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CSET U.S And California History

Subjects : cset, history
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1. (Mnemonic: Fat babies love to piss - **** - yell.) Fort Ticonderoga - Bunker Hill - Long Island - Trenton - Princeton - Saratoga - Yorktown

2. Spanish conquerers of Central nand South America

3. Led to the chinese being blamed for the lack of jobs and they suffered violence and property damaged

4. The first civlization to develop in MesoAmerica and were the first to develop a calendar and agrciultural community in America

5. War foguht between Britain and American colonialists which led to America's independence. Americans enlist friendship of France to revolutionary cause - Spain and Netherlands soon follow

6. Developed in 880 AD in the Mississippi and built large religious mound structures

7. Spanish conquistador who captured the last Mayan city

8. In the U.S. Constitution - it is a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government

9. Established states of Nebraska and Kansas with popular sovereignty but motivated Northerneres to protest against slavery because it was pandering to the South

10. 1500: Cabral - Brazil

11. Form the western mountain ranges - The western slope of the Sierra Nevada borders the Central Valley of California - The Coast Ranges form the western wall of the Central Valley

12. 1860 mailing service that carried mail in ten days from Missouri to California - went out of business in 1861 when the first telegraph was completed

13. Major issue that was disputed by population (Virginia Plan) vs. equal representation (the Connecticut Plan)

14. In the U.S. constitution - it makes the laws

15. Spanish explorer who sailed to Pacific coast to find fabled Northwest Passage - wound up in San Francisco Bay and called the territory Alta California

16. The first settlers to arrive in Massachusetts. It was a religious group that fled Englandfor religious persecution in 1620

17. Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about a heroic slave - further spurred the need for slaves to be free

18. Immigrant group that crossed California's border. The border remains easily crossed even though there is a frequent loss of life

19. The crest of the Rocky Mountains - Rivers that begin east of it flow toward the Atlantic Ocean - Western rivers flow toward the Pacific Ocean

20. Native American group who were skilled farmers who flourished in Ohio and Mississippi

21. sawmill owner whose employee John Marshall discovered discover gold in the Sierra Nevada foothills

22. U.S. Act that helped reduce instances of religious descrimination

23. The year and month that California approves its first constitution

24. 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution - Introduced by Madison - A series of limitations on the power of the U.S. federal government; added to protect the rights of individuals and safeguard the sovereignty of the states over their own affairs

25. The idea that various immigrants cultural differences were minimized and assimilated together

26. Material that led to California to be populated by 40000 miners from all over the United States

27. Reeds used by central California native Americans to build homes

28. West Point graduates and used to handling firearms and driven

29. Native American empire with stepped pyramids - utilized multiple calendars - and possessede extensive astronomical knowledge

30. Discovered in 1853- mineres would use powerful hoses to shoot water at the hillsides to wash away the soil and findthe gold - damaged environment and killed fish

31. Acquittal of police officers in this man's case in 1992 led to a major riot that called for economic and political opportunity for minorities. federal guilty verdict reduces the racial tension

32. Captured Los Angeles until it was rec - captured by Governor Pico and General Castro for Mexico

33. Twice the population - strong navy - banking system and factories - Union industries were producing ammunition and goods - driven black soldiers fighting for the freedom of their families

34. Issued by King of england to forbid colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains - led the british to raise taxes so they could support hundreds of troops to be stationed in the colonies - along with a raise of taxes

35. Provided more funding and gave the railroads ten square miles of land to the tracks for every mile of track laid

36. MesoAmerican tribe that preceded the Aztecs but followed from the Mayans

37. A mechanism of California's constitutuion to end an elected official's tenure in office before itw as scheduled for completition. It is initiated by a citizen and requires the signatures of a percentage of the number voting in the last gubernatorial

38. publicized the gold discovery and bought every shovel - pick axe and pan in the region and made much money

39. Acquired from Great Britain in 1846

40. Native American empire that ruled from capital of Tenochtitlan in central Mexico. They had mulltiple calendars - system of writing and economy dependent on tribute. Also focused on worship of a sun god and human sacrifice

41. A major food staple of California native American tribes

42. The year that California becomes the 31st state in the Union thanks to a compromise over slavery

43. Where the British were defeated and led to expansion of battle from Canada and New York

44. The first battle of the Civil War. Seccessionists fire on the remaining Union sronghold in the South.

45. Drains the interior of the United States

46. Union created blockade of Southern ports and Confederate cotton rotted on the docks

47. Biggest immigrant group from 1850 to 1900. They successfully developed farms in the Midwest and skilled trades in larger cities.

48. 1492: Columbus - West Indies and Bahamas -1513: Balboa - Panama -1519: Cortes - Mexico -1532: Pizarro - Peru

49. Monopoly also called 'an octopus'

50. Spanish explorer who settled on a Carribbean island but found hismself in debt and wound up relocating on the east coast of what is now Panama - he spied the Pacific Ocean in 1513