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CSET Multiple Subject Subtest 1: World History

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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 17th century Europe - elaborate and detailed artwork - drama - tension - exuberance - and grandeur in sculpture - painting - literature - and music

2. A war that broke out between the parliament supporters (roundheads) and the king's supporters (cavaliers). It ended with the execution of the king - Charles I

3. The Hitties - the Assyrians - Chaldeans - and the Phoenicians. Centralized Government and advancements in algebra and geometry.

4. Roman expansion resulted in a world republic. Emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranian.

5. Wars which - in the century after the death of Muhammed in 632 - created an empire stretching from Spain to the Indus Valley.

6. The French version of the American Declaration

7. They were polytheistic worshiping over 2000 gods and goddesses. They believed in the afterlife and that they would be judged for their life. They had sacred burials. Ruled by Pharoahs.

8. Established the new Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar (605-538 B.C.)- Conquered Mesopotamia - Syria - and Palestine Developed astrology - astronomy - advanced government bureaucracy - and architectural achievements such as the Hanging Gardens of

9. The scientific revolution brought about new mechanical inventions - The availability of investment capital and the rise of the middle class provided an economic base - Geographic and social conditions in England favored industrialization:

10. The art of ancient Greece and Rome - in which harmony - order - and proportion were emphasized

11. The term for The Univeral Soul in Hinduism.

12. The class of modern wage laborers who having no means of production of their own - are reducing to selling their labor power in order to live

13. An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds

14. (1776-1834) Theorized that population growth would far outstrip food production

15. Were United by Genghis Khan to capture all of asia - which they did except for India. Asia under Mongolian ruler till grandson of Gings (Kublai) died and there was an overturning.

16. Last of the mound - building cultures of North America; flourished between 800 and 1300 C.E.; featured large towns and ceremonial centers; lacked stone architecture of Central America.

17. The first great Christian philosopher. He was a sinner and did not believe but eventually was converted and he wrote CIty of God as well as Confession - he is also responsible for the doctrine of Original Sin

18. ...The House of Lords mainly consist of the peers and the people that have inherited their money. This House of Parliament has slowly lost its power to influence the system of government over the years.

19. The separation of people into different social groups like lower class - upper class. Clergy & nobility were the privileged class - peasants and artisans wer the work force and serfs were tied to the land.

20. Greek language and cultural accomplishments preserved. Center for world trade and exchange of culture. It spread civilization to all of eastern Europe. It preserved the Eastern Church which converted Slavic people to Christianity. Its economic streng

21. Mongolian emperor of China and grandson of Genghis Khan who completed his grandfather's conquest of China

22. The Vikings built fast ships where they would ship men and cargo from their land to charlemagnes empire to pilage and plunder.

23. 2000-1200 B.C. conquered much of Asia Minor & northern Mesopotamia; a major contribution included the invention of iron smelting - which revolutionized warfare.

24. The middle class - including merchants - industrialists - and professional people

25. The restoration of the monarchy began in 1660 when the English - Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Interregnum that followed the wars of the 3 kingdoms. Stuart rule was restored.

26. Comprised the Tigris & Euphrates Valley - the Fertile Crescent - and The Nile Valley. They had the first system of independent states and writing. Architectural achievements are the ziggurat & pyramid. the first codification of law. the first lasting

27. The first religion of Japan - 'The way of the Gods.' Shinto celebrates the mysteries and unforeseen forces of nature. Animistic. According to Shinto beliefs - divine spirits called kami are associated with the awesome forces of nature - such as rushi

28. This was a war between France and England between 1346 and 1453. It was fought over land in France that each wanted to control. The British began strongly - but with the help of Joan of Arc - the French rallied and eventually beat England. Two famous

29. River that provided for the needs of Ancient Egyptians and made their great civilization possible. Agriculture was the bases of the Egyptian Society.

30. Te monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran

31. First Bourbon king - most important kings in French history - rise to power ended French Civil Wars - gradual course to absolutism - politique - converted to Catholicism to gain loyalty of Paris

32. Developed their own language - a sophisticated systemof writing - literature and poetry - with great emphasis on a love of nature - beauty - and good manners.

33. The collapse of Rome and sweeping advances of Germanic and Viking raiders - Europe entered a time of chaotic political - economic - and urban decline A struggle back toward stability.

34. French Protestants who suffered persecution. Many left Europe for America to find religious freedom

35. Continuous barbaric invasion. Internal factors included political instability - decreasing farm production - inflation - excessive taxation - and the decline of the military. The rise of Christianity divided the Empire.

36. A fundamental transformation in scientific ideas in physics - astronomy - and biology - in institutions supporting scientific investigation - and in the more widely held picture of the universe

37. Domination of the commercial trade routes controlled by Constintanople and a monopoly on the silk trade. Excellant use of diplonmacy to avoid invasions. Geographically distant from the tribes who sacked Rome. Codification of Roman Law. A forstress ci

38. Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.

39. Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences. shogunate started by Tokugawa Leyasu; 4 class system - warriors - farmers - artisans - merchants; Japan's ports were closed off; wanted to create their own culture; illegal to

40. The Roman Catholic Church responding to the protestantism by starting their own movement -- they stopped selling indulgences and started 'Society of Jesus' or Jesuit missionaries to spread Catholic ideas.

41. Powerful city in Ancient Greece that was a leader in arts - sciences - philosophy - democracy and architecture.

42. King of the Franks who conquered much of Western Europe - great patron of literature and learning

43. 1830s movement in architecture when buildings in the Gothic (high medieval) style became popular. It was in this period that the British Parliament building was built. This was the architectural manifestation of Romanticism. Where the Enlightenment h

44. A flat - dry grassland with trees and bushes

45. Military Genius of France - who later became a dictator and eventually overthrown. He sold the west land (Louisiana) to the United States for a very cheap price doubling the land of America.

46. This queen of England chose a religion between the Puritans and Catholics and required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. She also required uniformity and conformity to the Church of England

47. This was the letter Martin Luther wrote to Archbishop Albert which explained that indulgences undermined the seriousness of the sacrament of penance.

48. Was divided into the patricians (propertied class) - plebeians (main body of Roman citizens) - and slaves.

49. The English Parliament drove out an absolute monarch and replaced him with two constitutional monarch's William and Mary. 1688 - change of who is in power without bloodshed. Established the supremacy of Parliment.

50. Characterized by moving about from place to place as nomads