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Effective Teaching

Subject : teaching
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 1. Compare/contrast activities - 2. Summarizing and note taking - 3. Homework and class practice - 4. Non linguistic representation (concept maps - pictures - graphs - kinesthetic activity: vary routine- humans are visual learners) - 5. Cooperative l

2. Categories - sets - or classes with common characteristics. A concept has 5 characteristics: Name - definition - characteristics - examples - and place in a hierarchy. Piaget: If schema is inaccurate - students will be confused. If this is the case -

3. Comprehension: Demonstrating understanding of the materials; transforming - reorganizing - interpreting. Example: Explain in your own words OR What is the main idea of...

4. There are 7 stages of development. Children must go through one stage in order to get to the next stage. Degeneration of brain cells is from lack of use - not a product of age. Some teachers teaching the curriculum and students do not learn - because

5. Student's ability to study and comprehend is often contingent upon their ability to take notes. Best Strategies: 1. Outline (full or incomplete)- provided by teacher - 2. 'T' notes created by students - 3. Picture frame notes - 4. Concept maps create

6. WHAT is taught in the classroom. Usually in written form. Example: textbook. Without content knowledge - it's impossible to teach.

7. Bandura - Moslow - Vygotsky

8. 20 seconds

9. Most crime occurs between 4 pm and 7 pm. About one-fourth of the children in the U.S. live in poverty (< $18 -000). More than one-half of all students in the U.S. are being raised by a single parent.

10. 15 minutes

11. Practice makes perfect is a fundamental learning tool. Base the curriculum on the different stages [7 total] students are on. Use senses to mix up learning. You will vary your instructional routine many times!

12. Changes in school achievement as well as changes in attitude and motivation. Example of Teaching Strategies: group work - role play - cooperative learning - demonstration - learning centers - and discussion.

13. Being able to apply what we know. Being able to retain information. It is a change in mental processes or observable behavior. Changes in behavior due to experience. The development of understandings and the CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR resulting from experien

14. To define - to distinguish - to recall - to recognize - to develop - to outline - to identify

15. External catalyst that encourages behaviors (rewards and punishments). Begin with this and then move toward intrinsic. Examples: praise - grades - food - tokens - attention getters (how you open your lesson)

16. To create - to propose - to integrate - to plan - to design - to synthesize - to formulate - to perceive - to organize - to prepare - to develop - to compile - to incorporate - to visualize

17. A study of 25 -000 high school students determined that 3 major influences on academic achievement are: Ability (what the kid has) - motivation (teacher and kid) - quality of instruction (teacher-critical to children)

18. A process that energizes and directs behavioral outcomes. Extrinsic and intrinsic.

19. Analysis: Critical thinking; identifying reasons and motives; making inferences based on specific data; analyzing conclusions to see if supported by evidence. Example: What influenced the writings of OR Why was DC chosen as the capital?

20. Knowing basic facts and information

21. Content as it relates to student interests and real life.

22. Objectives must be organized and planned. Statement that describes what the student will be able to do upon completion of the instructional experience. Example: the student will be able to name all 50 states. Must be able to measure it!

23. To select - to judge - to assess - to compare - to appraise - to distinguish - to evaluate - to decide - to determine

24. KWL- What do I already KNOW - What do I WANT to know - End of the reading/activity - what have I LEARNED. READS- REVIEW headings and subheadings - EXAMINE boldface words - ASK - 'what do I expect to learn?' - DO it-read - SUMMARIZE in your own words-

25. Knowing when or under what conditions to use knowledge and procedures... 'If this - then this...' Logic: order of events.

26. Organization of information through visual representations: concept maps - graphic organizers - webs - advanced organizer - schematic - Venn diagram.

27. Questions should be posed by the teacher that guide reflective thought and critical thinking. They should move beyond rote memory answers.The best approach is to: PLAN and WRITE your questions in advance of classroom discussion (so students don't tak

28. Facts: small bits of knowledge- must know facts in order to understand concepts. The goal is to get them to conceptualization.

29. You want prior learning to contribute to recent learning in a positive transfer. Large group teaching makes it impossible. Goal is to have positive transfer.

30. Cause and Effect Organization - Sequence Chart - Main-Idea Organizers - Network Diagrams - Magic Square - Dichotomous Key.

31. Statements - sometimes inferential in nature - that describe a relationship between two or more concepts. A law or principle is a generalization that is accepted as truth. Must be able to transfer information to other things- application.

32. Word or phrase formed from rearranging letters. Example: Elvis=lives - horse=?

33. PREVIEW - QUESTION - READ - REFLECT - RECITE - REVIEW: Teach them how to look for the main points.

34. Values or behaviors that students learn indirectly over the course of their schooling because of the structure of the educational system and the teaching methods used. Teachers must educate the 'whole student' not just the part of the student that th

35. 1.) Objectives - 2.) TEKS - 3.) Attention Getter - 4.) Content Delivery (15 minutes: lecture - lesson-discussion - demonstration) - 5.) Activities 6.) Closure of Lesson - 7.) Assessment. Discussion first - activity second.

36. Each person has a different role. Most effective group collaborative out there - Jobs vary depending on the assignment. Individual and group accountability. Individual grades - peer evaluations - assess at the end of every day! 80% retention

37. 20 minutes per 50 minute period

38. A puzzle with a hidden meaning

39. Mental operations from the lowest level of simple recall of information to complex evaluative processes. What they will be able to do in class.

40. 1.) There is value in recognizing cultural diversity and a richness added to learning and culture that was not present previously in American culture. 2.) All students should have a full and equal opportunity to learn. 3.) Educational reform seeks to

41. To apply - to employ - to relate - to predict - to use

42. Enthusiasm - knowledge - organization - clarity teaching - vary instructional routine

43. Cooperative learning (ability group ~ 5 members) - learning centers - group work - think-pair-share - jigsaw - panel discussion - symposium (members present their side) - debate - round table.

44. Piaget - Gagna - Bruner - Ausubel - Erikson - Vygoslsky.

45. Evaluation: Judging the worth of an idea - notion - theory - thesis - proposition - information - or opinion. Informed opinion or decision. Example: Which U.S. senator is the most effective?

46. Application: Using information to solve a problem with a single correct answer. Example: Which principle is demonstrated in...

47. Application of material (vs. learning: change in behavior).

48. To distinguish - to discriminate - to analyze - to detect - to recognize - to infer - to categorize - to choose - to select

49. The brain processes incoming sensory data through its different regions. The brain thinks in WHOLES - not pieces. It stores in pieces however - all in different places. We retrieve in pieces- deductive process- whole to part. Example: the brain does

50. In any type of problem solving - the student is actively involved in deriving a solution to a problem/dilemma posed by the teacher. Problem solving can take many forms in a classroom situation: geographical mapping - experiments - scavenger hunts - t