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DSST Civil War Vocab

Subjects : dsst, history
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Union forces nearly broke the Confederate lines - but the Union Army made 14 unsuccessful charges against the stone wall at ________ ____________.

2. Failed attempt by Union troops to take a sea route into the Confederate capital of Richmond.

3. A system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North

4. Small - fast ships that delivered supplies to the Confederacy.

5. (N) George McClellan vs. (S) Robert Lee - Strategic northern victory - Turned tide of war in favor of north. - Bloodiest battle in U.S. History - encouraged Lincoln to give Emancipation Proclamation - and prevented Lee from invading the North

6. Denounced the president for being a first rate second rate man for delaying on the emacipation

7. Lee wanted to attack the North but General McClellan found a copy of Lee's plan wrapped in three cigars

8. One of the South's greatest generals during the Civil War - he possessed an uncanny - almost intuitive grasp of Gen. Robert E. Lee's orders - killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville (1863) when he was accidentally shot by one of his own soldiers.

9. Violent disturbances that were the culmination of discontent with new laws passed by Congress to draft men to fight in the ongoing American Civil War - initially intended to express anger at the draft - the protests degraded into civil disorder direc

10. Expression used to indicate economic dominance of Southern cotton industry - and that North needed South's cotton.

11. Excused slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves from being drafted for service

12. In Virginia where Lee daringly divided his numerically inferior army and sent Stonewall Jackson to attack the Union flank.

13. (N) Major General William S. Rosecrans vs. (S) General Braxton Bragg - Result(s): Confederate victory - CSA won - Largest battle in West - most significant Union defeat in the West

14. President of the Southern Confederate States after their succession from the Union - struggled to form a solid government

15. Lincoln placed this commander at Vicksburg in command of all Union forces - slowly battered Lee's armies into submission around Richmond in 1864-1865 - and received Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

16. Marched from Atlanta to the Sea destroying everything; Total War

17. Launched the American Red Cross in 1881. An 'angel' in the Civil War - treated the wounded in the field.

18. The most infamous prison in the south. There was no shelter. There was a huge population - and there were food shortages - overcrowding - and disease that killed about 100 men a day during the summer months.

19. Freed all slaves in the states that had seceded - after the Northern victory at the Battle of Antietam. Lincoln had no power to enforce the law.

20. (N) Major General William S. Rosecrans vs. (S) General Braxton Bragg - Confederates retired - Bragg claimed Union victory - boosted Union morale Result(s): Union victory

21. Richmond conflict about high prices of food.He offered no solution -so they turned into an angry mob.President Davis showed up - the mob dispersed

22. Provided medical assistance and supplies to army camps and hospitals

23. (N) Pope vs. (S) Lee/Jackson - This was the decisive battle of the Northern Virginia Campaign. Result(s): Confederate victory

24. (N) Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant vs. (S) Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston - Union won

25. Commander of Confederate Army. Great leader - Lincoln wanted him as the leader of the Union Army

26. The first ironclad warship commissioned by the US Navy.....Most famous for participation in the first-ever battle against another ironclad

27. Incident in which a Union warship stopped a British steamer and removed two Confederate diplomats

28. Confederate commander who was executed for mistreatment of Union prisoners of war

29. White leading commander of the first black regiment - 54th Massachusetts

30. Robert E. Lee sent _______'s corps to sweep Union forces from the Valley and - if possible - to menace Washington - D.C. - hoping to compel Grant to dilute his forces against Lee around Petersburg - Virginia

31. (N) McDowell vs. (S) Beauregard/ Jackson - CSA won - 1st Battle

32. Printing paper money - but prices on necessities like food and such skyrocketed and the people rioted.

33. (N) General Joseph Hooker vs. (S) General Robert E. Lee and General Thomas J. Jackson - considered by many to be Lee's greatest battle - Result(s): Confederate victory

34. African American Union regiment that helped capture Fort Wagner in South Carolina

35. [aka USS Merrimack] yard workers salvaged the USS Merrimack and converted her into an ironclad - sank two Union warships in Hampton Roads.

36. Blockade that would not allow supplies of any sort into the Confederacy; control the Mississippi and Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico

37. (N) Burnside vs. (S) Lee - southern victory

38. (N) Major General Ulysses S. Grant vs. (S) General Braxton Bragg - 'Gateway to the Lower South -' which became the supply and logistics base for Sherman's 1864 Atlanta Campaign. - Result(s): Union victory

39. Union paper money not backed by gold or silver. Value would fluctuate depending on status of the war - financed the war

40. Compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service; draft.