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CSET Visual Arts

Subjects : cset, visual-arts
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Learning dance specifc to 18th and 19th century America - understanding different roles of men and women in dance

2. Unharmonious sounds that are produced to make an unsettling effect - like in punk music and jazz

3. A play set in the coutnryside populated by nymphs - satyrs - shepherds and wandering knights with dancing and singing

4. Early European dance known for its tiny steps

5. Fast tempo

6. Interpreting the value of art and art work. Important for written response

7. Most known composers of the 20th Century

8. Students can explain and demonstrate how to be good audience members

9. (space that is not used in art). Objects surrounded by this space like an apple on a white canvas) emphasize the object painted (the apple)

10. High - indicates when arm is raised over the head in dance

11. A music for Catholic services

12. Three or more harmonious notes that are played together - like through a guitar or piano

13. A person who acquires necessary funds and acts as administer of the production. A person who finds a play that they will be interested in - producer at school plays is usually a teacher

14. Children express emotions through movement - learn improv to respond to music or oral prompts

15. Plays that focused on the right vs. wrong scenario that featured an Everyman

16. Space that creatse depth in art

17. A seious Japanese theatrical field that only uses male actors to tell highly stylized stories through dance and poetry

18. An outline or profile of an object

19. Artist who inspired by African American sculptures to focus on the geometric shapes - like circles - triangles called cubism

20. The absence ofs hape or form - an emptiness that defines shape and form

21. Originated in Spain among gypsy dancers and also in India

22. A major orchesral composition


24. Low arm position in dance

25. The shape of a circle viewed at an angle

26. Instruments sounded by striking - like the cymbals - drums - triangle - wood block - xylophone - snare drum - bongo - timpani - piano - chimes - bells - marimba - tambourine

27. A group of lines and spaces that music is written on; it has five lines and four spaces and they each correspond to a specific note or musical tone

28. Volume or clarity needed to be heard by an audience

29. The five positions of the arms and feet because they are the basis of all steps of dance

30. Dancing on the ball of the foot - or half - toe

31. Vertical lines used on the staff to group beats

32. A passing position in which the foot passes by the knee of a supporting leg

33. A large group of instrument players - usually 75 to 90 people

34. Instruments played with a string like a violin - viola - cello - banjo - piano - guitar - harp

35. People who are responsible for all technical aspects of the show

36. Any object or element that is less important

37. A small predecessor of the piano

38. Basic artistic literacy. students learn to use elements unique to arts to help them process sensory information. Important for written response

39. An old - school dance from 1900s dating back to the slavery days in which people walked back and forth to the tune of bajos and fiddles. a cake was usually awarded to the winner

40. The one point or area that catches the person's eye. Notice how your eye moves as it focuses on different pieces of art

41. The distinctive quality of the sound from the different music instruments - also refers to the physical properties of the instrument

42. The leg on which the dancer is balancing on

43. A drama that is musical in which the characters are typecast. the characters that are good are very good and the characters that are evil are usually pretty evil.

44. Lines that suggest stability and repose

45. Dance - music - theater - and visual arts

46. The gradual change in value - tint - or fcolor as rendered in a picture

47. The tactile quality of the art

48. Representing an object by using lines instead of masses

49. Pose modeled by the winged Mecury where the working leg is extended behind the body with knee bent

50. The way that opposites (dark vs light - black vs white) are portrayed within an artwork