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DSST Introduction To Business

Subjects : dsst, business-skills, bvat
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. ____________ is a common payment approach that uses wide pay grades. It allows today's flatter companies to reward employees without having to move them up a hierarchy.

2. Since campaign laws limit the abilities of a business to donate money directly to a candidate - businesses will often instead funnel money through a _______.

3. __________ is the process by which the government sets the ground rules and basic standards of proper business behavior - in order to prevent conflicts and facilitate the workings of the economic system.

4. In 1999 - eleven European countries turned over control of their individual monetary policies to the newly created European Central Bank. One of the major reasons for joining forces was the anticipated advantages that would come from creating a unifi

5. A type of trade restriction - _________ limit the amount of a particular good that a nation will allow to be imported during a year.

6. In addition to the full body of laws that apply to individuals - companies must also comply to a subset of laws commonly referred to as __________ law.

7. One way to measure a nation's level of international trade is to determine its _________ of trade - The total value of the productions a nation exports minus the total value of the products it imports - over some period of time.

8. The ultimate goal of a _________ ___________ is not to judge the individual employee but rather to improve their on-the-job performance. It lets employees understand how they are presently doing - instructs them on how they can improve performance -

9. The ________ department plans the best way to hire employees - oversee their training - evaluate their performance - and compensate them.

10. A company's sequence of events that transforms resources (or inputs) into products and services is called the _________ process.

11. To stimulate the innovation commonly found in small businesses - many large companies have started small enterprises run by ___________ - or people who create ideas and innovation of any kind from within an organization.

12. _____________ - or subcontracting work to outside companies - is a common staffing strategy by companies that lack specialized resources internally.

13. Business owners pay as much as $150 billion every year due to product ________ lawsuits - which hold the producer or seller responsible for damages or injuries to the consumer.

14. The ____________ ____________ theory states that a country should produce and sell to other countries those items it can produce economically - and trade for those it cannot produce efficiently or at a lower cost.

15. __________ are cash payments that are linked either to specific individual - group - and company-wide goals; overall productivity; and company success.

16. Usually - human resources will use the job description to develop a ____ __________ - describing the skills - education - and previous experience that the job requires.

17. One of the practices restricted by the landmark Clayton Antitrust Act was that of the _____ contract - which attempts to force buyers to purchase unwanted goods along with goods actually desired.

18. Customs _______ - or import taxes - vary with the product and its country of origin. They are designed to protect American businesses against foreign competition.

19. A ________ is a business arrangement in which a small business obtains the rights to sell the goods or services of the supplier within a specific territory.

20. A _____ ________ incentive plan rewards employees not solely on the basis of overall profits but in relation to achievement of goals such as cost savings or quality improvement.

21. The first step in planning for a company's staffing needs is called ___________ - when the HR department determines the numbers and kinds of employees that will be needed in the company's future - and how many employees are currently available to mee

22. Financial compensation other than wages - salaries - and incentives is called employee ______________.

23. In order to ensure that all new employees understand the company's goals - policies - and procedures - most organizations have ________ programs that help acclimate employees to their new work environment.

24. Defined contribution plans - defined benefits plans - and 401(k) plans are all examples of _______ plans - the most popular type of retirement coverage in companies today.

25. Because competitors in an industry often have common objectives when it comes to government action - they commonly unite to form a __________ group in an attempt to persuade legislators to vote for their group's interest.

26. Employees who receive _______ earn cash payment based on the number of hours the employee has worked or the number of units the employee has produced.

27. In planning tools such as PERT diagrams - the longest path through the network is known as the ________ path because it represents the minimum amount of time needed to complete the project.

28. The ____ ____ ____ system is one of the most used methods of inventory control and production planning today - making sure that materials arrive just when they are needed with minimal inventory and waste.

29. __________ is the term for the process of attracting appropriate applicants for an organization's jobs.

30. In 1997 - the decision by Thailand and Indonesia to unpeg its currency from the U.S. dollar and use instead a _________ exchange rate system triggered a series of reactions around the world and ignited a worldwide economic crisis.

31. A regulatory _______ is any of a wide variety of administrative groups established to protect the rights of one or more group of stakeholders from the potentially harmful actions of business.

32. One of the most important ways to persuade lenders and investors to finance your business is through preparing a ________ _____ - a written document that provides an orderly statement of a company's goals and how it intends to achieve those goals.

33. In today's customer-focused - quality-oriented economy - many current production systems use traditional mass production techniques to create customized goods and services - a system known as mass __________.

34. Following job analysis - the human resources staff will use their findings to complete a ____ ___________ - a formal statement summarizing the tasks involved in the job and the conditions under which the employee will work.

35. More and more companies are using __________ agreements as a source of international revenue - allowing foreign companies to use their intellectual property in exchange for a royalty or fee.

36. Particularly with the recent increase in workplace violence - human resource departments are more carefully conducting ____________ ________ to verify all educational credentials and previous jobs - to account for any large time gaps between jobs - a

37. Roughly two-thirds of business founders start from scratch with new ventures - commonly called ________ ___________ company.

38. In the United States - _______ have traditionally been used not only to raise revenue for government - but also to encourage or discourage certain types of behavior - including the restriction of certain business activities.

39. Administering ___________ - or the combination of payments in the form of wages or salaries - incentive programs - employee benefits - and employer services - is one of the major responsibilities of the human resources department.

40. Some countries practice an economic policy of ___________ - where they restrict international trade in order to shield a country's industries from foreign competition and the possible loss of jobs in those industries.

41. Many companies now integrate all of the facilities - functions - and activities involved in the production of goods and services - from suppliers to customers - through a process called Supply ___________ Management

42. A broader indicator of international trade than the balance of trade - the balance of __________ measure the total flow of money into the country minus the total flow of money out of the country - over some specified period of time.

43. In the past few decades - some industries that were under strict government control have been opened up to competition through ___________ - or the abandonment or relaxation of existing regulations.

44. Large companies increasingly are subcontracting work to small businesses through a process called _____________.

45. NAFTA is a controversial example of a ________ bloc - an organization of nations that removes barriers to trade among their members and also establishes uniform barriers to trade with nonmember nations.

46. The _____ is a government agency that serves as an invaluable resource and advocate for small businesses - often providing them with financial assistance - training - and a variety of helpful programs.

47. More extreme than a quota - an ________ completely bans the import or export of certain products.

48. Most companies use a system of _______ control to determine the right quantity of various items to have on hand and to keep track of their location - use - and condition.

49. A _______ ________is a special type of strategic alliance in which two or more organizations join together to create a new business entity that is legally separate and distinct from its parents.

50. Similar to venture capitalists - ______ ________ tend to be wealthy individuals who are willing to loan smaller amounts of money and to stay involved with the company for a longer period of time.