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Dental Assisting: Head And Neck Anatomy

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Function of Geniohyoid

2. What is saliva made of?

3. Incisive Nerve branch

4. What is another name for premolars?

5. Labial

6. Imbritation Lines of Von Eboner

7. Alveolar Crest

8. Lingual Foramen

9. Cleft Lip

10. Mastication

11. Interdental Gingiva

12. Exfoliated

13. Lingual Veins

14. Free Gingiva

15. Function of Palatopharyngeal

16. Alveolar Mucosa

17. Deep Facial Veins

18. Dentinal Hypersensitivity

19. Embrasure

20. What are the 4 muscles of the floor of the mouth?

21. Xygomatic bones

22. Mandibular Foramen

23. What is the purpose of permanent teeth?

24. Circular Ligament Fiber Groups

25. Taste Buds

26. Maxillary Arch

27. Caruncle

28. Papilla

29. Clinical root

30. Evanesce

31. Tubercle of the Lip

32. Lesser Palatine Nerve

33. Intercellular Substances

34. What are the eight landmarks of the face?

35. Enamel Lamellae

36. Fordyce's Spots

37. When do oral and nasal cavity separate and palate develop?

38. Alveolar Mucosa

39. What are the 4 taste senses and where are they located?

40. Muscle Insertion

41. Tome's process

42. Rod Core

43. Fetus

44. How many roots/ cusps does the mandibular first molar have?

45. Lobes

46. Labial Commissures

47. Odontoblast

48. Sharpey's Fibers

49. What are the four main functions of deciduous teeth?

50. Xygote