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CSET English Reading Understanding Text

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The point of view/perspective of a story when it is told by someone who stands outside the story

2. A literary technique in which the author uses clues to prepare readers for events that will occur later

3. The pattern of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllable - particularly in poetry

4. Type of diction; expressions usually accepted in informal situations

5. Rhyme that occurs within a line of verse

6. The continuation of a sentence from one line of a poem to another to complete meaning and grammatical structure (aka - a run - on)

7. A literary style in which the writer combines realistic characters - events - situations - and dialogue with elements that are magical - supernatural - or fantastic

8. The time and place in which the events of a literary work occur

9. Five feet per line of poetry

10. Rhyming of word at the ends of line

11. A narrator who gives a faulty or distorted account of the events in a story; a child as a narrator might misinterpret someone's actions

12. A type of pun - or play on words - that results when the speaker gets two words mixed up (ex: We watched the flamingo dancers all day)

13. Four feet per line of poetry

14. A wise saying - usually short and to the point; similar to epigram or maxim

15. Poetry in which characters are revealed through dialogue - monologue - and description

16. Persuasive writing

17. Verse that contains an irregular metrical pattern and line length; also called vers libre

18. An emphasis on themes - characters - settings - and customs of a particular geographical region

19. A figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole or a whole is used for its parts (ex: All hands on deck)

20. A form of dramatic poetry in which a speaker addresses a silent listener

21. The struggle - internal or external - between opposing forces in a work of literature

22. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for another that is related (ex: the crown=the king of a country)

23. The use of a word or phrase that imitates or suggests the sound it describes

24. Type of diction; specialized language used in a particular profession or content area

25. A pair of rhymed lines in iambic pentameter that work together to make a point or express an idea

26. A figure of speech that uses the word 'like' or 'as' to compare two unlike things

27. A metrical foot; // (stressed - stressed)

28. The point of highest emotional intensity or suspense in a literary work

29. The literal - or dictionary - meaning of a word

30. The rhythmic rise and fall of oral language

31. A short saying that expresses a general ruth or gives practical advice - usually about behavior and morality; similar to adage or aphorism

32. The central understanding about life as expressed in a work of literature; may be stated or expressed directly; usually implied or revealed gradually through events - dialogue - and outcome

33. A literary device in which the author interrupts the chronological order of a narrative to show something that happened in the past

34. A movement in early twentieth - century (1900s) poetry - which regarded the image as the essence of poetry

35. Verse that tells a story

36. A type of comedy with ridiculous characters - events - or situations

37. A significant word - phrase - idea - description - or other element repeated throughout a literary work and related to the theme

38. A long speech by a character in a literary work

39. The recurrence of sounds - words - phrases - lines - or stanzas in a literary work or speech

40. Conversation between characters in a literary work

41. A quotation from another work that suggests the main idea - or theme - of the work at hand

42. The perspective from which a story is told

43. The central character in a literary work - around whom the action revolves

44. A statement or situation that seems to be contradictory but actually makes sense (ex: the more I learn - the less I know)

45. Repetition of initial consonant sounds in words; used as musical device

46. Occurs at the ends of lines of poetry

47. Eight feet per line of poetry

48. The repetition of the same or similar vowel sounds in stressed syllables that end with different consonant sounds

49. A figure of speech in which opposite ideas are combined (ex: wise fool)

50. A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis