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DSST Introduction To World Religions
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1. Does NOT accurately describe Taoist beliefs
Empty their minds of all thoughts and desires
The urge for spontaneity should be controlled; Taoism taught that spontaneous action that arose from being free of worldly concerns and open to the Tao - or workings of the universe - was good.
Respect that one person shows another; 'Li' is defined as correct behavior - or etiquette - between individuals.
Destruction of the second Temple and the end of Palestine in 70 C.E.
2. Sufism is characterized by...
Experiencing a feeling of oneness with Allah; Sufism is a mystical movement within Islam that is characterized by asceticism.
Jewish mysticism
Rejection of the caste system
3. The Kabbalah is similar to the material found in the...
An emphasis on monasticism; an emphasis on the compassion of Buddha; the transformation of Siddharta Gautama into an Ultimate Being - one of many Buddhas; the belief that the 'Great Vehicle' has room to transport all souls to nirvana
Tantras of Tibetan Buddhism
Ritual; A code of moral conduct; An afterlife
Religion includes a belief in the supernatural or divine - a set of practices - and a code of ethics.
4. According to Christian theology - Jesus was killed...
Christians; Jews; Muslims
Is of little importance in achieving nirvana; Ritual sacrifice plays a minor role in Theravada Buddhism.
To redeem humankind from sin
Tantras of Tibetan Buddhism
5. Unlike most religions - Hinduism has no...
The growing materialism of Islam around the 800s
Shinto; Shinto was - and remains - a specifically Japanese religion.
The dominant theme of Taoism
6. The primary purpose of the bar mitzvah and the bat mitzvah is to...
Recognize when a boy and a girl are considered adults in Judaism.
Buddha's compassion for living things
Filial piety
7. Monasticism in the West during the Middle Ages is credited with...
Preserving Greek and Roman civilization and learning in general; Monks in monasteries and nuns in convents kept learning alive through their copying of Greek and Roman writings and by teaching.
Purify the body and mind.
Roman Catholicism
8. What was the main reason for the centuries-long mutual hatred between Christians and Muslims?
Invasion of the Holy Land by the Crusaders
Both the Pentateuch and all oral and written teachings of Judaism
9. The ten lost tribes of Israel...
Disappeared after the Assyrians captured Israel
Muhammad forbade idol worship; the lack of mosques' ornamentation was a result of Muhammad's ban on idols out of fear that his followers could fall back into polytheism.
Church's selling of indulgences
The teachings of Buddha - or religious truth.
10. How do Mahayana Buddhists and Theravada Buddhists view Gautama?
The Talmud is the word of Yahweh
Religious conduct; commercial transactions; political actions; private life
Both branches of Buddhism believe that Gautama Buddha is one of many Buddhas; Theravada Buddhists see Gautama as a saint and great teacher and Mahayana Buddhists see him as a savior who helps others to enlightenment.
Circumcision; The ceremony of circumcision - known as brit - marks the entrance of a male child into Judaism.
11. Why was Confucius similar to Gautama Buddha?
Because he did not write down his teachings
Who would appoint bishops
A supreme being
12. Ka'bah
It is the revealed word of God; Muslims believe that God revealed his message to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel.
Jewish mysticism
Required obedience to a set of moral behaviors
Developed over time; he doctrine of papal supremacy was first declared by Pope Damasus I who reigned in the 4th century. He based his declaration on Jesus' words - 'Thou are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church.'
13. The Diaspora is the term given to the...
A better birth in the next cycle of rebirth - life - and death
Movement of Jews to areas outside Palestine beginning in the eighth century B.C.E.
Martin Luther
Ignorance and desire for things of this world are the cause of suffering
14. In what deities do both good and evil co-exist?
Is a righteous God who demands moral and ethical behavior from people
Ahura Mazda
Enter the state of nirvana - or enlightenment
Female and male; Yin represents the female principle and earth. It is passive and dark. Yang represents the male principle and heaven. It is action - heat - and light. Together - they represent harmony.
15. Voodoo is an example of...
The urge for spontaneity should be controlled; Taoism taught that spontaneous action that arose from being free of worldly concerns and open to the Tao - or workings of the universe - was good.
The holy scripture of Nichiren Buddhism
Muhammad forbade idol worship; the lack of mosques' ornamentation was a result of Muhammad's ban on idols out of fear that his followers could fall back into polytheism.
16. The most accurate description of yoga to Hindus is...
Things like ambition - wealth - and power keep people from their real purpose in life
A path to release the mind from distractions
A Taoist endeavors to live a simple life. Taoism teaches inaction as the highest principle of being.
The caste system
17. Which practice of Roman Catholicism was rejected by Protestants during the Reformation?
Is of little importance in achieving nirvana; Ritual sacrifice plays a minor role in Theravada Buddhism.
Is neither a life of pleasure nor one of self-denial
French Protestants who followed the teachings of John Calvin
Use of Latin for the Bible and for church services; One of the changes of the Reformation was the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages and their use in church services. The Roman Catholic Church continued to use Latin for church service
18. What are aspects of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths?
Does not include worship of spirits or divine beings
Who would appoint bishops
Desire is the cause of all suffering; The Eightfold Path; All life is suffering; The only way to end suffering is to end desire
19. The Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the 15th century were known as...
Developed over time; he doctrine of papal supremacy was first declared by Pope Damasus I who reigned in the 4th century. He based his declaration on Jesus' words - 'Thou are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church.'
Eased kosher restrictions;
20. Confucianism could be considered a philosophy rather than a religion because it...
Does not include worship of spirits or divine beings
The Christian belief that Jesus was the messiah
The split into Sunni and Shi'a branches of Islam
An imperceptible presence in the universe
21. Not one of the holy cities to Muslims
Jesus is the son of God
Baghdad; Baghdad was an important center of Islamic power during the caliphates.
It removes the stain of original sin
Sencond Vatican Council
22. What occupation would a dalit have in India?
It was absorbed into Hinduism. Over time - Hinduism adopted some of the concepts of Buddhism and Buddha became one of many Hindu gods.
Trash hauler
23. The god of the Hebrews was unlike the god of their neighbors because Yahweh...
Use of Latin for the Bible and for church services; One of the changes of the Reformation was the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages and their use in church services. The Roman Catholic Church continued to use Latin for church service
Required obedience to a set of moral behaviors
A path to release the mind from distractions
24. To connect with the Tao - Chuang Tzu advises people to...
Empty their minds of all thoughts and desires
Buddhism; Confucianism; Taoism
Neolithic Revolution; The Neolithic Revolution marks the change from hunting and gathering to settled farming as a way of life. Groups developed religions to appeal to the deities in nature for help.
25. Divali
The Hindu Festival of lights.
Angels - heaven - and hell
Law of Manu (describes the caste system and the duties of each caste).
The first week of mourning after a death
26. What was a central element of Confucianism as Confucius taught it?
Just social action; Confucius taught the importance of acting justly in all social interactions.
Had been denied an annulment of his marriage
Baal Shem Tov
Improve the lives of the poor through political activism
27. Women cannot become cantors and rabbis in which branch of Judaism?
Its meaning differs among the various Christian religions; various religions have different interpretations of how original sin affects human nature.
God's goodness can heal illness as well as sin
Circumcision; The ceremony of circumcision - known as brit - marks the entrance of a male child into Judaism.
28. Jerusalem is a holy city to...
Christians; Jews; Muslims
A messiah
A vision quest
What Allah said to Muhammad
29. The 'Bhagavad Gita' is important to...
30. Confucius believed that inferiors owed what to their superiors?
Desire is the cause of all suffering; The Eightfold Path; All life is suffering; The only way to end suffering is to end desire
It taught people to accept the status quo
Salvation came as a gift from God
31. Judaism varies from Christianity and Islam in its lack of emphasis on...
32. Theravada Buddhism does not emphasize...
33. Mennonites do NOT believe...
Quality of human-heartedness. 'Jen' may also be translated as social virtue or goodness.
That the government should support religion; They believe in separation of Church and State
Jewish dietary laws
34. While all religions pray - what is NOT a category of prayer?
Forced conversion of non-Muslims; Muhammad preached tolerance for other religions - but did impose a tax on nonbelievers.
Ahura Mazda
35. Talmud
The early followers of Jesus still considered themselves Jews.
A compilation of ancient Jewish oral law and rabbinical teachings
That the government should support religion; They believe in separation of Church and State
The holy scripture of Nichiren Buddhism
36. The Nicene Creed ended the Arian division within the early Christian Church by reaffirming...
Has no set list of beliefs that followers must accept
That Jesus was both human and divine; Arius taught that Jesus was not equal with God the Father and eternal. The Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicea to deal with the issue - which was dividing the early Church.
Ahura Mazda
Eased kosher restrictions;
37. What is NOT a major doctrinal difference between Roman Catholicism and mainstream Protestant denominations?
Jesus is the son of God
To show their humility before Allah
The Trinity
38. Hindus view 'dharma' as a duty - or moral code of action - whereas to Buddhists 'dharma' is...
The teachings of Buddha - or religious truth.
Christians' belief in an immortal soul; Native Americans in general believe that if people forget the dead - over time their souls will cease to exist.
39. The first Christians believed that...
Can be entered by living a good life and reciting the name of Amitabha
Salvation came as a gift from God
40. What is not a shared characteristics of mainstream Protestant denominations?
Veneration of the saints
Good government could become oppressive if it interfered too much in people's lives
Celebrates the birth of Krishna - the incarnation of the god Vishnu - the protector and preserver.
Rabbis - like priests - lead ritual sacrifice during the liturgy.
41. 'Umma'
Roman Catholicism
The first week of mourning after a death
The Islamic concept of the community of Muslim believers
Sencond Vatican Council
42. Living a life according to 'dharma' (the concept of moral duty - or right living) will result in...
Reconcile Aristotle's work with their religions.
A better birth in the next cycle of rebirth - life - and death
The concepts of purity and pollution remain the basis for the caste system.
43. Marriage is an example of which basic characteristic of religion?
A Taoist endeavors to live a simple life. Taoism teaches inaction as the highest principle of being.
Native American religions.
Rite of passage
Pentecostals believe that they receive special powers from God.; One special power is the ability to 'speak in tongues.'; Pentecostals believe that they receive special powers from God and one of those powers is the ability to speak in tongues.
44. The supremacy of the pope as the head of the Roman Catholic Church...
45. One sect of Zen Buddhism believes that enlightenment comes through...
Were political rulers; The caliphs were considered successors to Muhammad - but after the first four - caliphs were political - rather than both political and religious - leaders
Sudden illumination; The Renzai - or Intuitive - school of Zen Buddhism believes that rational thought will not bring illumination. One must think anti-rationally and go behind reason before enlightenment will come - and then it will come suddenly in
The replacement of a traditional language with a vernacular language.
46. Taoism and Buddhism are similar in that both teach that...
Thomas Aquinas
Both the Pentateuch and all oral and written teachings of Judaism
Things like ambition - wealth - and power keep people from their real purpose in life
Lack of hierarchical structure; Unlike the Roman Catholic Church that has the pope at its head - Eastern Orthodox churches are ruled by a network of patriarchs.
47. The Eightfold Path includes what?
Five Pillars
Immersing adults in water
Right understanding - Right speech - Right livelihood; The steps of the Eightfold Path are right views - right thoughts - right speech - right action - right livelihood - right effort - right mindfulness - and right concentration.
Both the Pentateuch and all oral and written teachings of Judaism
48. What requires a month of fasting from sunup to sundown?
It taught people to accept the status quo
Returning to Allah what is his
Confer special grace on the gravely ill person
49. Seeking converts is NOT an important element of...
Developed over time; he doctrine of papal supremacy was first declared by Pope Damasus I who reigned in the 4th century. He based his declaration on Jesus' words - 'Thou are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church.'
Used in Zen Buddhism to help a believer reach sudden insight.
No schools that teach religion to their followers
50. Buddhism declined in India until...
Myths explain the natural world and the reasons for the religious beliefs and customs of a group
It was absorbed into Hinduism. Over time - Hinduism adopted some of the concepts of Buddhism and Buddha became one of many Hindu gods.
The father of the gods in the Greek pantheon.
Reassert Church doctrine as a result of the Protestant Reformation