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CSET Science: Geology

Subjects : cset, science, geology
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Also known as secondary waves - these are the second - fastest seismic waves and they travel at right angles to the direction of the movement and they produce vertical and horizontal motion

2. Era from 4.6 to 3.8 billion years ago when the Eaerth formed and the planet cooled off

3. A volcano that is formed when ash and cinders are blown out of a single vent

4. Layer of atmosphere that is above the stratosphere where the coldest temperature is reached at minus 90 degrees

5. Rocks that are formed through major changes like heat like plate movements and they cool down

6. A basic type of landform that produces water - forms wind barriers

7. A mixture of gas consisting of oxygen and nitrogen that wraps the earth like a blanket

8. A natural disaster caused by pressure deep within the Earth that splits the ground

9. Rocks that are made from bits and pieces of other rocks and dead animal and plants that have been pressed together over time

10. The highest layer of the atmosphere where the atmosphere is very thin

11. Water that has infiltrated the ground

12. Era from 2.5 billion to 570 million years ago when the continents formed and oxygen began. The first eukaryotic cells appear.

13. The part of the Earth that we live on

14. A giant range of stratovolcanoes that circle the Pacific Ocean

15. The lowest layer of the atmosphere. It is also known as the weather layer since snow - rain - and wind stick to this layer

16. Volcano that occurs at divergent plates in underwater plates and creates lava from a mineral called basalt

17. Volcano that is formed at convergent boundaries of tectonic plates and the subducted plate melts into lava

18. The warming up of the Earth because of certain gases in the atmosphere

19. Mountains created when hot molten rock pushes up from the earth's mantle

20. The way that water returns to earth by flowing on the surface into streams - lakes - and rivers

21. Tectonic plate boundaries where plates are moving apart and new crust is being formed by rock pushed up in the mantle

22. Fossil in which an animal's tracks - poop - nests - and bite marks have been preserved

23. Era between 245 to 65 million years ago and known as the Age of the Reptiles because this was whe nthe dinosaurs existed until a mass extinction. Pangea separates.

24. Mountains with sharp peaks and ridges caused when forces inside the earth push up parts of the crust

25. Soft and plastic layer of the mantle that allows plate tectonics to move

26. The period when the first amphibians were born. Named after Devon - England where fossils were first discovered

27. Solid and extremely hot layer of the mantle that protects the core

28. The mega continent that was once a combination of all the world's continents millions of years ago

29. The process in which water changes from liquid to gas

30. Time scale that scientists use to break up the historical changes on the Earth into eons - eras - periods - and epochs

31. Rocks that form when molten rock cools and hardens either deep underground or on the surface

32. Era from 3.8 to 2.5 biillion years ago with the beginning of the geologic record and the formation of the first forms of rocks and bacteria

33. Mountains made up by faults - a huge crack in rock where movememnt happens where tectonic plates pull apart

34. The different ways a species can evolve

35. Plate tectonic boundaries where plates sllide horizontally pass each other and cause friction

36. The crystals formed when igneous rocks cool underground

37. Changes that were made to the DNA and RNA

38. Areas of great heat and activity in the earth's mantle where shield volcanoes can form

39. Era from 570 to 245 million years ago with the explosion of animal diversity followed by the wiping out of 99 percent of planetary life thanks to an asteroid. Pangea rises.

40. A harbor wave that occurs when there is a violent disturbance deep below the ocean - like an earthquake - which creates a wave that stores a huge amount of energy

41. All plants and animals have to compete for food - water - space and the fear of being eaten

42. The limited supply of water there is

43. Also known as 'survival of the fittest -' the idea that the animal which is the most adjusted will survive long enough to reproduce and produce offspring that have the same types of qualities for their survival

44. Thew ay a mineral breaks along its crystalline structure

45. The period where the first fish were formed

46. Areas where oceanic earthquakes can occur when an ocean plate hits a continental plate and eventually goes underneath

47. The fourth layer of the atmosphere - which is also the hottest because the air is so thin and the temperature is up to 2000 degrees Celsius

48. The layer of the atmosphere that is 50 km above ground and is where the ozone layer is at

49. Also known as primary waves - these are the fastest seismic waves and the first to be detected. They compress and expand both liquid and solid rock as they move through it

50. Rocks made out of trapped magma that takes longer to cool beneath the surface