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CLEP Intro To Psychology

Subjects : clep, psychology
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1. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one

2. Mental categories that help our brains group objects that have common properties.

3. A mutual or reciprocal relationship between two or more things

4. The process through which the body absorbs social stress and manifests symptoms of suffering; also called embodiment

5. A 'SNAPSHOT' of a phenomenon such as cancer rate. a number of variables affect one another in a single point in time.

6. A microscopic gap between the terminal button of one neuron and the cell membrane of another neuron

7. A negative condition is introduced to reduce a behavior.

8. Stages of development - Stage 8 Wisdom - Ego Integrity vs. Despair - old age / from mid sixties. Some handle death well. Some can be bitter - unhappy - and/or dissatisfied with what they have accomplished or failed to accomplish within their lifetim

9. Situation in which previously learned information hinders the recall of information learned more recently

10. Present evidence to support your claims

11. A doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions such as fear and aggression and drives such as those for food and sex. Includes the hippocampus - amygdala - and hypothala

12. A methodical - logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem

13. An innately reinforcing stimulus - such as one that satisfies a biological need

14. 1896-1934; russian developmental psychologist who emphasized the role of the social environment on cognitive development and proposed the idea of zones of proximal development. GUIDED PARTICIPATION - Children's interaction with knowledgeable adults o

15. Freud's theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions

16. Stages of development - Stage 5 Fidelity - Identity vs. Role Confusion - Adolescent / 12 years till mid twenties. Questioning of self. Who am I - how do I fit in? Where am I going in life? Erikson believes that if the parents allow the child to exp

17. The first person to study memory scientifically and systematically; used nonsense syllables and recorded how many times he had to study a list to remember it well

18. Observing subjects in their natural environment with no attempts at intervention on the part of the researcher.

19. Portion posterior to the frontal lobe - responsible for sensations such as pain - temperature - and touch

20. It is a collection of research designs which use manipulation and controlled testing to understand causal processes. Generally - one or more variables are manipulated to determine their effect on a dependent variable

21. A measure of how well the variables of one test (could be personality) measure the same things as the variables of a similar test.

22. 1875-1961; Field: neo-Freudian - analytic psychology; Contributions: people had conscious and unconscious awareness; archetypes; collective unconscious; libido is all types of energy - not just sexual; Studies: dream studies/interpretation

23. The science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena - especially with reference to origin - growth - reproduction - structure - and behavior.

24. The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer

25. Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939); Said that human behavior is irrational; behavior is the outcome of conflict between the id (irrational unconscious driven by sexual - aggressive - and pleasure-seeking desires) and ego (

26. A systematic method of deriving conclusions that cannot be false when the premises are true - esp one amenable to formalization and study by the science of logic

27. Maslow's pyramid of human needs - beginning at the base with physiological needs that must first be satisfied before higher-level safety needs and then psychological needs become active - Maslow's Theory of Motivation which states that we must achiev

28. A hormone released by the pituitary gland of the brain during childbirth - breastfeeding - and intercourse - causing emotional bonding between persons in whom it is released

29. The denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favour of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts

30. The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied

31. Stages of development - Stage 6 Love (in intimate relationships - work and family) - Intimacy vs. Isolation - Young adult / mid twenties till early forties. Who do I want to be with or date - what am I going to do with my life? Will I settle down?

32. Researcher who pioneered the development of type A (high achieving - multi-taskers who are always very stressed and in a hurry.) and type B (easy going relaxed and not always in a hurry.) personality types based on how well they respond to the multip

33. Helps the body process new information by adapting to old stimuli and making space for new ones

34. The portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord that perceives - gathers - interprets - and records incoming sensory information and also sends out communication destined for muscles - glands and internal organs s

35. Portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the back of the head; visual areas

36. Founder of functionalism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; wrote first psychology textbook - The Principles of Psychology

37. The study of the relationships among psychology - the nervous and endocrine systems - and the immune system.

38. Goals framed in terms of performing well in front of others - being judged favorably - and avoiding criticism

39. Describes a schedule of reinforcement wherein a worker is paid for a certain sum for each product produced

40. Created the Stages of Moral Development - relied for his studies on stories such as the Heinz dilemma - and was interested in how individuals would justify their actions if placed in similar moral dilemmas

41. A process by which repressed material - particularly a painful experience or conflict is brought back to consciousness - in this process the person not only recalls - but also relived the repressed material - which is accompained by the appropriate a

42. The 'little brain' attached to the rear of the brainstem; its functions include processing sensory input and coordinating movement output and balance

43. Inferences are said to possess internal validity if a causal relation between two variables is properly demonstrated.

44. A neurotransmitter that enables learning and memory and also triggers muscle contraction. - lack of production is linked to Alzheimer's

45. The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body's skeletal muscles. Also called the skeletal nervous system

46. Severe mental illness characterized by auditory hallucinations - paranoia and an inability to distinguish reality from fiction

47. Any clinical approach to personality - as Freud's - that sees personality as the result of a dynamic interplay of conscious and unconscious factors.

48. A therapist who deals with mental and emotional disorders

49. English empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)

50. Originating in or based on observation or experience