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CLEP Macroeconomics: Measurement Of Economic Performance

Subjects : clep, economics
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1. All people who are either employed or unemployed - but excludes people who are institutionalized or in the military

2. GDI = w + i + r + pi + misc

3. A basic accounting measure of total production of goods and services of the national economy in one year

4. Measures the amount of goods and services one's money can buy; measures purchasing power

5. Frictional + structural unemployment

6. Wages - represents monies earned by labor - including pensions - workman's compensation - and insurance

7. Used for comparing the price of a specific market basket of goods and services in one particular year to the price in a base year

8. The number of dollars one receives as wages - rent - interest or profit

9. Calculate spending and income: what is spent on a product is received as income by those who contributed to the product's production. the spending amount and income amount should equal one another.

10. Measures national income as the sum of the incomes received by productive resources in the economy; also called Gross Domestic Income (GDI)

11. Consumption - investment - government - and net exports

12. The average of all prices is falling

13. The sale of goods and services to households

14. Cost of living allowance

15. Caused by the actions of people who have come to expect a certain amount of inflation in the economy

16. Maximum output of business cycle

17. (1) wages - (2) rents - (3) profits - (4) interest - (5) misc

18. The price index that puts all goods and services in the market basket; measures the overall price level change - not just a change in price of typical consumer goods

19. Measures the prices of a fixed market basket of over 300 consumer goods and services purchased by the typical urban consumer

20. Income earned by the factors of production for their current contributions to production; total dollar value of all final goods and services produced for consumption in society during a particular time period

21. Those that are used to produce other goods that will eventually be sold (miller sells flour to a baker); not counted in GDP

22. Personal income less income taxes

23. Second-hand sales (goods not produced that year) and financial transactions (moving money from x to y); not counted in GDP

24. Those who are on ______ incomes are hurt most by inflation

25. (1) final purchases of machinery and equipment by governments and business; (2) all construction; and (3) changes in inventories

26. Income earned that is available to resource suppliers and others before payment of personal taxes

27. A sustained rise in the general price level of an economy

28. The sale of a finished good or product directly to a consumer (baker sells bread to customer); counted in GDP

29. Used to calculate how long it will take for prices to double; divide the number 70 by the annual inflation rate to find out how many years it will take for prices to double

30. Excess unemployment caused because the economy deviates from the long run output potential of the economy

31. Cyclical unemployment is at 0

32. Output measured at base year prices - and thus adjusted

33. All investment spending by government and business firms

34. Government purchase of goods and services; does not include transfer payments and expenditures for servicing the national debt or investment goods

35. Shows how money and goods and services flow between the various markets and players in the economy

36. (base year basket valued at current year prices/base year basket valued at base year prices) x 100

37. Inflation arising from the supply or cost side of the economy

38. Output measured at current prices - and thus unadjusted figure for GDP

39. Total income earned by resource suppliers for their contributions to the production of the GNP

40. Results from laborers having a mismatched skill set with what is demanded by the current labor market

41. All people living in a society who are of legal age to work

42. Inflation caused by excess demand in the economy

43. The civilian labor force expressed as a percentage of the labor force population

44. Allows us to keep tabs on the economic health of society and to develop policies that will improve that health

45. The total net sales of goods sold abroad minus the total net spent on purchases from other countries

46. Recurrent ups and downs of economic activity

47. A person who is available for and looking for work - but has none

48. For every 1% the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural (frictional + structural) unemployment rate - a 2.5% GDP gap occurs

49. Monetary

50. The percentage of unemployed workers in the civilian labor force