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Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents

2. Creates a date/time object that defines a time period. You can add or subtract it from other date/time objects and use it with the cachedwithin attribute of <CFQUERY>.

3. Invokes a custom tag for use in ColdFusion application pages. Used to avoid custom tag name conflicts

4. Name of parent component from which to inherit methods and properties

5. Available to a locally executing page or component method

6. Determines whether a string is well-formed XML text.

7. Converts an XML document that is represented as a string variable into an XML document object.

8. Used to incrementally output a CFML page request to the web browser before a CFML page is completely processed

9. Will stop execution of the entire page and not return control back to the calling page.

10. Uses an XPath language expression to search an XML document that is represented as a string variable. Returns an array of XML object nodes that match the search criteria.

11. Determines whether a directory exists. Returns Yes - if the specified directory exists; No - otherwise.

12. Invokes a component method from within a ColdFusion page or component - or invokes a web service.

13. Escapes special XML characters in a string - so that the string is safe to use with XML.

14. Runs at the beginning of the request. It is useful for user authorization (login handling) - and for request-specific variable initialization - such as gathering performance statistics.

15. Writes a message to a log file

16. Creates a ColdFusion XML document object that contains the markup in the tag body.

17. Defines a function that you can call in CFML. Required to defined ColdFusion component methods.

18. Serializes and deserializes CFML data structures to the XML-based WDDX format. The WDDX is an XML vocabulary for describing complex data structures in a standard - generic way. Implementing it lets you use the HTTP protocol to such information among

19. Determines the type of an XML document object node. Returns a string identifying the XML node type

20. Creates a date/time object that defines a time period. You can add or subtract it from other date/time objects and use it with the cached within attribute of <CFQUERY>.

21. Determines whether a function parameter is an XML document object element. Returns true - if the function argument is an XML document object element; False - otherwise.

22. Generates a URL-encoded string. For example - it replaces spaces with %20 - and non-alphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences.

23. Stores a copy of a page on the server and/or client computer - to improve page rendering performance. To do this - the tag creates temporary files that contain the static HTML returned from a ColdFusion page. Use this tag if it is not necessary to ge

24. Determines whether a function parameter is an Extended Markup language (XML) document object. Returns true - if the function argument is an XML document object; False - otherwise.

25. Flushes the query cache

26. Uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema to validate an XML text document or an XML document object.

27. Use this method for any clean-up activities that your application requires when it shuts down - such as saving data in memory to a database - or to log the application end to a file. You cannot use this method to display data on a user page - because

28. Returns the filename - path - parent directory - type - size - when the file was most recently modified - whether the file has read permission - write permission - and if it is hidden?

29. Creates a ColdFusion object - of a specified type

30. Sets permissions on directories. It applies only to UNIX/LINUX OSes and is used when the ACTION attribute is set to CREATE.

31. Determines the value associated with a key in a structure. Returns the value associated with a key in a structure; if structure does not exist - throws an exception.

32. Determines whether a CFC is being called as a web service. Returns true if CFC is being called as a web service - otherwise false is returned.

33. This tag aborts processing of the currently executing CFML custom tag - exits the page within the currently executing CFML custom tag - or re-executes a section of code within the currently executing CFML custom tag

34. Errors recognized by server-side type validation. Cannot include CFML tags - but you can display values of the error variables by enclosing them in number signs (#) - as in #Error.InvalidFields#.

35. Available only to the component that declares the method - components that extend the component - or any other components in the package

36. Executes a ColdFusion developer-specified process on a server computer.

37. Displays and logs debugging data about the state of an application at the time the tag executes. Tracks runtime logic flow - variable values - and execution time. Displays output at the end of the request or in the debugging section at the end of the

38. Converts a value to a string. ColdFusion has the ability to convert an XML document object to a string by using this function.

39. Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents and inserts <pre> and</pre> tags at the beginning and end of the string

40. Attribute of the <CFINVOKE> that allows you to pass parameters to web services. Name of a structure; associative array of arguments to pass to the method.

41. Gets the position of a child element within an XML document object

42. Available to a locally or remotely executing page or component method - or a remote client through a URL - Flash - or a web service. To publish the function as a web service - this option is required.

43. Determines whether a function parameter is the root element of an XML document object. Returns true - if the function argument is the root object of an XML document object; False - otherwise

44. Creates an XML document object element. Returns an XML document object element. The other choices are not valid ColdFusion functions.

45. Verifies the data type of a query parameter and - for DBMSs that support bind variables - enables ColdFusion to use bind variables in the SQL statement. Bind variable usage enhances performance when executing a <CFQUERY> statement multiple times. Thi

46. Returns result values from a component method.

47. Applies an XSLT to an XML document object that is represented as a string variable. An XSLT converts an XML document to another format or representation by applying an XSL stylesheet to it. Returns a string; an XML document after the XSLT is applied.

48. Invokes a custom tag for use in ColdFusion application pages. This tag processes custom tag name conflicts

49. Runs when an uncaught exception occurs in the application. Use this method to handle errors in an application-specific manner. This method overrides any error handlers that you set in the ColdFusion Administrator or in cferror tags. It does not overr

50. Attribute of the <CFFEED> tag is used only for the create action with a query attribute. It is a structure that specifies a mapping between the names of the columns in the object specified by the query attribute and the columns of the ColdFusion feed