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CLEP Macroeconomics: Money And Banking

Subjects : clep, economics
  • Answer 42 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The amount that a bank must keep in its reserve in order to meet cash demands

2. M2 + deposits held by other financial institutions (trust companies - credit unions)

3. What determines how much cash people will want to hold?

4. Shows how interest rates affect investment expenditure - and ultimately real GDP - prices and unemployment

5. Increases money supply

6. The Federal Reserve policies that are aimed at changing the size of the money supply and interest rates to affect the national economy

7. Lender of last resort - supervisor of member banks - provider of check-clearing services - and controller of money supply

8. Equilibrium force in quantity of money demanded and quantity of money supplied

9. Households using money to pay bills - purchase materials - etc.

10. If the Federal reserve lowers the reserve requirement - the interest rate will ________

11. Stems from the fact that money is a store of value and people hold their financial assets in many forms

12. Currency + demand deposits

13. The amount received by a lender and paid by a borrower expressed as a percentage of the amount of a loan

14. (1) medium of exchange; (2) store of value; (3) unit of account

15. The purchase or sale of government securities

16. The multiple by which the banking system can expand the money supply for each dollar of excess reserves

17. Shift of money demanded curve

18. Decrease interest rates to increase the money supply

19. Increase interest rates to decrease the money supply

20. When the Fed purchases securities it ________ the banks' reserves

21. The money that a bank has in reserve which exceeds the reserve requirement

22. Who determines quantity of money supplied?

23. How banks create money

24. Contractionary monetary policy is used during a period of _________

25. Movement along money demand curve

26. Quantity of money demanded and interest rate are ________ related

27. Four categories of money

28. M1 + personal savings deposits + non-personal notice deposits (from chartered banks)

29. T/F. The transactions demand for money is dependent on the interest rate.

30. Informal discussions that occur between the commercial banks and the Fed about monetary and other policies

31. Entity responsible for managing the money supply in accordance with the needs of the economy

32. The ratio of a bank's cash assets to its deposit liabilities

33. Decreases money supply

34. Expansionary monetary policy is used during a period of _________

35. M2+ + non-personal term deposits + foreign currency deposits

36. 1/reserve requirement

37. Occurs when the Fed switches the deposits between its own accounts and the accounts of the commercial banks

38. Each group is less liquid than the one before

39. The rate the Federal Reserve charges banks to borrow money

40. Open market operations effect the money supply and _______ _____

41. The rate at which the Fed will loan money to commercial banks

42. Changing the money supply to assist the economy to achieve a full employment - noninflationary level of output