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CSET Science: Multiple Subjects Vocab

Subjects : cset, science
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. It takes more time to rotate on its axis than to revolve around the sun

2. Rock from interplanetary space found on earth's surface

3. Organisms that get their food by breaking down the nutrients in dead organisms or animal wastes

4. Where California gets most of its water

5. Determine whether solid rock in an interior will become magma

6. When a planet is moving around a star - when is it fastest

7. Wind blown silt

8. Number indicating concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. A pH of 7 is neutral - less than 7 is acidic - and greater than 7 is alkaline. pH of Solutions: Strong Acid = 1 Weak Acid = 4 - Neutral = 7 Weak Base = 10 Strong Base = 13

9. Genetic information storage system - synthesis of ribosomes

10. Manipulates the state of solid - liquid or gas

11. (340 BC) Conjectured that the heavenly bodies were affixed to crystalline spheres concentric about the earth

12. Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranis - Neptune - Pluto

13. Consistent physical characteristics - recognized over a large area - contains the same types of fossils

14. Earth gravity pulls the spaceship and astronaut - but no force pulls the astronaut to the ship

15. Can create volcano or chain of volcanic islands

16. Lowest plant life

17. Make up the nucleus of an atom

18. Tastes sour - causes certain organic dyes to change color - react to certain metals - (no reaction to oil or grease)

19. The ________ of Hardness measures a substance's hardness - that is - how resistant that substance is to being scratched. This scale was invented by Austrian mineralogist Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839). Here - one substance is harder than another if it ca

20. Ribose Nucleic Acid - substance in a cell with the function of making proteins

21. He discovered galaxies exist outside the Milky Way (1924)

22. Covergent boundary where oceanic litosphere is being subducted

23. In order for photsynthesis to occur - elements that are not required

24. Appendix

25. Renewable energy source - less dependency on fossil lfuels - possible reduction in greenhouse gasses

26. Gas volume varies directly with temperature is known as

27. The nucleus of the atom consists of

28. Operates unconsciously and automatically to regulate vital functions like circulation - respiration - excretion - and muscle tesion

29. The layer of the atmosphere located above the troposphere in which most of the atmosphere's ozone is found

30. Longest day of the year

31. As the temperature of gas increases - the volume of gas

32. Paper turns red in acid (vinegar) and blue in alkaline solution (drain opener - salt water - lye)

33. Rust on iron is

34. The network of glands and tissues that secrete horomones

35. The killing of microorganisms in milk by heating it to 145 degrees F. for thirty minutes

36. Sugar in the leaves of plants

37. Contains the largest amount of useable energy

38. Fungi increases the amount of water and nutrients orchid needs - orchid supplies fungus with carbohydrates

39. Cell organelle found in plant but not animal cells

40. Process that replaces body cells that are worn out

41. Proposed that equal numbers of molecules are contained in equal volumes of all gases - providing the pressure and temperature are identical. 6 X 10(to the 23rd power) is in 22.4 liters is known as this man's number

42. Discovere DNA and its bases varies from one species to another

43. Biological molecules that have important roles in energy metabolism and storage as well as the structure of cells and organisms

44. 4.5 billion years

45. Size of atom fixed by this - negatively charged - orbit in a cloud around the nucleus

46. Water is evaporated by the sun. Warm - moist air rises to altitudes of lower pressure - the air expands and cools. Cooling results in condensation of water vapor (clouds). Clouds move over land - drop water. Water ultimately goes back to the ocean.

47. Atoms which have an electrical charge

48. The sum of numbers of the protons and neutrons in the atom of an element is known as

49. Simple form of matter on the borderline between inorganic chemicals and life

50. The law that 'the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers' was given by