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CLEP Macroeconomics: International

Subjects : clep, economics
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Licensing agreements - imposed product standards or levels of 'red tape' that a foreign producer must meet or qualify for before being allowed to export it

2. Records all the transactions that take place between residents and foreign nations

3. An x percent increase in capital per hour of work brings a 1/3 of x percent increase in output per hour of work

4. Increase aggregate demand during recession

5. Government interference in protecting certain industries comes at the expense of...

6. The exchange rate - interest rates in that country and other countries - and the expected future exchange rate

7. A theory of economic growth that believes growth is driven by technological change

8. An increase in real GDP that occurs over time

9. PPC shifts this way to indicate economic growth

10. As the value of a nation's currency increases the exports of that nation will ________.

11. The relationship between real GDP per hour of work and capital per hour of work

12. Advocate government taking an active role in the structure and composition of industry

13. Benefits of international trade

14. A change in interest rates or a change in the expected future exchange rate changes the _________ for dollars.

15. If the number of Nation B's dollars that a Nation A dollar buys increases - then Nation A's dollar ___________.

16. Work to achieve full production or capacity potentials

17. Changes the supply of dollars

18. Quantity and quality of a nation's natural resources - human resources - capital stock - and technology

19. By influencing interest rates and direct intervention in the foreign exchange market

20. Imposed on goods not produced domestically

21. Excise taxes on imported goods

22. Shield domestic producers from foreign competition

23. Shows the options one nation has by specializing in one product and trading another

24. By the supply and demand in the foreign exchange market

25. A change in this brings about a change in how much a country is willing to sell of its currency

26. Nations with a more highly skilled and larger workforce are better at producing these kinds of commodities

27. The absence of government barriers to trade among firms and individuals in different nations

28. If the interest rate decreases - the demand for the currency will

29. Nations with a larger available land mass are better at producing these kinds of commodities

30. If the number of Nation B's dollars that Nation A buys decreases - then Nation A's dollar ___________.

31. Relationship between the quantity of currency to be sold and the exchange rate is the...

32. A tracking of the investments made and loans extended to other countries

33. Small tariffs put in place so the government can earn tax revenue

34. A theory of economic growth based on the view that population growth is determined by income per person

35. A theory of economic growth based on the idea that technological change results from people's choices and pursuit of profit

36. Nations with advanced industries are better at producing these kinds of commodities

37. Occurs because of diversity of taste and economies of scale

38. A global market in which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another country

39. What you give up to get what you want

40. A tracking of all export and import goods and services

41. The total output will be greatest when each good is produced by that nation that has the lower opportunity cost for that good

42. The attempt to measure the contributions to growth of labor - capital - and technological change

43. Protective tariffs increase the domestic price of a good and the increased revenue goes to the...

44. Specify maximum import levels for specific commodities

45. A forum for negotiating reduction of tariff barriers on a multilateral level

46. Is the price at which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another country

47. These create a foreign need for domestic money

48. LAS curve shifts this way to indicate economic growth

49. Quotas increase the domestic price of the good and the increased revenue goes to the...

50. The addition of all goods and services in the current account