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Common Logical Flaws
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1. The author assumes as true What is supposed to be proved
Circular Reasoning
Error of Composition
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
Time-Shift Errors
2. Occurs when the author attributes a characteristic of the whole to a part of the group
Appeal to Emotion
Source Argument (Ad Hominem Attack)
Error of Division
Errors in the Use of Evidence
3. Occurs when an author makes conflicting statements
False Analogy
False Dilemma
Internal Contradiction
Numbers and Percentage Errors
4. Occurs when the author attributes a characteristic of part of the group to the group as a whole or to each member of the group
Numbers and Percentage Errors
Error of Composition
Errors of Conditional Reasoning
False Dilemma
5. The author improperly equates a percentage with a definite quantity or uses quantity information to make a judgment about the percentage represented by that quantity.
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
Internal Contradiction
Numbers and Percentage Errors
Errors of Conditional Reasoning
6. The author attempts to attack an opponent's position by ignoring the actual statements made by the opposing speaker and instead distorts the argument - making it weaker in the process
Source Argument (Ad Hominem Attack)
Straw Man
Mistaken Cause and Effect
Internal Contradiction
7. Uses the opinion of an authority in an attempt to persuade the reader
Survey Errors
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
Appeal to Emotion
Appeal to Authority
8. The author mistakes a necessary condition for a sufficient condition - or vise-versa
Errors of Conditional Reasoning
Error of Division
Mistaken Cause and Effect
Source Argument (Ad Hominem Attack)
9. This error states that a position is true because the majority believes it to be true
False Dilemma
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
Straw Man
Appeal to Popular Opinion
10. 1. Assuming a causal relationship on the basis of the sequence of events 2. Assuming a causal relationship when only a correlation exists 3. Failure to consider an alternative cause for the effect 4. Failure to consider that the events may be reverse
Errors in the Use of Evidence
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
Mistaken Cause and Effect
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
11. 1. Lack of evidence for a position is take to prove that position is false. 2. Lack of evidence against a position is taken to prove that position is true.
Errors in the Use of Evidence
Circular Reasoning
Error of Division
Mistaken Cause and Effect
12. 1. The survey uses a biased sample. 2. The survey questions are improperly constructed. 3. Respondents to the survey give inaccurate responses.
Source Argument (Ad Hominem Attack)
Mistaken Cause and Effect
Error of Composition
Survey Errors
13. Assumes that only two courses of action are available when there may be others
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
False Dilemma
Time-Shift Errors
Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization
14. Takes a small number of instances and treats those instances as if they support a broad - sweeping conclusion (often appears as an incorrect answer)
False Dilemma
Errors of Conditional Reasoning
Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
15. This type of flawed argument attacks the person (or source) instead of the argument advanced
Source Argument (Ad Hominem Attack)
Circular Reasoning
Numbers and Percentage Errors
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
16. Occurs when emotions or emotionally-charged language is used in an attempt to persuade the reader
Appeal to Emotion
Appeal to Authority
Straw Man
Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization
17. Assumes that conditions will remain constant over time - and that what was the case in the past will be case in the future.
Time-Shift Errors
Appeal to Popular Opinion
False Analogy
Circular Reasoning
18. The author uses an analogy too dissimilar to the original situation to be applicable
Appeal to Authority
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
Survey Errors
False Analogy
19. The author misuses information to such a degree that they fail to provide any information to support their conclusion or present information irrelevant to the conclusion
Mistaken Cause and Effect
Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion
Numbers and Percentage Errors
Error of Division
20. Using a term in different ways is inherently confusing and undermines the integrity of the argument
Uncertain Use of a Term or Concept (Equivocation)
Survey Errors
Error of Division
Straw Man