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CSET Visual Art History

Subjects : cset, visual-arts, history
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1. Greek and Roman -- focus on balance - harmony - symmetry

2. Late 18th and early 19th century; revived classical forms and subjects and emphasized balance; viewed art as having a high moral purpose

3. Rococo artist - The Swing

4. Dramatic use of light and shade (chiaroscuro) - turbulent compositions - vivid emotional expressions

5. Two business partners who produced colored prints of everyday American life in the nineteenth century.

6. Began in Italy in the 1400's

7. (1859-19370) This African American artist is best known for his style of painting. He was the first African American painter to gain international acclaim. 'The Banjo Lesson.'

8. Found his subjects in the people and occupations of everyday life - one of the French painters of country life that settled near the village of Barbizon - 'The Gleaners' - 1857- oil on canvas

9. German artist - proud - Self - portrait (N. Renaissance)

10. This French painter was important to French Romantic art. He often used his painting to convey a political message - and he is best known for his painting depicting the socialist revolution of 1830: Liberty Leading the People.

11. 1746-1828; Bullfight is an example of Romantic Art

12. Depicted FRENCH NOBILITY - and was PASTEL AND PLAYFUL. Post - Baroque (about 1720 to 1760)

13. After Italy - borrowed linear perspective from Italian - discovered oil paints to make light

14. Baroque painter - The Calling of St. Matthew

15. American realist painter - The Gross Clinic - 1875

16. A technique which made it possible to represent three dimensional objects on a flat surface in a systematic way - so that all the lines receding at right angles on the picture plane converge at a vanishing point on the horizon (Filippo Brunelleschi 1

17. Late 18th to mid 19th c. - reaction against ordiliness of neoclassicism - imagination - romantic/natural subjects; emotional style

18. Was one of the most celebrated 19th century American photographers - best known for his portraits of celebrities and the documentation of the American Civil War. He is credited with being the father of photojournalism.

19. Rococo artist - The Pleasures of Life

20. Has some aspects of Baroque style in self portraits; Self - Portrait - 1659 when Rembrandt is 53

21. Known for his large landscapes of the American west - foremost painter of Westward Expansion scenes - part of Hudson River School - 'Storm in the Rocky Mountains' - 'Looking Down Yosemite Valley' - 'The Oregon Trail' 'Rocky Mountains - Lander's Peak'

22. German - was called 'Germanic Lord Byron' painted Wandering Above the Sea of Frog and Chasseur Forest

23. French - the Stone Breakers (1849)

24. (N. Renaissance) used vibrant colors to portray lively scenes of peasant life - Peasant Wedding - from the Netherlands ('genre painting'

25. The first coherent school of American art

26. Beauty and proportion of human body; length of body 8 times the head; Myron's Discobolus and Apollo Belvedere

27. A Realist painter known for his seascapes of New England. Northeaster 1895

28. David - Sistine Chapel (creation of Adam)

29. An American realist artist - whose paintings depicted life on the frontier (Fur Traders Descending the Missouri)

30. Member of Hudson River School - painted The Oxbow

31. Stone cathedrals - stained glass window - floor plan in shape of a cross - gargoyles - flying buttresses

32. Sculptor - Robert Gould Shaw adn 54th MA Regiment Memorial

33. Renowned genre painter and contemporary of the Hudson River School. Depicted African - Americans with dignity/sympathy (e.g. Eel Spearing at Setauket 1845)

34. Works in Spain - but shows Italian (mannerist) influence in distortion and choice of colors. Lots of motion - dynamism in later paintings. View of Toledo. Baroque - like style

35. A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be

36. Vitruvian Man - the Mona Lisa - the last Supper (dry fresco did not work well)

37. Built by Romans (emperor Hadrian) from 125-128 CE - includes balance/symmetry (Greeks) and arches (Romans via Egyptians)

38. The Birth of Venus

39. St. George - poised for action - unique face

40. French neoclassical painter who actively supported the French Revolution (1748-1825) - The Oath of Horatii - Death of Socrates - portraits of leaders of French revolution

41. Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife (N. Renaissance)

42. School of Athens (fresco depicting ancient Greek philosophers and Renaissance painters) - The Marriage of the Virgin (good example of linear perspective) - Cowper Madonna (gentle style)