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Data Structures And Algorithms Java

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 21 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A blueprint that defines an objects variables and methods.

2. Other parts of your program interact with objects by interacting with an __________

3. To create an object in Java you must do two things: 1. Use the keyword "new" 2. Store a reference to the object in a ______ that is the same type as the class.

4. An arrangement of data inside a computers memory or a disk.

5. Returns a character at the specific position in the string object.

6. A special method that is called automatically whenever a new object is created. It prepares the object for use.

7. An object is often referred to as _____ of a class.

8. Any ___________ that wants to access data in a class can do so by using a method of that class.

9. Must be added to all input methods for them to work

10. This keyword creates a new object in Java.

11. Data structures that directly model real-world situations...think graphs.

12. Data structure storage that is accessed by the program itself. Ex - stacks and queues.

13. A field of method that is private can only be accessed by _________ that are apart of the same class.

14. The constructor has the same name as the ______ it resides in.

15. Data structure storage that describes physical entities external to the computer. Accessed by a programs user.

16. 5 data types - BLASH: binary trees - _______ - arrays - stacks - hash tables

17. Invoking a method for a specific object.

18. Converts the string type into an integer.

19. Execution of the program starts here

20. A software bundle of variables and related methods.

21. Manipulate the data in data structures in various ways such as sorting.