea that bonds between stimulus and response take the form of neural connections. Learning involves the 'stamping in' of connections - forgetting involves 'stamping out' connections.

22. Knowledge is Constructed; the Learner is an Active Creator

23. Explanation of development that focuses on the quality of the early emotional relationships developed between children and their caregivers

24. Gestalt Learning Theory

25. Follower of Jean Piaget. Developed and researched advanced organizers. Developed subsumation theorty - that the primary process in learning is subsumation where new material is relation to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure in a subst

26. A learning theory in which the probablity of a response is the dependent variable. Independent variables are usually stimuli controlled by the researcher. These are attempts to quantify and objectify learning research.

27. Learning as a group process; Lev Vygotsky 1896 - 1935 Social Constructivism

28. (Piaget) - an element of a cognitive structure. Schema refers to a general potential to perform a class of behaviors - and content describes the conditions that prevail during any particular example of that potential being activated. (Schemata = plul

29. Operant Conditioning

30. According to Maslow - the ultimate psychological need that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved; the motivation to fulfill one's potential

31. Insight Learning

32. Field Theoretical Approach

33. Constructive Knowledge.Construct with ideas and concepts of what they know.

34. Variables being observed and measured in response to the independent variables - such as amount of time taken to learn a task or respond after a stimulus is given - number of responses - etc.

35. Constructivist; published The Process of Education; theories emphasize the significance of categorization in learning

36. Humanistic; Experiential Learning

37. Coined the term 'Behaviorism'

38. (Brown - Cognitive apprenticeship)- knowledge which lacks application or cross contextual understanding.

39. The theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished

40. Structure of intellect stipulated that intelligence depends on our mental operations (or process of thinking) - our thoughts (i.e. - content) - and the products or end results of these operations.

41. (G. A. Miller)- (Test - Operate - Test - Exit). These are operational feedback units that function within a self-regulated system.

42. Cognitive Dissonance

43. (Thorndike) - Responses which occur just prior to a satisfying state of affairs are more likely to be repeated - and responses just prior to an annoying state of affairs are more likely NOT to be repeated.

44. Emotions and Affect Play a Role in Learning

45. Learning as a Mental Process

46. Neo-Freudian - humanistic; 8 psychosocial stages of development: theory shows how people evolve through the life span. Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that involves confronting 'Who am I?'

47. Drive Reduction Theory

48. Constructivist; Genetic Epistemology; Stages of Cognitive Development

49. Cognitive Apprenticeship

50. Dividing mental age by chronological age and multiplying by 100.