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Dental Assisting: Head And Neck Anatomy
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1. Function of Geniohyoid
9 months (5 months ultrasound to tell sex)
Pulls the hyoid bone and the tongue anteriorly
Branches off the inferior alveolar artery before intering the mandibular canal
Mucosa that covers the alveolar bone
2. What is saliva made of?
H20 - mucin - organic salts and digestive enzymes
The cornerstone of the mouth
Functions the same as the alveolar cfg; originate in alveolar bone
3. Incisive Nerve branch
Tissue fluid surrounding the cell membrane of the odontoblast
Intervating the anterior teeth and the labial gingiva
4 cusps/ bifurcated
Elevated area fo enamel that extends obliquely across the occlusal surface of the tooth
4. What is another name for premolars?
Inner portion of the enamel rod
Found near the cementoenamel junction
12 years
5. Labial
Outside surface Which is towards the lips
Buccal - lingual - and inferior alveolar
Third tooth from the midline
Distends the ramus - enters the mandibular foramen and bifurcates around the first premolar tooth to form the incisive and the mental arteries
6. Imbritation Lines of Von Eboner
Primary embryonic mesoderm layer that develops during the morpho differentiation period
Natural teeth in position
Forms into dentin - cementum and pulp of the teeth
Stained growth rings in dentin
7. Alveolar Crest
A bat shaped bone which forms the anterior portion of the skull
Forms into the inner lining of the oral cavitiy and enamel of the teeth
Two cortical bone plates that come together between each tooth
Retracts the tongue and raises the tip of the tongue
8. Lingual Foramen
Elevated are of enamel that forms the Mesial and distal borders
The slightly raised line extending down the middle of the hard palate
The internal surface at the center of the mandible
9. Cleft Lip
Supplies blood to the face and oral cavity
Supplies blood to the brain and the eyes
Week 12
Separation of the upper lip ( 1 of 1000 live births)
10. Mastication
Inside surface Which is towards the tongue - on anterior teeth
Chewing and swallowing food
Found near the cementoenamel junction
The portion of the tooth that meets the gingiva
11. Interdental Gingiva
Extends interiorly from the pterygopalatine nerve and exits thru the incisive foramen
No bicuspids/ no 3rd molars
An extension of an unattached gingiva and the tooth
Healthy gingival tissue with an orange texture
12. Exfoliated
Shed from the oral cavity
Divides the crown and the root
Outside surface Which is towards the lips
The internal surface at the center of the mandible
13. Lingual Veins
Bluish veins that run the length of the tongue
Largest papilla - mushroom shaped and are anterior to the sulcus terminalis in a row of 8 to 10
Small yellowish glands on the labial mucosa
Retracts or depresses the tongue
14. Free Gingiva
Raised lines of mucosal tissue found below the tongue - and below the top/ bottom of middle lip
Canal or passage for fluid
The portion of the tooth that meets the gingiva
Oval structures that are located on the dorsal surface of the tongue
15. Function of Palatopharyngeal
Compact bone plate of the facial and lingual surfaces
Constricts the nasopharyngeal passage and elevates the larynx
Resist rotational forces and hold teeth in inter-proximal contact
16. Alveolar Mucosa
The development of different cells
Supplies the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus - gingiva - mesial buccal root of the first molar - and the roots of the bicuspids
Mucosa that covers the alveolar bone
Rounded depression on a tooth
17. Deep Facial Veins
Constricts the nasopharyngeal passage and elevates the larynx
Tissue covering the alveolar processes
Tributary of the facial vein which connects the facial vein to the pterygoid plexus of the veins
Teeth will not erupt in proper position
18. Dentinal Hypersensitivity
The line of demarcation between the attached gingiva and the marginal gingiva
Lower arch of the teeth
When the dentin is exposed
Extends from the medial corner of the eye to the nasal cavity
19. Embrasure
6 months/3years
Triangular space in the gingival direction when two adjacent teeth are in contact
The development of different tissues
Band of fibrous tissue which attaches muscle to bone
20. What are the 4 muscles of the floor of the mouth?
Second teeth next to central incisors
Three bulges on the incisal edge
The inner surface of the lips
Digstric - Mylohyoid - stylohyoid - geniohyoid
21. Xygomatic bones
Acts as anchors between the alveolar bone and the tooth
Cheek bones--the most breakable bone in the body
Supportive fibers that anchor the tooth to the bone
Bone that surrounds the root of the tooth
22. Mandibular Foramen
Wearing away of the incisal or occlusal surfaces of the tooth
Located on the inside of the body of the ramus
Conception thru the first two weeks
Ligaments and muscles of mastication
23. What is the purpose of permanent teeth?
Cut - tear - and grind food
Developmental segment of a tooth
Fleshy elevation under the tongue
Week 12
24. Circular Ligament Fiber Groups
Circle and tighten the gingival margin around the neck of the tooth
Dividing point of a multi-rooted tooth
Joined at the midline and are often referred to as the median Palatine suture
The development of different forms
25. Taste Buds
Lift the hyoid bone and assist in opening the mouth
Cells develop into different tissues
Oval structures that are located on the dorsal surface of the tongue
Raised lines of mucosal tissue found below the tongue - and below the top/ bottom of middle lip
26. Maxillary Arch
2 small raised folds of tissue where the lingual frenum attaches
Tissue fluid surrounding the cell membrane of the odontoblast
Upper arch of the teeth
Small yellowish glands on the labial mucosa
27. Caruncle
The first predentin that is formed and matures within the tube
Fleshy elevation under the tongue
Largest papilla - mushroom shaped and are anterior to the sulcus terminalis in a row of 8 to 10
Linear elevation of the tooth
28. Papilla
Functions the same as the alveolar cfg; originate in alveolar bone
Supplies the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle
A rounded area beyond the last posterior maxillary tooth
Small raised projections where taste buds are located
29. Clinical root
A faint line going from the ala of the nose to the corner of the mouth
When the surface of the teeth becomes grooved
Pointed or rounded mounds on the crown of the tooth
Portion of the root seen in the oral cavity
30. Evanesce
To dissolve
Cut - tear - and grind food
Synovial fluid
Pointed elongations of the pulp
31. Tubercle of the Lip
Located on the inside of the body of the ramus
Enamel is thinner - pulp chamber is smaller -
Lift the hyoid bone and assist in opening the mouth
A small projection in the middle of the upper lip
32. Lesser Palatine Nerve
Tubules that pass through the entire surface of the dentin
Smaller branch that ennervates the soft palate uvula and tonsils
A flap of tissue on the on the buccal mucosa
Disk that acts like a cushion between the temporal bone and the condyloid process
33. Intercellular Substances
Substances between cells
Third tooth from the midline
Excess bone formations under the tongue on the alvellar bone
Functions the same as the alveolar cfg; originate in alveolar bone
34. What are the eight landmarks of the face?
The bone that separates the root on a tooth
The cornerstone of the mouth
Ala of the nose - naso-labial groove - philtrum - vermilion border - vermilion zone - turbercle of the lip - labial commissures - labio-mental grooves
Layers of tooth tissue become calcified
35. Enamel Lamellae
Three bulges on the incisal edge
Oval depression of temporal bone in condyloid process
The portion of the tooth that meets the gingiva
Narrow long enamel tuft
36. Fordyce's Spots
Bluish veins that run the length of the tongue
Small yellowish glands on the labial mucosa
The cornerstone of the mouth
Outside surface Which is towards the lips
37. When do oral and nasal cavity separate and palate develop?
Forms after the completion of the apical foramen
Supplies blood to the face and oral cavity
Middle two teeth in the mouth
Week 12
38. Alveolar Mucosa
Appears to be loosely attached - covering the alveolar bone.
Middle line of the teeth
Band of fibrous tissue which attaches muscle to bone
Cells that form cementum
39. What are the 4 taste senses and where are they located?
Respiratory system - digestive system and glandular organs
Wings of the sphenoid bone
Sweet --tip of the tongue - salty--anterior sides of the tongue - sour--posterior sides of the tongue - bitter--center posterior of the tongue
Surface towards the midline
40. Muscle Insertion
Two cortical bone plates that come together between each tooth
When the surface of the teeth becomes grooved
The moveable attachment of the muscle
Growth from the oral epithelium that gives rise to the tooth buds
41. Tome's process
The disc becomes displaced
Middle two teeth in the mouth
Responsible for laying down the enamel matrix into place
Oval structures that are located on the dorsal surface of the tongue
42. Rod Core
Inner portion of the enamel rod
The ridges that run horizontally across the hard palate behind the incisive papilla
Origin of the tooth
Elevated area fo enamel that extends obliquely across the occlusal surface of the tooth
43. Fetus
When the dentin is exposed
9 weeks thru birth
Supplies blood to the brain and the eyes
The development of different forms
44. How many roots/ cusps does the mandibular first molar have?
Smaller branch that ennervates the soft palate uvula and tonsils
Raised lines of mucosal tissue found below the tongue - and below the top/ bottom of middle lip
Bifurcated/ 5 cusps
The internal surface at the center of the mandible
45. Lobes
Folds of tissue to the the lingual veins
Draws down the mandible and corners of the mouth
Developmental segment of a tooth
Located on the inside of the body of the ramus
46. Labial Commissures
Elevates the posterior portion of the tongue and narrows the fauces
Corners of the mouth
Trigeminal nerve--because it ennervates the maxilla and the mandible
To dissolve
47. Odontoblast
Shaping the tongue during speech - mastication and swallowing
Mastication - aids in speech - influence facial structure - chewing surfaces
Forms after the completion of the apical foramen
Cells that form dentin
48. Sharpey's Fibers
Scroll like bones outside the nasal cavaties
Acts as anchors between the alveolar bone and the tooth
Week 12
Resists intrusive forces that try to push the tooth inwards
49. What are the four main functions of deciduous teeth?
The mandibular first premolar
Mastication - aids in speech - influence facial structure - chewing surfaces
Dentin found between the tubules
Incremental lines around the layers of the enamel matrix
50. Xygote
Conception thru the first two weeks
Portions of the tooth structure that support hard and soft dental tissues and the alveolar bone
Intervating the anterior teeth and the labial gingiva