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Early Childhood Education Essentials
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1. This occurs during early childhood - where the well loved child welcomes his new sense of control - manifesting itself in tantrums - possessiveness - and the 'no' and 'mine' stage.
Moral dilemmas
Jacob Kounin
Limit age : Sitting
2. Hold's objects
Preoperational Stage
physical issues
Vision/Fine motor : 3 months
Early Advanced Literacy
3. May be caused by/confused by differences in socioeconomic status (SES) - Some students have physical or mental health issues that lead to term in the classroom. Collaborating with families and colleagues who know the child's needs can help the teache
professional development
Erickson's Stage 4 Elementary and middle school age 6-12 POSITIVE OUTCOME
Moral dilemmas
social and emotional issues
4. Students work together to solve a problem or achieve a goal.
social-adaptive behavior
physical issues
Enactive Learning Theory
Cooperative Learning
5. Are designed to record the presence or absence of specific traits or behaviors
Stage 8 late adulthood age 65- death NEGATIVE OUTCOME
Jone's Model of Skill Clusters - Skill Cluster 5
6. The collective 'way of life' characteristic of a school; a set of beliefs values - traditions - and ways of thinking and behaving that distinguishes one school from another.
Sucessful teachers need to understand each individual and all of the variables of their lives to be able to understand how they will
Stage 6 Young adulthood age 19-40 DESCRIPTION
Distributed intelligence
School Culture
7. Father of kindergarten 1837 (importance of play)
Friedrich Froebel
David Ausubel
8. An investigative process of learning in which students are asked to pose questions - analyze data - and develop conclusions or generalizations.
Inquiry Teaching
ifferentiated instruction
Naturalistic Observation
How is student's learning influenced?
9. One's knowledge and beliefs about one's own cognitive processes - and one's resulting attempts to regulate those cognitive processes to maximize learning and memory - Knowledge about our own thinking processes
Goodness of Gift
Basic Concepts of Cognitivism
Fear of stranger
10. In classical conditioning - the eventual disappearance of a conditioned response as a result of the conditioned stimulus being repeatedly presented alone - In operant conditioning - the eventual disappearance of a response that is no longer being rei
learning disabilities
Activities for Beginning Literacy Word cards
Basic Trust
11. Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average.
Gifted Children
What are the primary group differences?
Limit age : 3 word sentence
Massachusetts Law of Education 1647
12. The idea that two control systems- inner & outer controls- work against our tendencies to deviate any consequence that increases the future likelihood of a behavior
HELP: Hawaii EArly Learning profile
Identity Diffusion
Control Theory
public law 94-142
13. Practice of individualizing instructional methods - and possibly also individualizing specific content and instructional goals - to align with each student's existing knowledge - skills - and needs.
Direct Observations
ifferentiated instruction
Gross motor development: 24 months
14. Practice of individualizing instructional methods - and possibly also individualizing specific content and instructional goals - to align with each student's existing knowledge - skills - and needs.
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-60months
functional mental retardation
Jone's Model of Skill Clusters - Skill Cluster 4
Differentiated instruction
15. Stage 1: Introduce a concept by lecture - lesson - experience - book read-aloud - etc.Stage 2: Process the information and develop an understanding of the concept through work - experimentation - and creativity. Stage 3: 'Knowing -' which theorist de
learned helplessness
Positive behavioral support (PBS)
maria montessori
Direct Observations
16. Over-lapping activities: not everybody has to be doing the same thing - Managing different things at the same time
Jacob Kounin:4 characteristics that a teacher needs 2
Classroom climate
Stage 7 Middle adulthood age 40-65 NEGATIVE OUTCOME
participation chart
17. To help children learn how to learn Importance of developmentally appropriate education Individuals construct their own understandings Value of play
Antecedent stimulus
Goal of education
Moral dilemmas
Standard English
18. Genetic predisposition to respond in particular ways to one's physical and social environments.
standard error of measurement
Social Emotional Disturbance
19. Language - culture - family and community values.
Direct Observations
Due process
What are the primary group differences?
Cultural Development
20. Total number of items that are passed or correct on a test
Intermediate Literacy
on-going assessments
Raw score
Jone's Model of Skill Clusters - Skill Cluster 5
21. View of intelligence; proponents argue that that intelligent behavior arises from a balance between analytical - creative - and practical abilities.
public schools teach
readiness to learn
Triarchic theory of intelligence
Limit age : Reach
22. Children who are not loved and cared for become mistrustful and insecure.
developmental norms
Basic Mistrust
23. He was a philosopher who believed in 'learning by doing' which formed the foundation of progressive education. He believed that the teachers' goal should be 'education for life and that the workbench is just as important as the blackboard.' Viewed pr
Lower socioeconomic status
tactile learner
John Dewey
Jone's Model of Skill Clusters - Skill Cluster 4
24. If not - the adolescent will sink into confusion - unable to make decisions and choices esp about vocation - sexual orientation and his role in life in general.
Stage 5 Adolescence age 12-18 NEGATIVE OUTCOME
post conventional
Howard Gardner
25. Inquiry - Case Studies - Concept Mapping - Reading for Meaning - Cloze Procedures
Instructional Strategies Associated with Indirect Instruction
IQ score
formal operational thinkers
26. 6 months
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-6 mos
Limit age : Reach
27. Class management centers on the strength of effective lesson planning. the teacher opens a lesson with an 'anticipatory set' to help students connect new content to be learned. then the teacher provides opportunity for individual and extended practic
Zone of Proximal Development
learned helplessness
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-4 mos
28. Professional developement - knowing the latest educational practices - attend meetings on students - open communications with all involved - modifying and accommodating learning practices
students and school culture
predictive validity
Hearing -Speech and language : 18 months
ways teachers can advocate for learners
29. No head lag - Sit with support - on Forearms
Gross motor development: 6 months
Albert Bandura
Basic Concepts of Constructivism
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-12 mos
30. (IDEA) ensures rights of nondiscriminatory treatment in all aspect of disabled individuals lives; fair and appropriate education - appropriate evaluation - individualized education program - least restrictive environment - parent and student particip
Students with the same intelligence levels often approach classroom task and think about topics differently. These individual differences are due to ________ or ________ styles
Feeds self
safety needs
Individuals with disabilities education act
31. Adapting to cultural demands - Infants' specific - lasting - social relationships with others - especially parents and caregivers
Sociocultural Perspective - Attachments
Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
gross motor development
32. An approach that seeks to provide children with an understanding of social and behavioral problems related to prejudice and seeks to provide them with the knowledge - attitude - and skills to combat prejudice.
language behavior
______ are Behaviors that are generally shared among students of specific cultural and ethnic groups.
antibias curriculum
Erickson's Stage 2: Toddler age 1-2 POSITIVE OUTCOME
33. Gross motor stis securely wo support - bears weight on legs when supported - may stand holding on
standardized screening tests
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-8 mos
Antecedent stimulus
Early Advanced Literacy
34. Three zeros in row... three fails in a row
Stage 7 Middle adulthood age 40-65 NEGATIVE OUTCOME
Causal Relationship
Instructional Strategies Associated with Direct Instruction
35. Consistency or repeatability
Standardized SCREENING
norm referenced
formative assessment
36. Theories:'Discovery Learning' and 'Constructivism' Bruner suggests that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based on knowledge or past experiences. His constructivist theory emphasizes a student's ability t
inductive/deductive thinking
Zone of Proximal Development
______ are Behaviors that are generally shared among students of specific cultural and ethnic groups.
Jerome Bruner
37. The practice of placing students in groups based on academic ability or achievement
Naturalistic Observation
Ability grouping
38. Teeth - eyelids develop week 8 about an inch long; starts being called a fetus; looks like a tiny baby; everything it needs it pretty-much has; responds to touch; coordinated muscular/nervous system week 9 fingers can grasp week 11 about 2 inches lon
Limit age : Pincer grip
Fetal Development - week 7 -13
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-6 mos
Brown vs. Board of Education
39. School is the important even at this stage. Children learn to ake things - use tools - and acquire the skills to be a worker and a potential provider. And they do all these while making the transition from the world of home into the world of peers.
40. In adolesence) individual must demonstrate a pattern of behavior in which other people's rights are violated - norms are ignored or rules are broken. Aggression to people & animals - destruction of property deceitfulness or theft - serious violation
Conduct Disorder
Vicarious Learning
purpose of developmental testing
formal operational thinkers
41. Need for friendship - need to belong - desire to find a life partner/mate - desire to have children - need to give and receive love. Maslow physiological needs
Gifted Children
Hearing -Speech and language : 3 months
love and belongingness needs
42. Systematic intervention that addresses chronic misbehaviors by (a) identifying the purposes those behaviors might serve for a student and (b) providing more appropriate ways for a student to achieve the same ends.
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-12 mos
Stage 7 Middle adulthood age 40-65 NEGATIVE OUTCOME
Positive behavioral support (PBS)
Extrinsic Motivation
43. One's ability to process info from different sources - including hearing speech against background noise - sound discriminations - and sound recognition
Early intervention developmental profile (EIDP)
professional development
visual learner
Auditory Perception
44. When you change the tone of your voice and simplify your sentences/words so that babies can better understand you. Very repetitive too.
Infant-Directed Speech
Entity view of intelligence
Psychoanalytic Theory
Negative Reinforcement
45. Learn....
Fair and nondiscriminatory evaluation
Sucessful teachers need to understand each individual and all of the variables of their lives to be able to understand how they will
Hearing -Speech and language : 3 months
46. Casting -Puts block in cup
Vision/Fine motor: 12 months
Learning disability
47. Kicks ball - Climbs stairs one at a time
Gross motor development: 24 months
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-4 mos
Identity Diffusion
Gross motor development: 6 months
48. Schema - Information Processing - Mapping
Basic Concepts of Cognitivism
Jerome Bruner
Bayley II
Discovery Learning
49. Most appropriate when the purpose is tto determine whether an infant has a motor delay or to determine eligibility for early intervention
Early Childhood Developmental milestones birth-6 mos
Testing accomodations
Cognitive style
50. Need for self-esteem - achievement - competence - and independence; need for recognition and respect from others
Students with the same intelligence levels often approach classroom task and think about topics differently. These individual differences are due to ________ or ________ styles
Erik Erikson
esteem needs