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DSST Ethics In America 2
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1. Three Aristotelian principles followed by Aquinas
stoic moral virtues
nonconsequentialist normative theory
In nature - everything has a purpose; nature and its moral laws are knowable through common sense and reason; since every living thing has a nature that is appropriate to the kind of thing it is - failure to develop this nature to its fullest is an i
The Books of Law
2. Evidence of a valid consent
disclosure of information
Consent Form
four roles of political philosophy according to rawls
3. Things are morally good or bad - or morally obligatory - permissible - or prohibited - soley because of God's will or command
Golden Mean
John Rawls
Kohlberg's six stages of moral development
divine command theory
4. Talks about what punishments are appropriate for wrongdoing
normative hedonism
retributive justice
Moral virtue
theory of justice as fairness
5. Prudence - courage - justice - temperance
stoic moral virtues
6. Making exagerated claims about products
Virtue ethics
theory of justice as fairness
conditional covenant
7. Wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War
Stage 3
rule utilitarianism
8. Type of ethical theory which is concerned with moral rules which are generated by non-consequentialist methods - based in the nature of rationality or other principles of duty not consequences - theory of moral obligation
Thomas Hobbes
motivational hedonism
9. Intensity - duration - certainty - propinquity (nearness) - fecundity - purity - extent
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
seven features of pleasure
Jeremy Bentham
10. Punishment and reward - thinking is animalistic - actions are in ways that anticipate reward and avoid punishment
Post conventional level
Stage 1
divine command theory
11. Tell about the life and ministry of Jesus - in the New Testament
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
stoic moral virtues
The Gospels
12. Interference of an individual with another person - against their will - and defended that the person interfered with will be better off or protected from harm
Eternal law
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
13. Envisions a society of free citizens holding equal basic rights of cooperating within an egalitarian economic system
Organization of social classes in an ideal society
theory of justice as fairness
14. Morality and religion are thought to come from a common source of inspiration and knowledge - a source that religion may refer to as God
Doctrine of Virtue
Thomas Hobbes
Stage 5
15. Believes that all acts are ultimately self-serving - even when they seem benevolent - that in a state of nature - prior to any formation of government - humans would behave completely selfishly
four roles of political philosophy according to rawls
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
Thomas Hobbes
16. Duties that form this subject matter are precise - owed to specifiable others - and can be legally enforced
Genesis -Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy
Doctrine of Right
rule utilitarianism
17. Set of rules that produces the greatest amount of good for the most people
rule utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill
three natural reasons people fight according to Hobbes
18. Talks about who should get which benefits and which burdens
distributive justice
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
nonconsequentialist normative theory
19. Student of Socrates who suggested the good life is one of intelligence
four roles of political philosophy according to rawls
natural virtues
In nature - everything has a purpose; nature and its moral laws are knowable through common sense and reason; since every living thing has a nature that is appropriate to the kind of thing it is - failure to develop this nature to its fullest is an i
20. Morality depends on religious belief or on a set of values given by a religion
Natural Law Theory
Stoic philosphy
Hedonistic Utilitarianism
21. The first 5 books of the Old Testament
The Books of Law
John Stuart Mill
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
22. We always ought to perform that act that leads to the most pleasure
Hedonistic Utilitarianism
Stoic philosphy
23. The view that there exists an eternal moral law that can be discovered through reason by looking at the nature of humanity and society
normative ethics
Natural Law Theory
24. When someone's work stands to serve an interest in conflict with his or her obligations as a professional
conflict of interest
stoic moral virtues
Immanuel Kant
25. Morality based on religion alone - without any reference to religious ideas
Pre-conventional level
Thomas Hobbes
26. A relative mean between extremes of excess and deficiency - ini general a life of moderation in all things except virtue
rule utilitarianism
John Rawls
Standards of disclosure
Moral virtue
27. Moral character - a theory of morality that makes virtue the central concern
Jeremy Bentham
Genesis -Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy
Virtue ethics
28. Believe that right and good consist in obedience to objective moral duties
Genesis -Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy
theory of justice as fairness
29. Bad character traits
rule utilitarianism
stoic moral virtues
30. A contract or agreement between two parties to complete a task
Standards of disclosure
Golden Mean
categorical imperatives
31. View holds that the good for which all humans aspire is happiness - which is the activity of the soul
Eternal law
32. This lays the groundwork for normative ethics - it deals with the nature of moral judgment. It looks at the origins of meaning of ethical principles. It studies the nature of morality and questions the abstract meaning of ethical terms
Stage 6
Golden Mean
33. According to Socrates this is the sufficient condition to the good life
motivational hedonism
John Locke
Golden Mean
34. People think of their duties towards others in terms of abstract rules that transcend the particular cultures of historical situations that specific people find themselves in (stages 5 & 6 of Kohlberg's hierarchy)
normative hedonism
Post conventional level
normative ethics
35. Should a whole society be responsible for the actions of a few? What are the justifications of any actions against an enemy?
primary purpose of the Leviathan
Post conventional level
issues addressed in the History of the Peloponnesian War
36. Egoism and exchange relationships - thinking is based on self-interest and how it can be achieved within relationships
Stage 2
natural virtues
37. Says we should always do the will of God
categorical imperatives
Eternal law
nonconsequentialist normative theory
38. Applied to determine on what basis scarce resources will be distributed or alternatively on what basis burdens will be distributed
Stage 6
John Stuart Mill
artificial virtues
39. Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness
Stage 2
Standard of Happiness
40. Maintains that moral values are relative to our natural human feelings and the urgent needs real situations - our ction should be guided by our feeling good about ourselves while promoting social well-being. Experiences of morality drawn from peoples
David Hume
Post conventional level
The Gospels
41. Consent is the basis of government - people have agreed to be ruled that governments are entitled to rule
corrective justice
social contract theory
human nature
42. Disclosing information to outside sources without permission of the company regarding unethical practices
Whistle blowing
43. Selfishness and lack of concern for other (contains first two stages of Kohlberg's hierarchy)
Act utilitarianism
Pre-conventional level
Ethics of care
44. Disclosing relevant information regardng a medical diagnosis or treatment
Doctrine of Right
normative ethics
disclosure of information
natural virtues
45. Hold that choices and/or acts or intentions are to be morally assessed solely by the states of affairs they bring about
Doctrine of Virtue
primary purpose of the Leviathan
John Rawls
46. Puts forth the notion of eternal law as the road map for ethics - the ultimate purpose of life was not happiness here on Earth but eternal bliss in the hereafter
St Thomas Aquinas
Stage 3
47. Descriptive - normative - meta-ethics
Stage 4
The 3 branches of ethics
hypothetical imperatives
primary purpose of the Leviathan
48. Advocates that moral values are relative to likely social consequences - we must act in a way as to help bring about the greatest good for the greatest number of people (Standard of Happiness)
Stage 3
conditional covenant
John Stuart Mill
distributive justice
49. Genuin care for others (stages 3 and 4 of Kohlberg's hierarchy)
corrective justice
The Books of Law
distributive justice
Conventional level
50. Evaluates people's actions and their moral character (it is concerned with the content of moral judgments or principles - rules - or theories that guide our actions and judgments - and the criteria for what is right or wrong- it argues for particular
disclosure of information
John Locke
normative ethics