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Clinical Surgery

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What would you tell patients about their recovery from inguinal hernia repair?

2. Simple cysts are found in 33% of patients by the age of 60. How should they be managed?

3. What do you know about thyroid adenomas?

4. What do you know about the epidemiology of hypertrophic scars?

5. What are the causes of atrial fibrillation?

6. What are telangiectasias?

7. If the patient has noticed pale stools and dark urine - what other questions would you ask?

8. What are the features of an indirect inguinal hernia?

9. What is the classic presentation of renal cell carcinoma?

10. What other part of the body can be affected by hyperhidrosis?

11. How do true umbilical herniae occur?

12. What are the features of infantile polycystic kidney disease?

13. What are the four commonest types of malignant melanoma?

14. What is the one-year survival of amputations?

15. What associations of coarctation are you aware of?

16. What will you observe on angiography of a chemodectoma?

17. What is the non-surgical treatment of venous ulcers?

18. What are the other options other than open AAA repair?

19. What are the two types of complications of thyroidectomy?

20. Assuming a patient has obstructive jaundice - how should this patient be investigated?

21. What elements are ascertained in a thyroid history with regards to symptoms arising from the swelling?

22. Large hernia

23. Where is the midinguinal point?

24. What is the adequate treatment for minimal lesion(less than 1cm) in thyroid cancer?

25. What are the causes of neuropathic ulcers?

26. How do carcinomas of the oesophagus present?

27. How do you treat a thyroglossal cyst?

28. Lobectomy

29. How should epididymal cysts be managed?

30. What is the differential diagnosis of a malignant melanoma?

31. What are the vital points to be taken into consideration when examining the neck?

32. What are the causes of a mass in the left iliac fossa?

33. What are the indications for preoperative Duplex ultrasound scanning

34. What are the arterial symptoms in thoracic outlet obstruction more commonly due to?

35. What is the differential diagnosis of a testicular tumour?

36. What are the indications for an amputation?

37. How would you treat a branchial cyst?

38. What are the main points to be elicited during a clerking of the surgical patient?

39. When considering the treatment of a disease in a surgical patients - What are the important modalities of treatment which should be considered?

40. What is Frey's syndrome?

41. Which are the respiratory causes of digital clubbing?

42. What investigations may help confirm the diagnosis of thoracic outlet obstruction?

43. What are the surgical problems associated with AF?

44. How should one treat a sebaceous cyst?

45. What is the difference between a false and a true aneurysm?

46. When should the drains be removed post-surgery?

47. What are the two types of complications of amputations?

48. What are the early side-effects of radiotherapy?

49. What is the pathogenesis of a congenital dermoid cyst?

50. Raynaud's syndrome