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1. Control over defined domain values - i.e. Vocabularies.
Data Lifecycle complete
Application DBA
Data Management functions breakdown into
Reference Data Management
2. Data stored in combination of ROLAP and MOLAP
DM Function Context Diagram overview (DG - ISP - T - DCM)
Master Data Management
Hierarchical Relationships
3. PPPDMA Plan - assess scope of known issues - Deploy - profile the data - and employ inspections and monitors - Monitor - actively monitor data quality against defined business rules - Act - Take action to address and resolve emerging issues
Data Management functions breakdown into
Data Quality Management lifecycle
Data Lifecycle complete
4. Data specifically constructed for query and analysis
Common Activity Groups for DM Functions (PDCO)
Data Management Shared responsibility
Kimball DW Approach
Reference Data - Examples
5. Resources with recognized valued under the control of an individual or organization. Data and information are enterprise assets.
Data Quality Management Functions
Data Strategy Deliverables
Enterprise Data Warehouse
6. G ADO SQ RIDM - Governance - Architecture - Development - Operations - Security - Quality - Reference/Master Data Mgt - DW/Business Intelligence - Document and Content Management - Metadata Management.
Reference Data Management
Data Management Functions
7. Process - Tools - and Techniques for Organizing - Categorizing and Structuring access to Information Content
Content Management
Data Ops Mgt has 2 Subfunctions
Data Quality tools
8. Sarbanes-Oxley - financial reporting and auditing - HIPPA - privacy and security of health information - Basel II - Solvency II - PCI-DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
Regulatory Compliance examples
DM Function Context Diagram overview (DG - ISP - T - DCM)
Data Implementation
Types of Data Management Organizations
9. A high-level course of action to achieve data goals. Usually a data management program strategy.
Data Strategy
Components of Data Strategy (VCP GMO RIRS)
Data Quality tools
Reference Data Metadata may include...
10. Data about the business entities that provide context for busines stransactions. e.g. Parties - Products - Financial Structures - Locations
Location master data
Master Data
Metadata Architecture types
Data governance programScope elements
11. FFHN Flat - No relationship among controlled set of categories (e.g. List of Countries) - Facet - Star - attributes of an object (Metadata) - Hierarchical - TREE structure (Geography) - Network - Hierarchy And Facet (Thesaurus)
Procedural DBA
Data Management functions breakdown into
Taxonomies - 4 types
Master Data
12. ETL Source to target mappings
Data Integration Services
Goals of DMBOK
Data Management Services(GAR MQD IP)
Common Activity Groups for DM Functions (PDCO)
13. DMS - Development - Maintenance - Support of structured data
Location master data
Data Strategy Deliverables
Data Operations Mgt
Data Management Shared responsibility
14. State names - codes - MedDRA code - WHO Drug Code
Physical Data Models
Reference Data - Examples
Data Policies
The PE - PPP - ACPDEV - DIA Data Management Acronym
15. Accuracy - degree data reflects real life entities] - [Completeness - both cols and rows - Consistency - Consistent data values between data sets - Currency - current with real world situation] - [Precision - level of detail - Privacy - access contr
Data Quality Dimensions
Data Governance Deliverables (PPS IP SQV)
Document Management
Data Model/Design quality management
16. Technology specific - denormalized for performance - Surrogate keys - Indexing - Views -
Regulatory Compliance examples
Data Management functions breakdown into
Physical Data Models
Document vs. Content
17. Appointed trustees for data assets
Data Operations Mgt
Data Stewards
Data governance programScope elements
18. Modeling and design standards
Data Model/Design quality management
Strategic goals of data management
Reference Data Management
19. Representation of facts - as Text - Numbers - Graphics - Images - Sound - or Video.
Rules defined by Data Governance (PSP MBN DR )
Inmon ODS - DW - DM distinction
Semantic Modeling
20. Planning - Development and Execution of - Policies and Procedures to provide proper - Authentication - Authorization - Access - and Auditing of - Information Assets.
Master Data
Data Governance (EAC DMA)
Logical Data Model
Data Security Management (PDE PP AAAA)
21. ODS - Current-valued - volatile data for operational reporting needs - DW - Historical - non-volatile data for single source of integrated data for corporation - DM - DSS for a department analytic need
Data Governance (EAC DMA)
Metadata Management Functions
Affiliation Relationship
Inmon ODS - DW - DM distinction
22. Business function of planning for - controlling - and delivering data and information assets. PDC-A
Types of Metadata
Data Stewards
Data Management
23. 1. Data Mgt Service orgs (EIM COE) 2. Data Governance Council 3. Data Stewardship Steering Committee 4. Data Stewardship Teams 5. Data Governance Office
Content Mgt Functions
Types of Data Management Organizations
Knowledge management
24. Knowledge modeling. Ontology is a semantic model that describes Knowledge.
Data Quality expectations
Taxonomies - 4 types
Semantic Modeling
25. The Exercise of Authority and Control over the Management of Data Assets.
Data Lifecycle complete
Types of Metadata
Master Data Management
Data Governance (EAC DMA)
26. PIBRA Plan - Implement Doc/Record Mgt System - Backup - Retain - Audit
Data Management Functions
Inmon DW Approach
Metadata Architecture types
Document Mgt.Functions
27. FDPPOS - Functions - Definitions - Principles - Practices - Organization - Scope
Kimball key components
Goals of DMBOK
Data Quality Management lifecycle
28. Expert technical custodians of data assets
Data Management Professionals role
Data Security Management (PDE PP AAAA)
Party master data
Data Implementation
29. Type of model that represents a set of concepts and their relationships within a domain.
Drivers for Reference and Master Data Management
Data Access Services
Application DBA
30. Formal accountability for business responsibilities ensuring effective control and use of data assets.
Data Security in an outsourced wolrd
Common Activity Groups for DM Functions (PDCO)
Data Stewardship
31. SITNSH - Subject oriented - Integrated - Time-variant (snapshots of data) - Non-volatile (no updates) - Summarized and Detailed data - Historical
Data Stewardship
Data Development Activities (MDQI)
Inmon DW Approach
Data governance like real Government
32. Top - Definition and List of Goals - Center - List of that function's Activities - Left - Inputs - Suppliers - Participants - Below - Tools used for activities - Right - Primary DELIVERABLES - Consumers - Metrics
Data Quality expectations
Data Stewardship
DM Function Context Diagram overview (DG - ISP - T - DCM)
Party master data
33. Centralized Data Warehouse designed to serve the BI needs of the entire organization. Adheres to the Enterprise Data Model (EDM).
Causes for Performance problems
Enterprise Data Warehouse
DM Function Context Diagram overview (DG - ISP - T - DCM)
Master Data Management
34. BTPD Business (Definitions - rules - data lineage - quality statements - report lists - etc.) - Targetd at Business - Technical and operational (Information about SYSTEMS. DBs - column names - files - etls - etc) - Targeted at IT Operations users' n
The PE - PPP - ACPDEV - DIA Data Management Acronym
Types of Metadata
Party master data
35. PLM - Product lifecycle management systems - enable cross-process cost and legal agreements tracking as product concepts evolve from one idea to many potential products under different names and potentially different licensing agreements.
Causes for Performance problems
Ten Functions of Data Management
Product master data
Data Development Activities (MDQI)
36. (ARPM Bit Mikes PP) ARPM (Awareness - Requirements - Profile - Metrics) - BTS (Business Rules - Test requirements - Service levels) - PP (Measure/monitor - Issues - Clean - Procedures - Performance)
To share consistent Reference and Master data - orgs need to understand...
Data Quality Dimensions
Data Quality Management Functions
Product master data
37. Understand info Needs of enterprise and its stakeholders. - Capture - store - protect - and ensure integrity of Data Assets. - Continually improve Quality of data and information. - Ensure Privacy and Confidentiality - Maximize Effective use and VALU
Data Strategy
Procedural DBA
Strategic goals of data management
Data governance programScope elements
38. GADR PTO "Gatter Riptoe" - Goals/Principles - Activities - Deliverables - Roles - Practices - Technology - Org/Culture
DMBOK Environmental Elements
Data Warehouse primary components
Affiliation Relationship
Metadata Architecture types
39. Security - DB Recovery and Retention - Access and Use of Externally Sourced Data - Sharingdata internally and externally - DW/BI policies
The PE - PPP - ACPDEV - DIA Data Management Acronym
Ten Functions of Data Management
Data Quality expectations
40. DSA - Descriptive metadata (Catalog information - thesauri keyword terms) - Structural metadata (Dublin core - field structures - XML schema) - ADMINISTRATIVE metadata (Source - integration/update schedule - access rights - page relationships)
Data Governance Deliverables (PPS IP SQV)
Metadata for unstructured data types
Data Quality Dimensions
41. More detailed than Conceptual Data Model - adding: Normalization - Abstraction - Still technology independent.
Causes for Performance problems
Content Management
Data Operations Mgt
Logical Data Model
42. TMAC Taxonomy - Metadata - Access - Quality
Procedural DBA
Inmon DW Approach
Content Mgt Functions
Hierarchical Relationships
43. Customer - CRM Employee/workforce - HRM
Components of Data Strategy (VCP GMO RIRS)
Party master data
Types of Data Management Organizations
44. Data Architect - Business Process Analyst- Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) - IT Auditor - Government and Regulatory Bodies
Data governance programScope elements
Data Quality expectations
Examples of individual roles participating in Data Mgt
Semantic Modeling
45. Vision - business case - guiding principles - long-term goal of Data Management - Measures of success - SMART program Objectives - descriptions of Roles - description of INITIATIVES (projects) - ROADMAP - boundaries of SCOPE.
Data Governance Deliverables (PPS IP SQV)
Data Ops Mgt - Guiding Principles
Components of Data Strategy (VCP GMO RIRS)
Metadata for unstructured data types
46. RAS - ICIM - DR [Requirements - Architecture - Standards] - [Implement Managed Metadata Environment Capture Metadata - Integrate Metadata - Metrics on Metadata[ - [Deliver Metadata - Report on Metadata]
Metadata Management Functions
Hierarchical Relationships
Data Quality tools
Data Integration Services
47. Information in perspective - integrated into a viewpoint based on the recognition of Patterns - trnends - assumptions - etc.
Reference and Master Data Management
Conceptual Data Models
Strategic goals of data management
48. Information mgt - Enterprise Information mgt - Enterprise Data mgt - Data Resource mgt - Information Resource mgt - Information Asset mgt
Data Management Synonyms
Data Model/Design quality management
Application DBA
Content Management
49. Planning - set strategic and tactical course for other activities - Development - undertaken within implementation projects and recognized as part of SDLC - Control - Supervisory activities - Operational - Service and support activities
Components of Data Strategy (VCP GMO RIRS)
Common Activity Groups for DM Functions (PDCO)
Reference Data - Examples
Data Policies
50. 1. Data and info are valuable enterprise ASSETs 2. Manage data/info carefully - like any other asset - by ensuring Quality - Security - Integrity - Protection - Availability - Understanding - and Effective Use. 3. Share responsibility between busines
Reference and Master Data Management
Guiding Principles of data management
Data Management Professionals role
Goals of DMBOK