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CLEP Social Sciences And History
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1. Coined the term sociology in 1838 to demarcate the field - its subject matter - and methods.
theological stage
Auguste Comte
sociological imagination
scientific perspective
2. Researcher try to understand either causal or correlational relationships between variables - either independent or dependent variables.
explanatory survey
theological stage
qualitative methods
3. Personal observation and description of social life in order to explain behavior - this methods entails the loss of precision but achieves a deeper grasp of the texture of social life.
social sciences
random sample
qualitative methods
structural functionalism
4. Inspired by writings of Emile Durkeim and Herbert Spencer which said the components of a society are interdependent - with each one serving a function necessary for the survival of the system as a whole.
deductive theory
Harriet Martineau
structural functionalism
quantitative methods
5. A type of sampling where the nth unit in a list is selected for inclusion in the sample. For example - every 50th resident listed in a phone book of a given area.
independent variable
systematic sampling
random sample
Robert Merton
6. The science or discipline that studies societies - social groups - and the relationships between people.
structural functionalism
Auguste Comte
representative sample
7. A means to advance human welfare through self-realization - full development of the cultivated personality - improvement of the human social condition.
causal relationship
humanistic perspective
Auguste Comte
8. Believed that a certain quality of mind is required in order to understand ourselves in relation to society.
C. Wright Mills
Talcott Parsons
correlational relationship
Emile Durkheim
9. The quality of mind that seeks to expand the role of freedom - choice - and conscious decision in history by means of knowledge. Personal troubles often reflect broader social issues and problems.
Robert Merton
sociological imagination
10. Advocated grand theory - involving the building of a theory of society based on aspects of the real world to form a society as a stable system of interrelated parts.
experimental group
random sample
Talcott Parsons
theological stage
11. A variable that is being influenced by another variable.
Herbert Spencer
Robert Merton
dependent variable
social sciences
12. A group of subjects not exposed to the same condition as an experimental group.
control group
stratified sampling
social sciences
13. Proposed building middle range theories from a limited number of assumptions for which hypotheses are derived. Also distinguished between manifest or intended - latent unintended - consequences of existing elements of social structure that are either
causal relationship
positive stage
scientific perspective
Robert Merton
14. One that influences another variable.
stratified sampling
experimental group
qualitative methods
independent variable
15. A sample that is relatively accurate in reflecting the population from which it is drawn.
Karl Marx
representative sample
survey method
16. One who focuses on a number of different levels of analysis in understanding social life - social interaction within groups - social structure.
C. Wright Mills
Auguste Comte
humanistic perspective
17. A relationship that exists when a change in one variable coincides with - but does not cause - a change in another variable.
C. Wright Mills
dependent variable
correlational relationship
control group
18. A sample where every member of the population has the same chance of being chose for a study - and selecting as many as are thought necessary to achieve representativeness.
theological stage
survey method
random sample
19. Auguste Comte's belief that scientists look to the real world for an explanation of what is observed.
qualitative methods
dependent variable
metaphysical stage
20. Observed England's social patterns during social change in Europe (1802 - 1876).
dependent variable
representative sample
Harriet Martineau
21. A technique of differentiating between factors that may or may not influence the relationship between variable.
Talcott Parsons
inductive theory
stratified sampling
22. Perspectives of symbolic interaction - dramaturgy - and ethnomethodology.
C. Wright Mills
random sample
Max Weber
23. Auguste Comte's belief that scientists look toward the supernatural realm of ideas for explanation of what is observed.
conflict theory
theological stage
explanatory survey
24. Concerned with psychology with its emphasis on behavior and mental processes - social life - economic with its emphasis on production - distribution - and consumption of goods - political science with emphasis on political philosophy and forms of gov
quantitative methods
explanatory survey
Harriet Martineau
social sciences
25. Believed that society follows a natural evolutionary path toward something better.
Herbert Spencer
deductive theory
sociological imagination
26. Proceeds from the concrete observations from which general conclusions are inferred through a process of reasoning.
Max Weber
inductive theory
27. Auguste Comte's belief that the definitive stage of all knowledge in the search for general ideas or laws. With such knowledge of how society is held together and how society changes - predictions on how people will react can be made - therefore cont
quantitative methods
positive stage
causal relationship
28. A type of sampling that uses the differences that already exist in a population as the basis for selecting a sample i.e. - male/female. The researcher can then determine the percentage of each group - then randomly select a number of persons to be st
stratified sampling
social sciences
inductive theory
experimental group
29. A group of subjects exposed to a particular condition in a study.
Max Weber
independent variable
survey method
experimental group
30. Sought to explain the origins of capitalism.
structural functionalism
metaphysical stage
Max Weber
31. A research method where subjects are interviewed about their opinions - beliefs - behavior - in a series of questions - to aid the researcher in collecting information about general population characteristics or collecting information about some even
humanistic perspective
C. Wright Mills
Emile Durkheim
survey method
32. Studied suicide.
social sciences
representative sample
Emile Durkheim
C. Wright Mills
33. Proceeds from general ideas - knowledge - or understanding of the social world from which specific hypotheses are logically deduced and tested.
deductive theory
scientific perspective
independent variable
causal relationship
34. When a change in one variable causes or forces a change in another variable.
C. Wright Mills
Auguste Comte
correlational relationship
causal relationship
35. Developed by Max Weber as a means of characterizing and interpreting by applying reason to external and inner context of specific social situations - such as the origins of Western capitalism.
Harriet Martineau
36. Initiated from actual observation and built into a general theory.
explanatory survey
social sciences
37. The theoretical giant of communist thought whose prophecies are still hotly debated.
conflict theory
Karl Marx
metaphysical stage
38. Making use of statistical and other mathematical techniques of quantification or measurement in an effort to describe and interpret observations.
conflict theory
control group
quantitative methods
explanatory survey
39. One of three approaches to recent sociology studies. Views society as being characterized by conflict and inequality. Questions such factors as race - gender - social class - and age and the unequal distribution of socially valued goods and rewards (
Talcott Parsons
stratified sampling
conflict theory
metaphysical stage
40. Generated from theory and tested through actual observation.
explanatory survey
structural functionalism
Harriet Martineau
41. Primarily concerned with acquiring objective empirical knowledge and not with the uses to which such knowledge is put. Concerned with 'what it' and not with 'what should be.'
experimental group
causal relationship
scientific perspective
Robert Merton