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DSST Human Resource Management

Subjects : dsst, business-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Involves determining the type and number of individuals needed to get the job done.

2. Removal of something unpleasant for desire behavior.

3. Improvement of job efficiency by simplifying it.

4. Purposeful discrimination.

5. Rewards according to random times. Results in moderately high and stable performance.

6. Performance appraisal that recognizes team accomplishement instead of individual performance - used by companies with a strong total quality management (TQM) emphasis.

7. The working conditions - pay - company policies - and interpersonal relationships; they help eliminate job satisfaction - but do not motivate the employee according to the two-factor theory.

8. Act that provides individuals and dependents who may lose medical coverage with opportunity to pay to continue coverage.

9. Basic individual beliefs about right and wrong.

10. Different types of employee complaint resolution procedures.

11. Discipline focused on early correcion of employee misconduct. 1. Conference between employee and supervisor. 2. Second conference when solution did not work 3. Decision-making leave (paid leave)

12. Pay is the same each pay period regardless of hours worked.

13. Evaluation based on factor-by-factor of development and comparison. Comparison against key jobs within the organization.

14. A leader who works to fulfill subordinates' needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission; the needs of others are placed above the leader's own needs.

15. Employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or modem

16. Method of performance measurement based on managers' records of specific examples of the employee acting in ways that are either effective or ineffective.

17. An interview that may have no format at all or have open ended questions - but makes it difficult to compare candidates.

18. Leadership based on the control that management has over rewarding subordinates.

19. An integrated knowledge within an organization that sets it out from the competition.

20. 1931. Required federal contracts for construction to specify minimum wage for workers.

21. A resignation in which an employee chooses to resign without provocation from the employer.

22. Theory Z people - those that have reached the self-actualization phase.

23. Rewards after a specific number of desired behaviors. Results in high or stable performance.

24. A leader that has an ability to motivate employees to go beyond expectations; less predictable than transactional and embrace new ideas. Charismatic leaders are visionaries; they try to get others to see a better future and their participation in it.

25. Documents that contain the main information about hazardous material.

26. An appraisal temporal error in which the appraiser inflates the evaluation because of a mutual connection.

27. Third level of Maslow's hierarchy. Includes friendship - family - and interaction.

28. Fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy. Includes self-esteem - confidence - achievement - respect of and by others.

29. Can directly align employees with the organizational goals - with evaluation based on profits - sales - etc.

30. Leadership based on the control that management has over punishing subordinates.

31. Withdrawal of a reward.

32. A procedural document designed by the federal government to assist in hiring - promotion - transfer - demotion - dismissal - and referrals.

33. Identification of future candidates for future anticipated vacancies.

34. 1938. Provided basic pay structure for workers. Those that have to be paid are non-exempt and must be paid at least the minimum wage. Those who hold executive or managerial positions are exempt.

35. An organization that is participatory in problem solving - improving - and increasing capabilities.

36. RIF that is composed of lay-offs - either across the board or through company reorganization that result in fewer available positions.

37. Insurance that pays for nursing homes and medical-related costs to old age and illness.

38. Belief that things happen due to their own responsibility.

39. Second level of Maslow's hierarchy. Includes security of body - employment - resources - morality - family - health - and posterity.

40. The first level of moral development - in which people make decisions based on selfish reasons; concerned only with external rewards or punishments. A characteristic of managers with authoritarian and coercive styles.

41. 1994. Jobs are protected for those that go on short military service.

42. Accommodation of several cultures.

43. A group of people that rely primarily or exclusively on electronic forms of communication to work together in accomplishing goals.

44. Pay according to the number of units produced.

45. An appraisal temporal error when the evaluation is based upon the employee's most recent behavior.

46. Diversity as a result of acquisitions and mergers - which is a forced diversification of the workplace.

47. Strength of person's convictions. The higher it is - the more likely one will follow what they believe is ethical in lieu of following unethical impulses.

48. A succession of linked jobs that prepares a worker for advancement to the next job in the chain.

49. Organization of healthcare professionals that provide services on a prepaid basis; seen as lower quality to the employee.

50. A pension plan in which the main source of retirement funds today - some employers will match contributions to a certain percentage.