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DSST Lifespan Developmental Psychology

Subjects : dsst, psychology
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. All senses report to the thalamus except for one--which?

2. What is the term for fraternal twins?

3. The larger the sample:

4. Level 1 of Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

5. Stages of friendship: Momentary playmates

6. Pavlovs famous classical conditioning dog experiment.

7. What is: the understanding of more advanced classification; that some sets are also sub-sets of a larger class?

8. What do physicians recommend to prevent SIDS?

9. A chronic condition that deteriorates the nerve fibers in the brain controlling memory - speech - and personality. Early symptoms including personality changes - lack of interest in activities - and change in sleep patterns.

10. What is: the method to prevent an egg and sperm from being able to access each other?

11. What is: method of contraception by having no direct contact with partner's genitals?

12. The best way to teach children values is?

13. What is: the moment an ovum/egg is fertilized by sperm?

14. What are the three parts of memory?

15. Categories of old age: 65-74

16. What do endocrine glands do?

17. Who created the first scientific psychology laboratory?

18. Aside from learning disabilities - what physical problem do Kleinfelter people have?

19. One's wishes for the distribution of one's property and possessions after death

20. What are the four stages of sexual response?

21. What is the rating system to judge a baby's functionality when first born?

22. What is the method to find the amount that one variable changes in relation to another?

23. Defense mechanism: reverting to old behavior to avoid feelings

24. What is the term for identical twins?

25. What is: sheath of thin latex designed to catch sperm upon ejaculation?

26. The number which occurs the most often

27. Gilligan believed that Kholberg's theory described the male progression which she called the what?

28. Which stage of development is: Generativity vs. Stagnation? (giving to the next generation)

29. Means that the participants must know the content of the experiment and be warned of any risk or harm

30. What is: an M.D. who provides comprehensive care for people of all ages?

31. What is the name for minimum amount of something we can detect or sense?

32. What is the ring of muscles that makes up the colored part of the eye?

33. The name most associated with operant conditioning is who?

34. States that infants need to form at least one strong attachment such as to a parent - in order to develop normally

35. Who believed that children's thinking doesn't develop smoothly - but instead certain points where it 'takes off' and transitions into new areas?

36. Sigmund Freud's analysis of human personality and subconscious drives features three main components including:

37. Used to show links between people - events - actions - behaviors - etc. while not determining the caus - rather is linked to statistics

38. What is: the representation in the mind of a set of perceptions - ideas - and actions - which go together

39. Theory by Bandura; the interaction of a person's personality - the environment - and the behavior.

40. A morpheme that can be a word on its own

41. Disagreed w/ Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development because his subjects were mainly male

42. What glands affect the mood - energy level - and stress?

43. An environment where children live and attend school

44. Age at which most children will identify specific 'best-friends'

45. Stage at which children are egocentric and will therefore think divorce is their fault

46. What is: generalizations about each gender - such as that men are aggressive and logical - and women are nurturing and emotional

47. Parenting styles: makes few demands - hardly ever punishes

48. Does a gamete (reproductive) cell have full or half set of chromosomes?

49. What is the ability to identify correctly something encountered before?

50. How can parents avoid down syndrome in their children?