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Customary And Metric Measurement - Conversions
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1. 1 L
1 ounce
2.2 lbs
24 hrs
1.06 qts
2. 0.45 kg
1 pound
100 yrs
1 ounce
1 mile
3. 1 wk to da
1 pound
7 da
5280 ft
16 oz
4. 1 pt
12 in
2 c
2.2 lbs
5 mL
5. 1 gal
366 days
4 qts
1 mile
3 ft
6. 1 in
60 secs
2.54 cm
1 yard
5 mL
7. 1 kilogram to pounds
2 c
5280 ft
60 min
2.2 lbs
8. 1 teaspoon
1 -000 -000 cubic centimeter
12 in
16 oz
5 mL
9. 1 ft
366 days
12 in
1 mile
10. 1 leap yr
2000 lbs.
366 days
5280 ft
4 qts
11. 1 mi
1 pound
5280 ft
1 ounce
2.54 cm
12. 1.609 km
1 mile
365 da
16 oz
2000 lbs.
13. 1 cup
365 da
2.2 lbs
8 fl oz
3 ft
14. 1 cubic meter
8 fl oz
1 ounce
5 mL
1 -000 -000 cubic centimeter
15. 1 yr to months
5/8 mile (0.62 mile)
12 mths
60 secs
1 ounce
16. 1 decade
10 yrs
60 min
4 qts
60 secs
17. 1 da to hrs
9 square feet
24 hrs
2000 lbs.
5280 ft
18. 28 g
60 secs
1 -000 -000 cubic centimeter
3 ft
1 ounce
19. 1 hr to min
60 min
365 da
2 pts
20. 1 min to secs
60 secs
1 ounce
24 hrs
1 pound
21. 0.394 inch
365 da
16 oz
7 da
1 cm
22. 1 Cnty
1 pound
366 days
100 yrs
4 qts
23. 0.914 km
2000 lbs.
1 -000 -000 cubic centimeter
1 yard
2.2 lbs
24. 1 T
2000 lbs.
2.2 lbs
12 in
2 c
25. 1 yr to wks
2000 lbs.
52 wks
366 days
24 hrs
26. 1 lb
1 mile
365 da
10 yrs
16 oz
27. 1 kilometer
1.06 qts
24 hrs
1 cm
5/8 mile (0.62 mile)
28. 1 qt
365 da
2 pts
12 in
60 min
29. 1 yr
12 in
52 wks
365 da
8 fl oz
30. 1 m
2.54 cm
3 ft
1.06 qts
31. 1 yd
3 ft
5/8 mile (0.62 mile)
2000 lbs.
32. 1 square yard
9 square feet
12 in
24 hrs