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Counseling Vocab

Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Having a sense of honor; upright and fair dealing

2. A stage moral development in which the inididual is characterized as not understanding the rules or feeling a sense of obligation to them. looking to experience only that which is good or pleasant or to avoid that which is painful.

3. That branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct - with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certian actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions (webster)

4. The study of death

5. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

6. Intervention with people whose needs are so specific that usually they can only be met by specifically trained physicians or psychologists. The practicioners in this field need special training because they often work with deeper levels of consciousn

7. An adjustment process which involves grief or sorrow over a period of time and helps in the reorganization of the life on an individual following a loss of death of someone loved

8. Centering a client's thinking and feelings on the situation causing a problem and assisting the person in choosing the behavior or adjustment to solve the problem

9. A belief in god or gods

10. A stage of moral development in which the individual considers universal moral principles which supersede the authority of the group

11. The killing of one human being by another

12. The reaction of the body to an even often experienced emotionally as a sudden - violent and upsetting disturbance

13. The ability to communicate the belief that everyone possesses the capacity and right to choose alternatives and make decisions

14. The asumption of blame directed toward one's self by others

15. Related to specific sitations in life that may create crisis and produce human pain and suffering. This type of couseling adds another diminsion to the giving of information in that it deals with significant feelings that are produced by life crises

16. Grief extending over a long period of time without resolution

17. According to client-centered counseling - the necessary quality of a counselor being in touch with reality and other's perception of one-self.

18. Preoccupied and intense thoughts about the deceased

19. The experience of the emotion of grief

20. A general term for the exchange of information - feelings - thoughts and acts between two or more people - including both verbal and nonverbal aspects o fthis interchange

21. A defense mechanism in which anger is redirected toward a person or object other than the one who caused the anger originally.

22. Inhibited - suppressed or postponed responce to a loss

23. An organized - flexible - purposeful - group centered - time-limited response to death which reflects revernce - dignity and respect

24. The intense physical and emotional expression of grief occuring as the awareness increases of a loss of someone or something significant

25. Adjustments - motivational in nature - to be achieved

26. Providing a choice of services and merchandise available as families make a selection and complete funeral arrangements - formulating different actions in adjustine to a crisis

27. Occur when persons experience symptoms and behaviors which cause them difficulty but they do not see or recognise the fact that these are related to the loss

28. To assist in understanding of the circumstances or situations the individual is experiencing - and to assist that person in the selection of an alternative adjustment if necessary

29. Good comminication within and between men; or good free communication within or between men is always therapeutic

30. The study of human behavior

31. Moral principles that vary with circumstance

32. Blame directed towards another person

33. Expressing a though or idea in an alternate and sometimes a shortened form

34. Blame directed toward one's self based on real or unreal conditions

35. Crib death. the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant - which remains unexplained after a complete autopsy and a review of the circumstances around the death

36. A deliberate act of self destruction

37. A strong emotion characterized by sudden and extreme fear.

38. Helping people facilitate uncomplicated grief to a healthly completion of the tasks of grieving within a reasonable time frame

39. Strong emotion marked by such reactions as alarm - dread - and disquieting

40. The individual seeking assistance or guidance

41. Guilt felt by the survivors

42. Fidelity to moral principles

43. Advice - especially that given as a result of consultation

44. A relation of harmony - conformity - accord - or affinity established in any human interaction

45. A philosophy that does not focus on the worship of a god or gods.

46. Feelings such as happiness - anger or grief - careated by brain patterns accompanied by bodily changes

47. A formal act or observance that may or may not have symbolic content

48. A state of tension - typically characterized by rapid heartbeat - shortness of breath and other similar ramifications of arousal of the autonomic nervous system; an emotion characterized by a vague fear or promonition that something undesirable is go

49. Detailed examples of adjustments - choices - or alternatives available to the client or counselee from which a course of action may be selected

50. Sincere feelings for the person who is trying to adjust to a serious loss