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Culinary Arts 102

Subject : cooking
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The heel of the blade where the handle and the blade come together - providing greater strength

2. The correction of food in their specific temperature danger zone

3. Food within the temperature danger zone for a certain period of time

4. Kitchen area

5. Used to fillet fish

6. 1) on the plate 2) right side of the place setting 3) under the silverware 4) between the flatware

7. Environmental Protection Agency -regulates workplace safety by requiring food-service operation to track chemicals that pose a risk to health

8. Multi-cellular organisms that are far larger than both bacteria and viruses

9. To the left of the plate

10. Direct and cross

11. Every year

12. Sanitation standards for keeping food safe

13. A device used to remove crumbs from the table

14. The guests serve themselves from large platters

15. Food - Acidity - Temperature - Time - Oxygen - Moisture - what parasites need in order to grow

16. Develop a Verification System

17. 20

18. Used to scour dirt and grease that has back or burned within a pot or pan

19. 1) reduce temperature to 70

20. Bacteria - viruses - parasites - and fungi

21. When the food is placed on the table in serving dishes and the guests serve themselves

22. To the right - above the flatware - to the right of the glassware

23. Second in line of responsibility after the head chef -in charge of the brigades

24. The utensils used first should be placed on the outside

25. 1) liquid or powder chemicals 2) gases

26. The dishware and utensils used in the dining room - both on and off the table

27. 180

28. A health inspection

29. 7 steps

30. 8

31. The most predominantly used service in the United States

32. 2 routes

33. 41

34. Caused by electrical equipment - cords - outlets - circuits - motors - switches - and/or wiring

35. A.k.a. platter service -waiter serves the guest from left from a large platter

36. Caused by gas - crease - oil - and/or liquid stored under pressured

37. 40 dishes

38. A combination of buffet style breakfast and lunch with American service

39. Originated in Europe as an alternative to home cooking

40. Physical Data -a physical description of the product - including its appearance - odor - boiling point - pH - and ant other characteristics that may be able to identify it

41. Above 135

42. Examines the flow of food from the moment you receive it to the service

43. 1 inch

44. Carves and serves meats or fish and their accompaniments from the meat cart

45. A group of workers assigned a specific set of tasks

46. Caused by fat fryers and other appliances dealing with oils and fats

47. A metal object used to hone the knife - aligning the edges of the blade to make it sharper

48. Class A + B

49. Reduce temperature to 40

50. Table is preset and food is served by a waiter on platters to the room