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CLEP General Math: Number Sense - Patterns - Algebraic Thinking

Subjects : clep, math, algebra
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The inverse of multiplication

2. This important result says that every natural number greater than one can be expressed as a product of primes in exactly one way.

3. If on a surface there is no meaningful way to tell an object's orientation (left or right handedness) - the surface is said to be non-orientable.

4. If a = b then

5. Einstein's famous theory - relates gravity to the curvature of spacetime.

6. In the expression 3

7. This result relates conserved physical quantities - like conservation of energy - to continuous symmetries of spacetime.

8. Says that when a random process - such as dropping marbles through a Galton board - is repeated many times - the frequencies of the observed outcomes get increasingly closer to the theoretical probabilities.

9. The multitude concept presented numbers as collections of discrete units - rather like indivisible atoms.

10. At each level of the tree - break the current number into a product of two factors. The process is complete when all of the 'circled leaves' at the bottom of the tree are prime numbers. Arranging the factors in the 'circled leaves' in order. The fina

11. If grouping symbols are nested

12. We can think of the space between primes as 'prime deserts -' strings of consecutive numbers - none of which are prime.

13. A · 1/a = 1/a · a = 1

14. The expression a^m means a multiplied by itself m times. The number a is called the base of the exponential expression and the number m is called the exponent. The exponent m tells us to repeat the base a as a factor m times.

15. Instruments produce notes that have a fundamental frequency in combination with multiples of that frequency known as partials or overtones

16. If a = b then

17. Is the length around an object. Used to calculate such things as fencing around a yard - trimming a piece of material - and the amount of baseboard needed for a room.It is not necessary to have a formula since it is always just calculated by adding t

18. A topological invariant that relates a surface's vertices - edges - and faces.

19. 1. Find the prime factorizations of each number. To find the prime factorization one method is a factor tree where you begin with any two factors and proceed by dividing the numbers until all the ends are prime factors. 2. Star factors which are shar

20. If we start with a number x and add a number a - then subtracting a from the result will return us to the original number x. x + a - a = x. so -

21. It is important to note that this step does not imply that you should simply check your solution in your equation. After all - it's possible that your equation incorrectly models the problem's situation - so you could have a valid solution to an inco

22. A number is divisible by 2

23. If a = b then a + c = b + c If a = b then a - c = b - c If a = b then a

24. Is a path that visits every node in a graph and ends where it began.

25. 1. Any two points can be joined by a straight line. 2. Any straight line segment can be extended indefinitely in a straight line. 3. Given any straight line segment - a circle can be drawn having the segment as radius and one endpoint as center. 4. A

26. If we start with a number x and subtract a number a - then adding a to the result will return us to the original number x. In symbols - x - a + a = x. So -

27. Some favor repeatedly dividing by 2 until the result is no longer divisible by 2. Then try repeatedly dividing by the next prime until the result is no longer divisible by that prime. The process terminates when the last resulting quotient is equal t

28. The solutions to this gambling dilemma is traditionally held to be the start of modern probability theory.

29. 1. Parentheses (or any grouping symbol {braces} - [square brackets] - |absolute value|)

30. A + 0 = 0 + a = a

31. A whole number (other than 1) is a _____________ if its only factors (divisors) are 1 and itself. Equivalently - a number is prime if and only if it has exactly two factors (divisors).

32. Aka The Osculating Circle - a way to measure the curvature of a line.

33. Division by zero is undefined. Each of the expressions 6

34. A point in four-space - also known as 4-D space - requires four numbers to fix its position. Four-space has a fourth independent direction - described by 'ana' and 'kata.'

35. Non-Euclidean geometries abide by some - but not all of Euclid's five postulates.

36. Used to display measurements. The measurement was taken is placed on the horizontal axis - and the height of each bar equals the amount during that year.

37. Perform all additions and subtractions in the order presented

38. Means approximately equal.

39. Has no factors other than 1 and itself

40. If a - b - and c are any whole numbers - then a

41. All integers are thus divided into three classes:

42. An equation is a numerical value that satisfies the equation. That is - when the variable in the equation is replaced by the solution - a true statement results.

43. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic says that

44. If a represents any whole number - then a

45. The process of taking a complicated signal and breaking it into sine and cosine components.

46. Also known as 'clock math -' incorporates 'wrap around' effects by having some number other than zero play the role of zero in addition - subtraction - multiplication - and division.

47. A '___________' infinite set is one that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers.

48. Cantor called the cardinality of all the sets that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the counting numbers - or 'Aleph Null.'

49. Two equations if they have the same solution set.

50. Some numbers make geometric shapes when arranged as a collection of dots - for example - 16 makes a square - and 10 makes a triangle.