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Computer Literacy

Subjects : literacy, it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Everything to the left except the date - closing - signature - typed name and senders address are to the middle semi-colon

2. A discrete collection of information you create with a computer program - including memos - pictures - budgets - text - and so on.

3. Minimum

4. The study and designing of products to help reduce the stress & make a product more comfortable to the user helping increase the users' productivity

5. The location of a specific cell or range expressed by the coordinates of column and row; for example - A1. (spreadsheet application)

6. Term used to describe the process of switching back and forth between settings or between programs

7. A generic text editor included with MS that enables someone to open and read plain text files

8. The cell in which you are working - indicated by the current location of the cell pointer.

9. Copy of text stored on the computer and only accessible through the computer

10. Term used to describe a computer keyboard key that has one or more function

11. This is a picture or an image.

12. A word or character that causes the computer to do something. A command is a request or directions given to a computer.

13. Text or an image that is connected by hypertext coding to a different location. By selecting the text or image with a mouse - the computer 'jumps to' (or displays) the linked text.

14. Microsoft software presentation program that allows a user to create a slide show of important notes that can be easily shown and moved through during a presentation

15. Location of stored activities or events occurring to a computer or network

16. Document commonly written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or through another network using a browser

17. The overall appearance of a document - image - text or other medium designed to be more appeasing to the viewer or help locate or identify the medium being looked at

18. Many computers that are connected like a web so you can see what other computer operators show you and you can show them things as well.

19. A letter - number or other symbol.

20. Computer software that performs a task or set of tasks - such as word processing or drawing. Applications are also referred to as programs.

21. The pre-defined configuration of a system or an application. In most programs - the defaults can be changed to reflect personal preferences.

22. Magnetic tape drive capable of moving the tape through the tapes drive's read

23. Provides access to begin programs - documents & access internet information

24. More than one or something that can be multiplied

25. A picture or graphics file that can be inserted on a web page and displayed in a browser.

26. A vertical or horizontal bar commonly located on the far right or bottom of a window that allows a user to move the window viewing area up - down - left - or right.

27. The default document name in Excel

28. Viewing portion of a display

29. A box that helps you edit the parameters defined by the user that help determine how a printed page will appear.

30. A character displayed on the screen to prompt the user to take some action. The most common prompt is the 'C prompt' in which the computer hard drive or 'C' requests directions on what the computer should perform next.

31. Cable TV

32. The rectangular area - above the worksheet window - that displays a cell's contents - including numbers - text - and formulas - when you click a cell. You can use the formula bar to enter and edit data in the active cell.

33. Any character that is 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - or 0

34. A FTP command used to upload a file to a remote computer.

35. Programs currently being worked on

36. When a machine - object etc. is capable of performing a task

37. The horizontal strip across the top of an application's window. Each word on the strip has a context sensitive drop-down menu containing features and actions that are available for the application in use.

38. Internet Service Provider

39. A box that allows the process of a computer transferring data to a computer printer and generating a hard copy of the electronic data being printed.

40. Any character that is not considered a number or symbol

41. An early operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Disc Operating System).

42. A general term used to describe what you see on your screen when you're using a computer. This may include video effects - tables - letters - or numbers.

43. The type of money used in a certain place

44. A generic text editor included with Microsoft Windows that enables someone to open and read plaintext files

45. A tool where the numbering happens automatically

46. Hardware peripheral that allows computer users to input audio into computers

47. A device - such as a keyboard - stylus and tablet - mouse - puck - or microphone - that allows input of information (letters - numbers - sound - video) to a computer.

48. Command or option used to close a program or file.

49. The process of transferring information from a computer to a web site (or other remote location on a network). v. To transfer information from a computer to a web site (or other remote location on a network).

50. A space reserved for a person's signature