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Elementary Teaching

Subject : teaching
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Behavior associated with one sex as opposed to the other.

2. The study of teaching and learning with applications to the instructional process.

3. A stimulus that naturally evokes a particular response.

4. 1819 Jurisdictional dispute between the college's president and board of trustees led to a Supreme Court ruling favoring the educational freedom of private institutions (which is what colleges are considered to be)

5. Developmental stage at which a person becomes capable of reproduction.

6. A conscious process in which learners develop competence through formal studying of the language - including its rules - grammar and phonetic components

7. Interactive programs that include videos. films. still pictures - and music.

8. Difficulty in maintaining attention because of limited ability to concentrate accompanied by impulsive actions/hyperactive behavior = may have marked academic - behavior - and social problems stemming from inability to pay attention.

9. Learning by observation and imitation of others.

10. A method of ability grouping in which students in mixed-ability classes are assigned to reading or math classes on the basis of their performance levels.

11. A task involving the linkage of two items in a pair so that when one is presented the other can be recalled.serial learning--A task requiring recall of a list of items.

12. 1950s High schools expected to teach "life skills" - especially for students not planning to attend post high school training/education.

13. Rules are set down by others.

14. The value each of us places on our own characteristics - abilities - and behaviors.

15. A cooperative learning model that involves students with four- or five-member heterogenous groups on assignments.

16. A change in an individual that results from experience.

17. Capacity to discern and respond appropriately to the moods - temperaments - motivations - and desires of others.

18. Approach to teaching in which lessons are goal-oriented and structured by the teacher.

19. The ability to use the target language appropriately in various social situations. This includes knowing the target culture well enough to appreciate subtle socio-cultural differences in social interactions.

20. A term used by Piaget to describe how children change existing schemes by altering old ways of thinking or acting to fit new information in their environment; contrast with assimilation.

21. Important events that are fixed mainly in visual and auditory memory.

22. Right = doing your duty - showing respect for authority - and maintaining social order for its own sake.

23. Event that comes before a behavior.

24. Teen is not able to develop a clear direction or sense of self. May have experienced an identity crises but was unable to resolve it.

25. Indicates some type of visual problem has resulted in a need for special education

26. An impairment in the ability to understand and/or use words in context - both verbally and nonverbally; improper use of words and their meanings - inability to express ideas - inappropriate grammatical patterns - reduced vocabulary and inability to f

27. History Industrialization - immigration - and westward expansion lead to many social problems. Solution? An educated - moral citizenry that could participate in democratic decision-making and contribute to the nation's economy.

28. Length of time that a teacher allows a student to take to answer a question. Calling order--The order in which students are called by the teacher to answer questions asked during the course of a lesson.

29. Achievement

30. Teaching approach in which each student works at his or her own level and rate.

31. System of instruction that emphasizes the achievement of instructional objectives by all students by allowing learning time to vary.

32. 12

33. Instructional program for students who speak little or no English in which some instruction is provided in the native language.

34. Representing the main points of material in heirarchical format.

35. Program tailored to the needs of an exceptional child.

36. An explanation of the discomfort people feel when new perceptions or behaviors clash with long-held beliefs.

37. Provisions in the law (IDEA) that requires students with disabilities to be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with their nondisabled peers.

38. Takes coordinated - even steps - steps once on each step - alternating feet

39. Federal law P.L. 101-476 enacted in 1990 changing the name of P.L. 94-142 and broadening services to adolescents with disabilities.

40. An ethnic or racial group that is a minority within a broader society.

41. Piaget's concept that refers to our innate tendency of self-regulation to keep our mental representations in balance by adjusting them to maintain organization and stability in our environment through the processes of accommodation and*assimilation.

42. An aspect of an activity that people enjoy and - therefore - find motivating.

43. Impairments in the ability to understand language or to express ideas in one1s native language.

44. Measuring students' learning at the end of a lesson

45. About 1/3 of affected girls have mild retardation/learning disability; may exhibit attention disorders - self-stimulatory behaviors - and speech/language problems

46. For blind students.

47. The unique pattern of strengths and needs related to each child's physical - cognitive - social - and emotional growth; see interindividual variation.

48. Piaget's term for an infant's understanding during the sensorimotor stage that objects continue to exist even when they can no longer be seen or acted on.

49. Ability to access one's own feelings/abilities to discriminate among them and draw on them to guide behavior; knowledge of one's own strengths - weaknesses - desires and intelligences.

50. 1975 federal law requiring provision of special education services to eligible students.