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College Success Skills Vocab

Subjects : literacy, soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Likes routine - structure - and deadlines. They tend to be convergent thinkers because they are good at looking at several unrelated times and bringing them to order.

2. The ability to control your impulses - to think beyond the moment - and to consider how your words and actions affect yourself and others before you act.

3. The inner drive that moves you to action.

4. Professional and peer staff who help you in planning general education and answers many questions - helps you register - and instructs you about deadlines and other important information.

5. Innovative - flexible - spontaneous - creative - and idealistic. Creators are risk takers; they love drama - style - and imaginative design. They like fresh ideas and are passionate about their work. The key word for them is experience.

6. Positive self-talk - the internal dialogue - you carry on with yourself that counter self-defeating patterns of thought with more positive - hopeful - and realistic thoughts.

7. Choosing to see a situation in a new way.

8. Prefers to see information and read material - and learns most effectively with pictures - graphs - illustrations - diagrams - time lines - photos - pie charts - and visual designs.

9. Time you spend maintaining yourself. Activities such as eating - sleeping - grooming - exercising - and maintaining your home.

10. The ability to control your impulses - to think beyond the moment - and to consider how your words and actions affect yourself and others before you act.

11. The inner drive that moves you to action.

12. Professional and peer staff who review transcripts and major contracts and perform degree checks.

13. Developed in the 1950s by Walter Pauk at Cornell. It is effective for integrating text and lecture notes.

14. Energized by time alone - solitude - and relfection - preferring the world of ideas and thoughts. They tend to have a small but close set of friends and are more prone to self-doubt.

15. Time you spend maintaining yourself. Activities such as eating - sleeping - grooming - exercising - and maintaining your home.

16. Tends to be cooperative - honest - sensitive - warm - and understanding. They relate well to others. They value harmony and are informal - approachable - and tactful. The key word for them is feeling.

17. Innovative - flexible - spontaneous - creative - and idealistic. Creators are risk takers; they love drama - style - and imaginative design. They like fresh ideas and are passionate about their work. The key word for them is experience.

18. Using your imagination to see your goals clearly and to envision yourself successfully engaging in new - positive behavior.

19. You are fully focused with the intent on understanding the speaker. It is a consuming activity that requires physical and mental attention - energy - concentration - and discipline.

20. Dependable - self-directed - conscientious - efficient - decisive - and results-oriented. They like to be the leader of groups and respond to other people's ideas when they are logical and reasonable. Their strength is in the practical application of

21. Using many different note taking styles.

22. Likes to analyze problems with facts - rational logic - and analysis. They tend to be unemotional and use a systematic evaluation of data and facts for problem solving.

23. Students over the age of 25 who return to college in order to complete or further their education.

24. Right brain dominant people like variety - flexibility - creativity - and innovations - and tend to be divergent thinkers because they branch out from one idea to many.

25. A form of cheating - since it is presenting someone else's ideas as if they were your own.

26. Students over the age of 25 who return to college in order to complete or further their education.

27. A center that provides general education advising and answers general questions and specific concerns about policies - procedures - graduation requirements - and deadlines.

28. A person (such as a coach - instructor - employer - or colleague) Who is a role model and who supports your goals - takes an interest in your professional and personal development - and helps you achieve - either directly through instruction or indir

29. Energized by time alone - solitude - and relfection - preferring the world of ideas and thoughts. They tend to have a small but close set of friends and are more prone to self-doubt.

30. The person at your school who will help you to navigate academic life. Your advisor will help you clarify procedures - answer other academic concerns or questions - create a major contract - and refer you to offices on campus that can best meet your

31. Developed in the 1950s by Walter Pauk at Cornell. It is effective for integrating text and lecture notes.

32. Uses Roman numerals and capital letters to outline headings - main topics - and points - and supporting points are highlighted with lowercase letters and numbers.

33. Time devoted to school - labs - studying - work - commuting - and other activities involving the immediate and long-term goals you have committed to accomplishing.

34. The principles of conduct that govern a group or society.

35. Prefers orderly - planned - structured learning and working environments. They like control and closure.

36. Also called a think link - is a visual - holistic form of note taking.

37. A center that provides general education advising and answers general questions and specific concerns about policies - procedures - graduation requirements - and deadlines.

38. Usually well coordinated - likes to touch things - and learns best by doing. They like to collect samples - write out information - spend time outdoors - and relate to the material they are learning.

39. A form of cheating - since it is presenting someone else's ideas as if they were your own.


41. Likes routine - structure - and deadlines. They tend to be convergent thinkers because they are good at looking at several unrelated times and bringing them to order.

42. A rule that says 80% of your results flow out of 20% of the activities.

43. The ability to understand and manage yourself and relate effectively with others.

44. A way to order and arrange thoughts and materials to help you remember information.

45. Right brain dominant people like variety - flexibility - creativity - and innovations - and tend to be divergent thinkers because they branch out from one idea to many.

46. Feels more comfortable with theories - abstraction - imagination - and speculations. They respond to their intuition and rely on hunches and nonverbal perceptions.

47. A way to order and arrange thoughts and materials to help you remember information.

48. A rule that says 80% of your results flow out of 20% of the activities.

49. Deliberately putting off tasks.

50. The ability to understand and manage yourself and relate effectively with others.