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Data Structures

Subject : it-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Describes a data structure that cannot be changed once it has been created - such as Integer or String in Java

2. In a tree - a node pointed to by a parent node

3. An order of processing a tree in which the parent node is processed after its children

4. A pattern that describes a set of similar programs

5. An extra record at the start or end of a data structure such as a linked list - to simplify processing

6. An elements of a linked list - tree - or graph - often represented by a data structure

7. To modify the order of a set of elements so that a desired ordering holds between them - e.g. alphabetic order

8. A problem whose solution requires a linear amount of time or space if the problem is size n

9. The amount of space on the runtime stack required for execution of a program

10. Use of a function or method without knowing how it's accomplished

11. All nodes below a give node in a tree

12. Constructed of multiple components (simple or complex types)

13. A linked list in which each elements has both forward and backward pointers

14. A section of the runtime stack holding the values of all variables for one invocation

15. A list of pairs - where each pair has a key and a value associated with the key

16. A type in which variables of that type are pointers to objects. in the code integer i = 3 - the variable i holds a pointer to the integer object that contains the value. in in j = 3 - the variable j contains the value. in java - only reference types

17. A stack containing a stack frame of variable value for each active invocation of procedure

18. A data structure that can be identified at runtime as being a member of a class

19. 1. In lisp - the function that constructs a pair of points - or basic elements of list structure. 2. To make a cons data structure 2. a cons data structure

20. A sequence of clear and precise step-by-step instructions for solving a problem in a finite amount of time

21. A case where tow data structures share some elements

22. The top node of a tree - from which all other nodes can be reached

23. An order of processing a tree in which the parent node is processed before its children

24. Composed of a collection of data values; implemented with a data structure

25. An ordering that can be guaranteed to terminate - e.g. starting at a positive integer and counting down

26. Composed of multiple sequential elements stored in contiguous bytes of memory

27. In a tree - the union of a node's parent and the parent's ancestors

28. binary tree that is ordered such that each node has contents - and all of its left descendants are less than the contents - an all of its right descendants are greater than the contents

29. A problem that is so hard that it cannot be solved unless the problem is small

30. In object oriented programming - a description of a set of similar objects

31. A description of the kinds of objects that exist in a computer program - e.g a Java class hierarchy

32. A variable containing the address of other data

33. A description of the state of a process such as a board game

34. A case where a program calls itself

35. Given two sets -the union is the set of elements that are members of either set

36. A description of operations on a data type that could have multiple possible implementations

37. The number of links between the root of a tree and the leaves

38. Depth first search

39. A linked list in which the last element points back to the first element

40. To answer the question - "If the algorithm is run several times - what is the average time per run - given the worst possible sequence of runs?"

41. Separation of the properties of a data type from its implementation

42. A collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the LIFO principle

43. To combine two ordered linear structures into one

44. Implementation of complex ADTs. Physical representation of how data is stored - organized - and manipulated

45. A sequence of records - where each record contains a link to the next one

46. To hide similar items with the same name

47. In a tree search - to move back from the node currently being examined to its parent

48. A formal description of a language in terms of vocabulary and rules for writing phrases and sentences

49. A contiguous block of memory containing elements of the same type - accessed by numeric index

50. An item (or description of items) being sough in a search