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DSST Money And Banking
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1. Nominal interest rate is not adjusted for inflation.
function of financial markets
Yield Curve
Interest rate
2. When bond is at par - the yield equals the coupon rate. The price and yield are negatively related. The yield greater than coupon rate when bond price is below par.
Price vs Yields to Maturity
Supply and Demand for Bonds
Evolution of the Payment System
3. Bringing together of buyers and sellers of financial securities to establish prices; includes banks - savings and loans - credit unions - investment banks - and brokers - mutual funds - and bond markets.
Present Discount Value
financial markets/institutions
When real rate is low
4. The upward and downward movement of aggregate output produced in the economy.
Eurocurrency Market
Discount (zero coupon) Bond
The Preferred Habitat Approach
business cycle
5. Bought at price below face value and face value repaid at maturity
Discount (zero coupon) Bond
Short-Term Maturity
bond market (money markets)
role of money
6. A rise in the price level causes the demand for money at each interest rates to increase and the demand curve to shift to the right.
Fiat Money
Hs a greater upward shift
Price-level effect
Simple Loan
7. The interest rate at which private depository institutions lend balances to other depository institutions usually over night
Term structure theory
banks and money supply
federal funds rate
8. The over the counter market. Equity shares offered by companies that don't meet listing requirements for major stock exchanges - or choose not to be listed there - and instead are traded in decentralized markets.
Certificate of Deposit
function of financial markets
Store of Value
9. What will investors expect for taking on higher default risk?
Money (money supply)
Price vs Yields to Maturity
Why returns are more volatile for Long-Term bonds
Higher Returns
10. Intermediate Yields are highest
Higher Returns
Ex Post
Humped Yield Curves
Foreign Bonds
11. Foreign currencies deposited in banks outside the home country.
business cycle
Downward Slopes
12. Pays owner of bond a fixed payment - until maturity when it pays off face par value
Capital Markets
business cycle
Coupon Bond
13. It will shift it to the right.
Keynesian Model
What will an increase in the money supply engineered by the Federal Reserve do to the supply curve for money?
14. Restrictions on Entry - Restrictions on Assets and Activities - Disclosure - Deposit Insurance - Limits on competition - and restriction on interest rates.
Federal Funds Market
How do regulations ensure the soundness of Financial Intermediaries?
Intermediate-term Maturity (Capital Market)
15. Paper currency - has no real value
Banker's Acceptance
Fiat Money
The Liquidity Premium Modification
16. Yield to maturity; a measure of an interternporal price
financial markets
Interest rate
Fixed Payment-Loan
17. At lower prices (higher i) - ceteris paribus - the quantity demanded of bonds is higher- an inverse relationship ' ' the quantity supplied of bonds is lower- a positive relationship.
Why returns are more volatile for Long-Term bonds
common stock
Supply and Demand for Bonds
18. How interest rates on bonds of different maturities move over time
Ex Ante
Regulations increase information available to investors which does what?
who determines our money supply
19. Rare
Downward Slopes
Short-Term Maturity
The Preferred Habitat Approach
20. Producing an efficient allocation of capital - which increases production
How Financial Markets promote economic efficiency
What will an increase in the money supply engineered by the Federal Reserve do to the supply curve for money?
Simple Loan
Expected Return
21. A debt security that promises to make payments periodically for a specified period of time.
foreign exchange market
22. They channel funds from savers to investors - thereby promoting economic efficiency
financial markets
Capital Markets
foreign exchange market
Keynesian Model
23. Most Common
function of financial markets
Upward Slops
24. Prices of Long-Term securities are more volatile possibly suffer Capital Loss if owner needs to sell security prior to maturity. Prefer to hold Short-term securities for liquidity. Suggests Long term rates will always be higher than short term.
Long-run Movements
Eurocurrency Market
who determines our money supply
The Liquidity Premium Modification
25. Fixed payment (incorporating part of the principal and interest payment) paid over a period of time
The Preferred Habitat Approach
who determines our money supply
Fixed Payment-Loan
26. 4 -13 -26 -52 week maturities. Sold at zero coupon rates
Not constant
Interest rate
Short-Term Maturity
27. Allowing consumers to time their purchases better.
How Financial Markets directly improve the well-being of consumers
easily standardized - widely accepted - divisible and not deteriorate quickly
Store of Value
28. One to Ten year maturities which fund long-term capital investments
Corporate Bonds
role of money
Intermediate-term Maturity (Capital Market)
29. They have a higher interest-rate risk.
Money Market
Bd = Bs
Why returns are more volatile for Long-Term bonds
30. Allows transfer of funds from person or business without investment opportunities to one who has them - improves economic efficiency.
Price vs Yields to Maturity
function of financial markets
31. Long-Term Debt and Equity Instruments
role of money
Humped Yield Curves
Bd > Bs
Capital Markets
32. A dollar paid to you one year from now is less valueable than a dollar paid to you today
Discount (zero coupon) Bond
Present Discount Value
Expected Return
Fiat Money
33. Yields similar for all maturities
financial markets
Flat yield curves
Present Discount Value
Expected Return
34. The total collection of pieces of property that serve to store value
Coupon Bond
unemployment rate
How Financial Markets directly improve the well-being of consumers
35. Less than one year and service current liquidity needs
What will an increase in the money supply engineered by the Federal Reserve do to the supply curve for money?
who determines our money supply
Short-Term Maturity
Long-Term Maturities (Bond Market)
36. What kind of movements should we pay attention to in money supply numbers?
Bd > Bs
Long-run Movements
Keynesian Model
Flat yield curves
37. More than 10 year maturities
When real rate is low
Income effect
common stock
Long-Term Maturities (Bond Market)
38. Seller will buy back the asset at a later date and typically at a higher price. These securities are usually government securities and are used by banks and Large Corporations.
Foreign Bonds
Yield to Maturity for simple loans
Evolution of the Payment System
39. A share of ownership in a corporation
Real world obervations
Mortgage-Backed Securities
common stock
40. Determines interest rates
function of financial markets
Forms of Commercial Papers
Fixed Payment-Loan
bond market (money markets)
41. Less accurate but is less difficult to calculate. It always understates the yield to maturity and becomes more severe the longer the maturity.
Yield on a Discount Basis
Banker's Acceptance
indirect impact
42. If short-term interest rates are low than the yield curve slopes...
Forms of Commercial Papers
Evolution of the Payment System
Higher Returns
43. Banks borrow from and lend to each other deposits they hold at the Fed. These are very short term and usually only held over night.
Corporate Bond Default risk
Bd = Bs
Federal Funds Market
44. Influence on business cycle - inflation - interest rates
monetary policy
Expected Return
The Preferred Habitat Approach
45. If the short-term interest rates are high than the yield curve slopes?
Flat yield curves
Simple Loan
46. Lower excess supply and lower price will fall and interest rates will rise
Keynesian Model
bond market (money markets)
Bd < Bs
federal funds rate
47. The degree of uncertainty associated with the return on one asset relative to alternative assets.
Long-Term Maturities (Bond Market)
Price vs Yields to Maturity
role of money
48. Lower excess demand and lower price will rise and interest rates will fall
financial markets
Term structure theory
Bd > Bs
Certificate of Deposit
49. 2 -5 -10 year maturities
Bd = Bs
Forms of Commercial Papers
The Preferred Habitat Approach
50. Precious Metals or another valueable commodity
Higher Returns
Interest rate
Commodity Money