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Complete Advanced Sentences

Subjects : english, grammar
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Although Alfred _____ in fulfilling his duties at work - he is less conscientious about meeting his obligations at home.

2. Even though she knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch - Joan of Arc refused to _____ her belief that her voices came from God.

3. She kept all the receipts form her business trip in order to _____ her expenses for the Internal Revenue Service.

4. The mayor was unwilling to _____ the plan until she was sure it had the governor's backing.

5. Although her _____ smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem to be a sweet little old lady - in reality she was a tough-minded - shrewd observer of human nature.

6. Suppose you are accepted by Harvard - Stanford - and Yale. Which one would you attend? Remember - this is only a _____ situation.

7. Tina was still angry despite Tony's soft and _____ words.

8. Uncertain which suitor she ought to accept - the princess _____ - first favoring one and then the other.

9. What _____ did you use when you selected this essay as the prizewinner?

10. Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next - she was confused by the _____ of her feelings.

11. By their use of the Internet - propagandists have been able to _____ their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.

12. The young princess made the foolish _____ that the regent would not object to her taking the reins of power.

13. The attorney came up with several far-fetched arguments in a vain attempt to _____ his weak case.

14. Othello's false friend lago uses considerable _____ to trick Othello into believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him

15. When I saw how Fred and his fraternity brothers had trashed the frat house - I decided to _____ my offer to let them use our summer cottage over spring break.

16. Although some girls were attracted by Mark's air of _____ - Judy was put off by it - for she felt his aloofness indicated a lack of openness.

17. When Elizabeth realized that Darcy considered himself too good to dance with his inferiors - she took great offense at his _____.

18. Someone mute cannot talk; someone _____ can hardly stop talking.

19. To win his audience - the speaker used every _____ trick in the book.

20. Because Webster's dictionary had grown so large and unwieldy - the publishers decided to _____ it and bring out a condensed version.

21. The store manager tried to _____ the angry customer by offering to replace the damaged merchandise or return her money.

22. At commencement - the dean praised Ellen for her _____ behavior as class president.

23. Though his fellow students considered him a gifted scholar - Paul knew he would have to spend many years in serious study before he could consider himself truly _____.

24. A pragmatic politician - he was guided more by what was _____ than by what was right.

25. After a decade of popularity - Hurston's works had fallen into _____; no one bothered to read her novels and short stories any more.

26. Though Huck was quite willing to _____ Tom's story - Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them.

27. I am a _____ about the proposed new health plan; I want some proof that it will work.

28. Galileo's assertion that the earth moved around the sun directly contradicted the religious teachings of his day; as a result - he was tried for _____.

29. Rejecting the candidate's _____ comments on tax reform - the reporter pressed him to state clearly where he stood on the issue.

30. The reviewers heaped _____ on the novice playwright - ridiculing his pretentious dialogue - flat characters - and simple-minded plot.

31. The stereotypical cowboy is a _____ soul - answering lengthy questions with a simple 'yep' or 'nope.'

32. After the quarrel - Gina said nothing could _____ her to talk to Pedro again.

33. Josh is such a greedy _____ that - as soon as the earthquake struck - he tripled the price of bottled water at his store.

34. Her wealthy suitors wooed her with _____ gifts.

35. The reviewers praised the new restaurant's _____ selection of dishes - which ranged from Asian stir fries to French ragouts and stews.

36. Cool - calm - and collected - James Bond shows remarkable _____ in the face of danger.

37. In a fiery speech - Mario _____ his fellow students to go out on strike to protest the university's anti-affirmative action stand.

38. At the protest rally - the students cheered the strikers and booed the dean with equal _____.

39. The conceited rap star relished the _____ he received from his groupies and yes-men.

40. Tourists are urged not to _____ the sanctity of holy places by wearing immodest garb.

41. According to Sherlock Homes - the very point that appears to complicate a case - when duly considered and scientifically handled - is the one most likely to _____ it.

42. An occasional glass of wine with dinner is relatively _____ and should have no ill effect on you.

43. Violently disagreeing with the referees' ruling - Coach Ben became so _____ that they threw him out of the game.

44. The boss prefaced his speech by telling a pointless _____ about an encounter he'd had with former President Bush.

45. His coarse - hard-bitten exterior _____ his inner sensitivity.

46. This alleged fiscal crisis is no crisis at all. it is based on _____ claims about financial institutions and on scare stories about impending economic ruin.

47. The recent corruption scandals have _____ many people's faith in the city government.

48. It is _____ that his success came when he least wanted it.

49. Acetone is an extremely _____ liquid: it vaporizes instantly.

50. Although the movie star was no genius - she was sufficiently _____ to tell her true friends from the countless phonies who flattered her.