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CSET Domain 2 Performing Arts Music

Subjects : cset, performing-arts, music
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The faster the ________ - the higher the pitch

2. Some of the mouthpieces are made up of a thin piece of wood - called a...

3. Octaves of 12 notes - also came in the 12th century

4. Often associated with being part of a family - As in human families - the instruments are related to each other Instruments within a family are often manufactured from the same types of materials

5. An elaborate musical composition - many of which are between 20 and 45 minutes in length

6. Musical selections should be chosen based on the physical development of students' voices - Listening while singing should be encouraged to develop interpretive skills and understanding of the structure and elements of music



9. A recurring group of notes - such as the four notes played at the beginning of (and restated throughout) Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

10. Typically - a multi - movement instrumental work for solo keyboard - or keyboard and another instrument - or small chamber ensemble

11. Each note has a specific duration represented by a solid black or hollow oval shape - Some have flags and others have stems attached representing different values

12. (Staves) - A set of five horizontal lines and four spaces - This is where notes are positioned - The higher the note on a staff - the higher the pitch

13. If the tempo is fast - the mood of the music changes to reflect more...

14. A drama - either tragic or comic - that sung to an orchestral accompaniment - Often based on biblical stories - Typically a large - scale composition with vocal soloists - a chorus - and orchestra

15. Hearing the sounds of music - Children engage in attentive listening and further develop aural acuity - This means that children must be able to hear and reproduce the tones of music in their minds when no sound is actually being produced

16. String instruments are usually played with a bow - but they may also be plucked (________)

17. The unique tonal quality of a musical sound - The tone 'color' - It could be described as bright - shrill - brittle - or light; or it could be dull - harsh - forceful - or dark - makes one instrument sound different from another

18. A work - usually identified by a number

19. An instrumental ensemble composed of strings - woodwinds - brass - and percussion

20. Two or more melodic lines - appeared at the end of the 12th century

21. Puccini (Italian) and his operas Madama Butterfly and La Boh

22. An ancient harp

23. The combination of tones that produces a quality of relaxation

24. Polyphonic emphasis on harmony (in which two or more notes are sounded simultaneously as in a chord); sacred (liturgical - such as masses); secular (madrigals/songs)

25. The slower the vibration - the _____ the pitch

26. The treble clef for the higher range of notes - and the bass clef for the lower range of notes

27. These curvy - wooden - shaped bodies are the largest family of the orchestra - Strings stretch over the body and neck of the instrument and attach to small ornamental heads where they are tuned by turning pegs

28. Produce sound through breath as the vibrations from the players' lips buzz against a metal - cup - shaped mouthpiece

29. Tempo is an important component to change the expressiveness of character and ____ of the musical composition

30. String - woodwind - brass - and percussion

31. Dynamics - Harmony - Pitch - Rhythm - Tempo - Tone - Timbre

32. The reed is used on the...

33. Make higher - pitched sounds - small in size

34. The pattern of musical movement through time - What makes music move and flow - Measured in units of time and organized by sets or patterns that can be repeated - The way sounds beat within different lengths and accents that combine into patterns

35. When you play several different notes at the same time on a piano - you are using harmony - You can change how music sounds by...

36. The Church dominated society for most of the era (900 years); sacred music was the most prevalent (liturgical) - Musical notation originally consisted of just the pitch of the notes; notated rhythm was added at the end of the 12th century

37. Moving to music is a learned skill that promotes acuity of perceptions - A wide range of music and modes should be used

38. A musical form whose main feature is the return of the main theme - which alternates with secondary themes

39. Formed by barlines (vertical lines on the staff) and contains a set number of beats as determined by the time signature

40. The language system of writing music so the reader can see what is being communicated - Similar to using written words to communicate thoughts and ideas

41. Influence of blues (sorrowful black folk music) and jazz (roots in African rhythms and harmonies with modern instrumentation - improvisation - and syncopation) - Rock 'n' roll - R&B (rhythm and blues) - country - folk (cultural link - passed on by wo

42. Symphonic poem (orchestral work that portrayed a story) and concert overture (e.g. - Rossini's William Tell). Emphasis was on the sonata and symphony - and included the introduction of dissonance to create emotion; featuring virtuoso performers

43. A way to measure rhythmic units - It is noted at the beginning of a composition and looks like a mathematical fraction - The top number denotes the number of beats in a measure and the bottom number denotes what type of note will receive the beat

44. Based upon a short theme called a subject - The ____ subject contains both rhythmic and melodic motifs - The opening of the ____ is announced by one voice alone - A second voice then restates the subject - usually on a different scale - A third and t


46. String - woodwind - brass - percussion - keyboard - and electronic

47. Middle Ages/Medieval Music style - named after Pope Gregory I - was a melody set to sacred Latin texts. This monophonic style music (one melodic line and no accompaniment) was the official music of the Roman Catholic church

48. The first beat of a bar is typically a _______ beat - It is typified by a waltz in 3/4 time

49. Haydn - Mozart - and Beethoven

50. The structure of a song in which the first section of a simple ternary form is repeated