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Emergency Medicine
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1. On ANY FEMALE WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN- including bimanual vagino-rectal exam
When to do a pelvic exam
Stable vs. Unstable Ectopic Pregnancy
Ovarian Cysts
Incarcerated vs strangulated hernias
2. Active internal bleeding - hx hemorrhagic stroke/TIA in the past year - Intracranial tumor - AV malformation or aneurysm - suspected aortic dissection or tamponade - Severe bleeding disorder - Head trauma - Intracranial procedure
Appendicitis work up
Emergency Severity Index
Contraindications for thrombolytics
Types of Infectious diarrhea Protozo -Giardia (dirty water sources)
3. Start IVF resuscitaiton - IV access or IO as second option - Thready pulses indicate hypotension and poor perfusion - Check frequent BP to reassess
What to do with weak/thready pulses
Incarcerated vs strangulated hernias
4. Rectal exam for EVERYONE with belly pain - EKG (don't want to r/o MI) - Labs: CBC - chem 7 - PTT - blood type and screen/cross (in case need blood transfusion) - H Pylori: Rapid urease test or IgG / IgM - Endoscopy for UGIB (can be done in ED) - Colo
Aortic Dissection definition - risks and S/S
Types of Infectious diarrhea Shigella
GIB work up
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
5. Stable - predictible pattern of chest pain w/ exertion or stress. Relieved by rest or Nitro. Lasts 15 sec to 15 min UNSTABLE - any change in character or time of the angina - ANGINA AT REST - NEW ONSET - ANGINA MORE FREQUENT OR SEVERE. - Unstable a
Viral Gastroenteritis
DUKE criteria for endocarditis
Stable vs unstable angina`
6. U GIB - ** DARK STOOLS - above the ligament of Treitz: Esophageal varices - Dieulafoy lesion - PUD - Mallory Weiss Tear - LGIB: ** BRight red blood - below lig of Treitz AVM (Atrio-venous malformation) -Divertriculitis - Meckel's divertriculum - colo
Types of Infectious diarrhea E coli
Types of GI bleeds
Kidney Stones
Tx of CHF
7. Most due to E coli - Lower UTI - bladder and /or urethra - Upper UTI: bladder - urethra and kidneys (so ureters to) S/S: dysuria - urgency and frequency - may be asymptomatic in prego - elderly and immunosuppressed - may see confusion or AMS Tx: Uri
Emergency Severity Index
Dx of Aortic dissection
8. Due to HSV-1 S/S: painful vesicles after 1-2 weeks of exposure - HA - fever - dysuria - myalgias. First outbreak lasts 2-3 weeks - likely to recur DxL PCR from vesicular fluid Tx: Acyclovir 400 mg po TID x 2 weeks or Valacyclovir x 10 days. Most pat
Genital Herpes
ED work up for cholecystitis
9. MONA - morphine - oxygen - nitroglycerin (sublingual or IV) -Aspirin 325 mg (consider Integrilin in high risk patients) - Beta Blocker (metoprolol) - decrease streght of heart contractility within first hour - Cardiology cx --> PCI vs surgery prn? -
ED treatment of a Miscarriage
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Common risk factors for LGIB
Tx of Unstable Angina
10. Common complication after an AMI - S/S: edema - elevated JVP - hepatojugular reflux - pulm rales - rhochi - decrease BS - +/- cardiac murmurs - low O2 sat - elevated BNP
ED treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy
The vital signs
11. BRADYCARDIA - due to depressed SA node act or delayed conduction - excessive beta blockers - HR < 50 BPM - Tx: Atropine - Pacing ready / defibrillator prn - treat underlying cause (electrolyte imbalance - drugs - hypothermia)
Types of Infectious diarrhea Shigella
Tx of CHF
12. Infection/bacterial overgrowth of particles in divertricula - risk factors: old age - low fiber diet - chronic constipation - - Mostly occurs in sigmoid colon - Dx: CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - Lipase/Amylase - UA - HCG - Abd CT scan - Can do KUb if suspe
Ascending Cholangitis
Ranson's criteria
The vital signs
13. ABC's - IV - O2 - cardiac monitor - Diuretics - Lasix - Lasix naive patients start at 20 mg IV - chronic users start at 40 mg IV - Morphine - Nitro if pain - Pressors prn
Tx of CHF
Ovarian Cysts
14. Look for ST elevation in at least 2 contiguous lead (at least 1mm) - may see a new LBBB - Reciprocal changes - T wave inversion (end of the infarct or old) - Q waves (old infarct)
When are Beta Blockers contraindicated
EKG changes
Ovarian Torsion
Acute Coronary syndrome
15. Check Vital Signs
16. Causes: Alcohol - gallstones - high triglycerides - hypercalcemia - drugs - mumps - trauma Tx: CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - amylase - lipase - EKG Ultrasound CT scan IVF - IVF - IVF!!! NPO Pain control - anti emetics
Ascending Cholangitis
Testicular Torsion
Pancreatitis work up
Acute Coronary syndrome
17. School/work outbreak - Common viruses: rotavirus - norwalk - adenovirus - astrovirus - last 24 to 48 hours - ALWAYS DX as VOMITING AND DIARRHEA - never use the term viral gastroenteritis (CYA medicine) Tx: CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - lIpase - UA - general
Viral Gastroenteritis
ED work up for cholecystitis
When to do a pelvic exam
Ovarian Torsion
18. Rare STI - increaseing now - due to AIDs - S/S - rash or chancre - serologic testing of blood or CSF - TxL Benzathine penicillin or Doxy x 2 weeks
What to do with weak/thready pulses
19. Abd pain: varies - achy - burning - Melena: dark - tarry stool (UGIB) - Hematemesis - vomiting blood - Hematochezia - BRBPR - Hypotension - tachycardia - Pallor - Guaiac + rectal exam
Acute Arterial occlusion - to lower extremities
Common Presentation of GIB
Pain scale for infants
20. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - hospitals are obligated to screen/treat a patient in the ER regardless of insurance - if a emergency medical condition exists - they must stabilize the patient before transferring or d/c the patient
Kidney Stones
Lateral Leads
Dx of Aortic dissection
21. Accounts for 20% o all 3rd trimester bleeding - Placenta overlaps with the cervix near the os (complete - partial - vaginal -low lying) - S/s: bright red vaginal bleeding - painless - NO NOT PERFORM VAGINAL DIGITAL EXAM - risk factors: prior c sect
What should be done after CDAB's
Initial steps in stabilizing a patient
Missed Abortion
Placenta Previa
22. IV fluids - monitor Bp - EKG prn - CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - Lipase - UA - HCG - Ultrasound of gallbladder - Surgical cx - CCY in 24-48 hours - Broad spectrum Abx (Unasyn or Levaquin) - Pain control (morphine or dilaudid) - don't use Toradol (NSAID) - N
STEMI vs Nstemi
Initial steps in stabilizing a patient
Appendicitis work up
ED work up for cholecystitis
23. Gram negative - contaminated salads (mayo) - dairy - mean. Severe Dysentery (bloody diarrhea)'
Other major arteries
Types of GI bleeds
When are Beta Blockers contraindicated
Types of Infectious diarrhea Shigella
24. LMA: Laryngeal Mask Airway - Cricothyroidotomy -surgical airway done as last resort when unable to maintain oxygenation with other methods
Advanced airway techniques
Types of Infectious diarrhea Campylobacter
Types of Infectious diarrhea Yersinia
25. Spontaneous abortion - Never CALL IT ABORTION IN FRONT OF PATIENT
ED Tx of GIB
ED treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy
26. Inflammation of the pericardial sac with or without effusion - S/S: sharp - pleuritic chest pain that's worse when laying down - pericardial friction rub on exam - ST elevations in ALL leads!!! - depressed PR intervals
Types of GI bleeds
Aortic Dissection definition - risks and S/S
27. Major criteria (2 each) - Positive blood cultures - Positive echo - Mass or abscess pressent Minor criteria - fevers - IVDU - roth spot (retinal hemorrhage) - Janeway lesions (nails) - Ostlers nodes (painful raised lesions on hands and feet)
Symptoms of Ruptured ovarian cysts
Tx of Unstable Angina
DUKE criteria for endocarditis
28. Especially O157: H7 causes enterohemorrhagic diarrhea. Inundercooked beef - complicated by hemolytic uremic syndrome and TTP
Types of Infectious diarrhea E coli
Ranson's criteria
Types of Infectious diarrhea Yersinia
29. Bp diffrence between R and L arms: > 20 difference in systolic or > 15 mm Hg difference in diastolic - Aortography - gold standard - CT scan with contrast - EKG - CXR - widended mediastinum - obliteraiton of aortic knowb - tracheal deviation - L hemo
Dx of Aortic dissection
Causes of 3rd trimester bleeding
When are Beta Blockers contraindicated
30. Premature separation of the implanted placenta - S/S: abdominal pain - dark vaginal bleeding -hypertonic and tender uterus - fetal distress - may see signs of shock without visible bleeding if intrauterine bleeding Risk factors: HTN - pelvic trauma -
Stable vs unstable angina`
Placental Abruption
Hypertensive Emergency
31. Chinese food bug - Fever - abdo pain - blood diarrhea - lasts x 1 week.Get from dirty wateror poultry - may cause/trigger Guillan Barre
Aortic Dissection definition - risks and S/S
ED treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy
Types of Infectious diarrhea Campylobacter
Symptoms of Ruptured ovarian cysts
32. LAD - Left Anterior Descending Artery (anterior) - Diagonal branch of LAD (anterior) - Left Circumflex artery (posterior) - Obtuse Marginal Artery
Other major arteries
EKG changes
ED treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy
LBO - Large bowel obstruction
33. S/S - PAIN OUT OF PROPORTION TO ABDOMINAL EXAM - benign compared to pain - At risk patients: elderly - vasculopaths - patients with afib - patients in cardiogenic shock/cardiopulm bypass or on high dose pressors - most occur in SMA (ie intracardiac e
Pain scale for infants
Testicular Torsion
Acute Mesenteric Ishemia
Placental Abruption
34. All cardiac arrest patients get 100% O2 - Room air= 21% - Nasal cannula O2 - raises FiO2 by 2-3% per liter. Normally give 1-6 Liters/minute - Non-rebreather mask --> you are receiving 100% O2
Placenta Previa
Supplemental O2
What to do with weak/thready pulses
35. life threatening pericardial effusion -S/S: muffled heart sounds - JVD - hypotension - pulsus paradoxus - Water bottle heart on CXR - ellarged heart Tx: peicardiocentesis
Appendicitis work up
Cardiac Tamponade
Types of Infectious diarrhea E coli
36. 16-18 Gauge
What is a large bore IV?
Define Biliary colic
ED Tx of GIB
37. Often embolic phenomenon triggered by afib or endocarditis - 6 P's: Pain - pallor - paralysis - paresthesias - poikilothermia - pulselessness - DX: dopplers with ABI - ankle brachial index
Pain scale for infants
Acute Arterial occlusion - to lower extremities
Ascending Cholangitis
When is Rho GAM used
38. IVF with crystalloids - RhoGAM for Rh Negative - Abx if sepsis or suspect retained POC - D and C if retained POC's - F/you with OB GYN in 48 hours - monitor HCG is trending down - Return for worsening sxs
ED treatment of a Miscarriage
DUKE criteria for endocarditis
Common risk factors for LGIB
Types of Infectious diarrhea Protozo -Giardia (dirty water sources)
39. Def: Defect in the intimal layer of the aorta allows for blood to enter space between vascular layers - Risk actors: age - HTN - Connective tissue dz (marphans) - bicuspid aortic valve - coarctation of the aorta - inflam dz of aorta - atherosclerosi
Viral Gastroenteritis
When is Rho GAM used
Aortic Dissection definition - risks and S/S
Appendicitis work up
40. Right Coronary artery - SA node branch (anterior) - Acute marginal artery (anterior) - AV node branch (posterior) - Posterior descending artery (posterior)
Types of Infectious diarrhea E coli
Placenta Previa
41. Leads I - aVL - V4-V6 - Left circumflex artery
Types of Infectious diarrhea Shigella
Types of Infectious diarrhea - Salmonella
Lateral Leads
42. FLACC Face - legs - activity - cry - consolability (0 - 1 - 2)
Pain scale for infants
What should be done after CDAB's
The vital signs
43. IVF w crystalloid CBC - chem 7 - LFT's - lipase - UA - urine cx - HCG - Abdominal/pelvis CT with NO CONTRAST (if suspect a stone) - Ultrasound is an alternative - will show hydronephrosis - Pain control - Dilaudid 1 mg IV - Toradol 30 mg IV (caution
ED workup of kidney stones
Missed Abortion
EKG changes
GIB work up
44. Sepsis due to urologic infection - common in elderly - 2 large bore IV - crystalloid IVF - Blood cultures - IV antibiotics - hosptial admission
Incidence of AMI
LBO - Large bowel obstruction
45. Same as Early miscarriage - os open - bleeding - but some POC's (prod of conception) expelled. TX: D & C Complete AB: same as miscariage - but OS closed and all POC's expelled
Incomplete abortion
Emergency Severity Index
Incidence of AMI
Ascending Cholangitis
46. Abnormal dilatation of the arterial wall - most common in abdominal area below renal arteries - risk factors; atherosclerosis - age - HTN - smoking - connective tissue dz - fam hx - hyperlipidemia - DM - S/S : often ASYMPTOMATIC - dull abd or back pa
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Types of Infectious diarrhea - Salmonella
When are Beta Blockers contraindicated
47. Pay attention to resp rate - breathing pattern (normal vs. agonic breaths) - O2 sats - goal is > 94% - Chest rise/tidal volume - Waveform Capnography: measures CO2 input and output. Best measure for assessing ventilation - Bag-valve-mask helps patie
Initial steps in stabilizing a patient
Common Presentation of GIB
48. Incarcerated - means cannot reduce - Strangulated - bowel edema is compromosing blood flow
ED Tx of GIB
Incarcerated vs strangulated hernias
Tx of CHF
Types of Infectious diarrhea - Salmonella
49. Reassess circulation: compression - check cardiac rhythm - pulse - give meds to help Bp or rhythm prn - Monitor Oxygen and IV - DDx -goalis to find and treat reversible causes
How to monitor CDAB
ED workup of kidney stones
Define Acute Cholecystitis
50. O2 - 2 large bore IV's: IVF with crystalloid (NS or LR) - type and screen crossmatch - transfuse prn - OB GYN cx ASAP
Types of GI bleeds
Types of Infectious diarrhea - Salmonella
Other major arteries
ED treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy