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Emergency Medicine

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1. Explosive - frothy and foul smellng diarrhea - Entamoeba hystlytica - crypto - isospora (HIV)

2. Left coronary artery (short and branches quickly)

3. For any chest pain due to COCAINE USE!!! (because cocaine makes the arteries spasm)

4. Major criteria (2 each) - Positive blood cultures - Positive echo - Mass or abscess pressent Minor criteria - fevers - IVDU - roth spot (retinal hemorrhage) - Janeway lesions (nails) - Ostlers nodes (painful raised lesions on hands and feet)

5. Abd pain: varies - achy - burning - Melena: dark - tarry stool (UGIB) - Hematemesis - vomiting blood - Hematochezia - BRBPR - Hypotension - tachycardia - Pallor - Guaiac + rectal exam

6. Gram negative - contaminated salads (mayo) - dairy - mean. Severe Dysentery (bloody diarrhea)'

7. Categorize based on severity: 1 to 5 1 - most severe: cyanotic/not breathing - unreseponsive or not talking 2 - MI (life threatening but talking) 3- appendicitis/ abdomino pelvic pain 4- ankle swelling - broken leg 5- suture removal Things you ca

8. Due to HSV-1 S/S: painful vesicles after 1-2 weeks of exposure - HA - fever - dysuria - myalgias. First outbreak lasts 2-3 weeks - likely to recur DxL PCR from vesicular fluid Tx: Acyclovir 400 mg po TID x 2 weeks or Valacyclovir x 10 days. Most pat

9. Abnormal dilatation of the arterial wall - most common in abdominal area below renal arteries - risk factors; atherosclerosis - age - HTN - smoking - connective tissue dz - fam hx - hyperlipidemia - DM - S/S : often ASYMPTOMATIC - dull abd or back pa

10. Active internal bleeding - hx hemorrhagic stroke/TIA in the past year - Intracranial tumor - AV malformation or aneurysm - suspected aortic dissection or tamponade - Severe bleeding disorder - Head trauma - Intracranial procedure

11. HEAD TILT-CHIN LIFT: assess if airway is obstructed vs. open - look for foreign body - vomit - blood. - JAW THRUST - if C-spine injury suspected - 30 compressions for every 2 breaths - Give one breath every 5-6 sections (don't over-ventilate the pat

12. V1-V2 Right Posterior Descending Artery

13. Reassess circulation: compression - check cardiac rhythm - pulse - give meds to help Bp or rhythm prn - Monitor Oxygen and IV - DDx -goalis to find and treat reversible causes

14. Gallbladder inflammation - often from prolonged obstruction of stones - Pain more severe than biliary coli - assoc w/ fever and lasts 6+ hours - Common bacteria: gram - - strep - anaerobes

15. Spontaneous abortion - Never CALL IT ABORTION IN FRONT OF PATIENT

16. IVF with crystalloids - RhoGAM for Rh Negative - Abx if sepsis or suspect retained POC - D and C if retained POC's - F/you with OB GYN in 48 hours - monitor HCG is trending down - Return for worsening sxs

17. Common STI- S/S: skin pustules - fever - monarticular septic arthritis. - may be asymptomatic in females - or cervicitis - PID Males: epididimytis - urethritis - prostatitis Dx: cervical or urethral culture swab Tx: Ceftriaxone IM x 1or Cefixime 4

18. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - hospitals are obligated to screen/treat a patient in the ER regardless of insurance - if a emergency medical condition exists - they must stabilize the patient before transferring or d/c the patient

19. V1-V3 - V2-V4 Means LAD (left anterior descending) involved

20. Shock to electrically terminate abnormal heart rate and restart. - The earlier a fibrillating heart is defibrillated - the more successful (survival drops by 10% with each minute)

21. BRADYCARDIA - due to depressed SA node act or delayed conduction - excessive beta blockers - HR < 50 BPM - Tx: Atropine - Pacing ready / defibrillator prn - treat underlying cause (electrolyte imbalance - drugs - hypothermia)

22. Inflammation of the pericardial sac with or without effusion - S/S: sharp - pleuritic chest pain that's worse when laying down - pericardial friction rub on exam - ST elevations in ALL leads!!! - depressed PR intervals

23. U GIB - ** DARK STOOLS - above the ligament of Treitz: Esophageal varices - Dieulafoy lesion - PUD - Mallory Weiss Tear - LGIB: ** BRight red blood - below lig of Treitz AVM (Atrio-venous malformation) -Divertriculitis - Meckel's divertriculum - colo

24. HR/pulse: 60-100 - Bp: 120/80 - Resp rate: 16-20 - Temp 97-99 - O2 sat > 94% - Pain!!! - 6th vital sign

25. School/work outbreak - Common viruses: rotavirus - norwalk - adenovirus - astrovirus - last 24 to 48 hours - ALWAYS DX as VOMITING AND DIARRHEA - never use the term viral gastroenteritis (CYA medicine) Tx: CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - lIpase - UA - general

26. CDAB - Circulation (rapid CPR to reestablish circulation) - Defibrillaiton - Airway - Breathing - the main goal is to restore effective oxygenation -ventilation and circulation until return of spontaneous circulation or ACLS

27. Directly invades the intestine - s/s abd pain - watery or bloody diarrhea - vomiting

28. Incarcerated - means cannot reduce - Strangulated - bowel edema is compromosing blood flow

29. Pay attention to resp rate - breathing pattern (normal vs. agonic breaths) - O2 sats - goal is > 94% - Chest rise/tidal volume - Waveform Capnography: measures CO2 input and output. Best measure for assessing ventilation - Bag-valve-mask helps patie

30. Infection of endocardium and/or heart valves due to Strep bacteria (viridans or aureus) and HACEK species - Risk factors: IVDU - structural heart abomality - prosthetic valve - rheumatic heart dz - HIV Tx: IV antibioticx x 4 weeks

31. MONA - morphine - oxygen - nitroglycerin (sublingual or IV) -Aspirin 325 mg (consider Integrilin in high risk patients) - Beta Blocker (metoprolol) - decrease streght of heart contractility within first hour - Cardiology cx --> PCI vs surgery prn? -

32. Main cause - hernias and adhesions. Other causes: CA - IBD - bezoar - gallstones - intussusception - Ascaris worm if travel - - Diagnostic Tests = KUB --> look or air/ fluid - levels and dilated loops of bowel - also CT scan Labs: CBC - chem 7 - LF

33. Given to any woman that is Rh Negative who is HCG positive and has any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy - to Rh Negative patients (prevent formation of anti Rh antibodies - against baby)

34. Leads I - aVL - V4-V6 - Left circumflex artery

35. Coffee bean signs on KUB for sigmoid volvulus - can also have cecal volvulus - 10% of LBO are sigmoid volvulus

36. Testis twists on a spermatic cord - restore blood flow in 6 hours or may have infertility - common at puberty and in 1 year olds - High risk - Bell Clapper Deformity (tunica vaginalis isterts high on the spermatic cord) - horizontal lie spermatic cor

37. Obstruction of appendiceal lumen (fecalith) - leads to edema - ischemia - infection - necrosis - ? perf and peritonitis - +Rosvig's sign (push and feel on opposite side)

38. Rectal exam for EVERYONE with belly pain - EKG (don't want to r/o MI) - Labs: CBC - chem 7 - PTT - blood type and screen/cross (in case need blood transfusion) - H Pylori: Rapid urease test or IgG / IgM - Endoscopy for UGIB (can be done in ED) - Colo

39. Risk Factors: PID - Mirena IUD - tubal surgery - pelvic surgery - endometriosis - IVF -DES exposure S/S - R or L adnexal tenderness - R shoulder pain could be referred pain from intraabdominal hemorrhage (gallbladder - liver also) - Workup -CBC - C

40. FLACC Face - legs - activity - cry - consolability (0 - 1 - 2)

41. Look for ST elevation in at least 2 contiguous lead (at least 1mm) - may see a new LBBB - Reciprocal changes - T wave inversion (end of the infarct or old) - Q waves (old infarct)

42. Bp diffrence between R and L arms: > 20 difference in systolic or > 15 mm Hg difference in diastolic - Aortography - gold standard - CT scan with contrast - EKG - CXR - widended mediastinum - obliteraiton of aortic knowb - tracheal deviation - L hemo

43. Same as Early miscarriage - os open - bleeding - but some POC's (prod of conception) expelled. TX: D & C Complete AB: same as miscariage - but OS closed and all POC's expelled

44. Rare STI - increaseing now - due to AIDs - S/S - rash or chancre - serologic testing of blood or CSF - TxL Benzathine penicillin or Doxy x 2 weeks

45. Placenta previa - vaginal/cervical trauma - polyps - genital infections - hemorrhoids - onset of labor (no fetal distress) - placental abruption (have fetal distress)

46. Often embolic phenomenon triggered by afib or endocarditis - 6 P's: Pain - pallor - paralysis - paresthesias - poikilothermia - pulselessness - DX: dopplers with ABI - ankle brachial index

47. Most due to E coli - Lower UTI - bladder and /or urethra - Upper UTI: bladder - urethra and kidneys (so ureters to) S/S: dysuria - urgency and frequency - may be asymptomatic in prego - elderly and immunosuppressed - may see confusion or AMS Tx: Uri

48. Charcot's Triad - Fever - Jaundice - RUQ pain - bacteria enters the biliary tract thru Sphincter of Oddi - Increase risk after sphincterotomy - cholecochal surgery or biliary stent Dx: with ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

49. Cysts rupture and cause pelvic bleeding --> peritonitis --> hypotension --> shock S/S: unilateral sharp - lower abd pain - work up: IVF w. crystalloids - - O2 prn - CBC - chem 7 - HCG - UA - ABO/Rh - PT/PTT - Pelvic ultrasound with color doppler fl

50. Infection/bacterial overgrowth of particles in divertricula - risk factors: old age - low fiber diet - chronic constipation - - Mostly occurs in sigmoid colon - Dx: CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - Lipase/Amylase - UA - HCG - Abd CT scan - Can do KUb if suspe