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CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 2a Domain 1: Math

Subjects : cset, math
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A natural number greater than 1 that only has 1 and itself as divisors (an alternate definition is a natural number that has exactly two different divisors) - The first seven ________ are 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 11 - 13 - and 17

2. Length (in. - ft. - yd - mi.) - Area (sq. in. - sq. ft. - sq. yd. - acre - sq. mi.) - Weight (oz. - lb. - T) - Capacity (cups - pt. - qt. - gal. - pecks - bushels) - Time (seconds - minutes - hours - days - weeks - months - years - decades - centurie

3. A + (b + c) = (a + b) + c Note: Subtraction does not have the associative property.

4. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number (an alternate definition is a natural number that has exactly two different divisors) The first seven ____________ are 4 - 6 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 12 - and 14

5. Multiplication outside parentheses distributing over either addition or subtraction inside parentheses does not affect the answer a(b + c) = ab + ac a(b - c) = ab - ac

6. Milli = 1/1000 centi = 1/100 deci = 1/10 basic unit (meter - liter - gram) = 1 deca = 10 hecto = 100 kilo = 1000

7. To round off any number: Underline the place value to which you're rounding off - Look to the immediate right (one place) of your underlined place value - Identify the number (the one to the right). If it is 5 or higher - round your underlined place

8. Change the percent to a fraction or decimal and multiply

9. Square roots of nonperfect squares can be approximated.

10. The square of a whole number

11. The grouping - without changing the order - does not affect the answer

12. Is approximately equal to

13. 2 cups

14. Find the LCD and add the whole numbers to get your final answer.

15. You may have to borrow from the whole number - just like you sometimes borrow from the next column when subtracting ordinary numbers. To subtract a mixed number from a whole number - you have to borrow from the whole number.

16. Kiloleter (kl or kL) = 1000 liters hectoliter (hl or hL) = 100 liters decaliter (dal or daL) = 10 liters liter (l or L) = 1 liter deciliter (dl or dL) = 0.1 liter centiliter (cl or cL) = 0.01 liter milliliter (ml or mL) = 0.001 liter

17. Is greater than

18. Consist of two numbers separated by a bar which indicates division: the numerator is above the bar and the denominator is below the bar. Denominator: Tells you into how many equal parts something has been divided. Numerator: Tells you how many of tho

19. When a value is expressed using a whole number together with a common fraction

20. For 'what -' substitute the letter x - For 'is -' substitute an equal sign - For 'of -' substitute a multiplication sign - Change percents to decimals or fractions and solve the equation

21. ...-3 - -2 - -1 - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3... all the whole numbers together with their opposites

22. 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -... the natural numbers together with 0

23. Is perpendicular to

24. Is not equal to

25. The results of taking integers and raising them to the 2nd power (squaring them) The first seven positive ___________ are 1 - 4 - 9 - 16 - 25 - 36 - and 49

26. Is less than

27. Fraction must be reduced to its lowest terms. This is done by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) for both the numerator and denominator and then dividing both the numerator and denominator by that value.

28. Two numbers multiplied under a radical (square root) sign equal the product of the two square roots - and likewise with division.

29. 4 quarts

30. Numbers to the right of 0 are positive - Numbers to the left of 0 are negative - Given any two numbers on a number line - the one on the right is always larger - regardless of its sign (positive or negative)

31. .1 = .10 = 10%

32. 1/30 ounce

33. About 0.6 mile

34. Divide the percent by 100 - Eliminate the percent sign - Reduce if necessary

35. A number in scientific notation is written as a rational number from 1 to 9 - and then multiplied by a power of 10

36. Subtract = add the opposite; change the sign of the number being subtracted - and then proceed as an addition problem

37. 8/10 = .8 = .80 = 80%

38. .375 = .37 1/2 = 37 1/2%

39. 12 inches

40. Change to an improper fraction and multiply; then change the answer - if in improper form - back to a mixed number and reduce if necessary.

41. Is parallel to

42. All values that can be expressed in the form a/b - where a and b are integers and b ? 0 - Or - when expressed in decimal form - the expression either terminates or has a repeating pattern

43. 2000 pounds

44. 3 feet 36 inches

45. 6/10 = .6 = .60 = 60%

46. .33 1/3 = 33 1/3%

47. Difference - minus - is decreased by - less than (example: 3 less than 7 is what?)

48. Read it - Write it - Reduce it

49. Multiply the whole number by the denominator - add the numerator - and then place that value over the denominator

50. If either numerator or denominator consists of several numbers - these numbers must be combined into one number - then reduce if necessary