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Emergency Medicine: Lower Extremity
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1. Presentation: fibula may be fx at head -> 6 cm above ankle joint - Tx: Reduce / stabalize fractured medial malleolus - secure fibula to distal tibia
ACL injury
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Maisoneuve fractures
2. Knee immoblizer & RICE
Immediate Ortho consults
Patella Fx treatment: Nondisplaced & intact extensors
Pilon fractures
Pain - Parasthesia - Pallor - Pulselessness - Poikilothermia
3. Common in older adults - Women > Men - Usually secondary to osteoporosis - Fall is usually the cause
Patella Fx Treatment: Severely comminuted
Femoral Neck Fractures
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
4. Most common hip disolcation (90%) - Cause is secondary to force applied to a flexed knee - directed posteriorly - Common in MVC injuries
Displaced femoral neck fractures
ACL injury
Posterior hip dislocation
Non-displaced femoral neck fractures
5. Treatment for posterior hip dislocation - downward traction placed on femur at the knee -> uther hand applies external and internal rotation
Stimpson maneuver
Meniscal Tear PE Maneuvers
Tibial fracture
Dislocated patella
6. MOA: external rotational force applied to foot - starting medially and extending upward and laterally - Results in: - deltoid ligament rupture or medial malleolus injury - Interosseous tearing of distal tib/fib - Fx of proximal fibula
Maisonneuve fractures
Calcaneal fracture treatment
Uncomplicated ankle fracture treatment
MCL PE findings
7. Patient may be ambulatory - Physical exam findings: may be subtle - Xray findings: Normal Shenton's line - Treatment: Internal fixation
ACL injury
Non-displaced femoral neck fractures
Complications of Pelvic Fractures
Tibial fracture
8. Surgical debridement - suturing of quadriceps and patellar tendons
Nondisplaced Phalangeal fractures
Femoral Neck Fractures
Pain - Parasthesia - Pallor - Pulselessness - Poikilothermia
Patella Fx Treatment: Severely comminuted
9. May be ambulatory - focal patellar tenderness - swelling - effusion - potential for poplitieal artery injury - check distal pulses
Meniscal Tear
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Patella fracture presentation
Achilles tendon rupture
10. I&D - splint -> Xrays - Tetanus shot - parenteral Atbx - Cefazolin for open Fx - Measure pressures if Compartment suspected
Patellar tendon rupture
Surgical management of dislocated patella
Tibial fracture
Lachmans Test
11. Intra-Articular: immobilization w/ well padded posterior splint - strict elevation - non-weightbearing - analgesia - ortho f/you - Extra-Articular: Immobilization - analgesia - ortho f/you
Displaced femoral neck fractures
Calcaneal fracture treatment
Meniscal Tear PE Maneuvers
Forearm (flexor - extensor - mobile wad)
12. Vertical displacement of bones @ SI joint and mid-pubic rami - SI ligament may occur
Patellar tendon rupture
Vertical Shear Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Patella Fx Treatment: Severely comminuted
Calcaneal fracture treatment
13. Shortening / rotation of lower extremities - Lacerations - bruising - tenderness - crepitence @ site - Instability of extremities - Limited ROM - Pain w/ motion - Significant pain w/ weight bearing - even if Xrays show no fx (Suspect for femoral neck
Ottowa Ankle Rules
Vascular compromise (dusky foot - absent pulse)
ACL PE maneuvers
Physical Exam findings suspect of Hip Fracture
14. Orthopedic (Tibial / Forearm Fx) - Vascular (Ischemic-reperfusion injury - hemorrhage) - Iatrogenic (Vascular puncture in anticoagulated patients - IV/intra-arterial drug injection - constrictive casts) - Soft Tissue Injury (Prolonged limb compressio
Non-displaced metatarsal shaft fractures
Causes of Compartment Syndrome
Quadriceps tendon rupture
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture
15. Noncontact injury - decelleration - hyperextension - or marked internal rotation of the tibia on the femur - 'Pop' -> swelling within hours
Meniscal Tear Treatment
Lachmans Test
Ottawa Knee Rules
ACL injury
16. The _______ of the upper extremity is most likely to develop compartment syndrome - Tibia (Anterior - Posterior - Medial)
Quadriceps tendon rupture
Forearm (flexor - extensor - mobile wad)
Calcaneal fractures
Patella Fx treatment: Nondisplaced & intact extensors
17. Xray if one is present: - Patient age >55 years - tenderness @ head of fibula - isolated patellar tenderness - Inability to flex knee to 90 degrees - Inability to transfer weight for four steps both immediately after injury and in the ED
Patella Fx treatment: Displaced >3mm &/or disrupted extensors
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
Displaced femoral neck fractures
Ottawa Knee Rules
18. Patients typically unable to bear weight - Physical exam findings: external rotation - abduction - and shortening - Xray findings: disruption of Shenton's line + 'it don't look right' - Treatment: emergency surgery (fixation)
Forearm (flexor - extensor - mobile wad)
Displaced femoral neck fractures
Maisoneuve fractures
Physical Exam findings suspect of Hip Fracture
19. Most common fracture of foot - MOA: stubbing mechanism - crush injury - Dx: Xrays - Tx: Buddy taping - hard soled shoes
Nondisplaced Phalangeal fractures
Ottawa Knee Rules
Dislocated patella
ACL injury
20. Widening of Pubic Symphysis - Disruption of SI Joint - Sacral ligament injuries
Vertical Shear Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
ACL PE maneuvers
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
21. Immobilization by cast / surgery - Goal is to restore anatomical relationship of ____ - maintain reduction during healing - mobilize ankle early - Most ___ fx require ORIF
Ottowa Ankle Rules
Pain - Parasthesia - Pallor - Pulselessness - Poikilothermia
Uncomplicated ankle fracture treatment
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
22. Pain elicited by torsion of the midfoot - Injuries about the tarsometatarsal joint - with pain on passive dorsi/plantar flexion of foot - Bony displacement > 1mm between bases of 1st-2nd metatarsal
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
Non-displaced femoral neck fractures
23. Infection secondary to poor I&D - Compartment syndrome disabilities - Fx not adequately aligned
Tibial fracture complications
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
Physical Exam findings suspect of Hip Fracture
Meniscal Tear PE Maneuvers
24. Knee in 30 degrees flexion - Stabalize femur above knee - anterior force applied behind tibia @ tubercle level -> attempt to displace tibia anteriorly - >5mm movement = ligament tear
Lachmans Test
MCL PE findings
Patella Fx treatment: Displaced >3mm &/or disrupted extensors
Forearm (flexor - extensor - mobile wad)
25. Hip flexed @ 45 degrees - knee flexed @ 90 degrees - Both hands @ tibia tubercle level -> anterior displacement foce applied - >6 mm movement = ligament tear
Anterior Drawer Test
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
Surgical management of dislocated patella
26. The ______ level of the lower extremity is most likely to develop compartment syndrome
Surgical management of dislocated patella
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
Reduction of dislocated patella
Causes of Compartment Syndrome
27. Occurs with fall / jump from a height - 5% of injuries
Non-displaced femoral neck fractures
Vertical Shear Pelvic Fracture
Complications of Pelvic Fractures
Lachmans Test
28. Forceful contraction of ____ - Falling on flexed knee - Patients under 40 years w/ hx of tendinitis or past steroid injections
Patellar tendon rupture
Tibial fracture complications
ACL PE maneuvers
Reduction of dislocated patella
29. Retroperitoneal bleeding (can hold 4 L) - Sciatic nerve injury - Urogynecologic injury - Rectal injury - Ruptured diaphragm - Nerve root injury - Long term effects - Chronic pain - sexual dysfunction
Pivot Shift Test
Meniscal Tear
Reduction of dislocated patella
Complications of Pelvic Fractures
30. French for 'pestle' - May be accompanied by compartment syndrome or vertebral body fx (L1) - MOA: grinding of the talus into the distal tibia - Presentation: high energy mechanism -> ST damage and extensive bone fragmentation - Tx: Reduction of fx -
Forearm (flexor - extensor - mobile wad)
Tibial fracture
2nd Metatarsal / Lisfranc ligament injury
Pilon fractures
31. W/o fracture-> closed reduction under procedural/GA sedation -> within 6 HOURS - Stimpson Maneuver
Posterior hip dislocation treatment
Stimpson maneuver
Dislocated patella
32. Potential complications: overal prognosis very good - potential for limb shortening -> limp - arthritis - delayed/non-union - pain w/ ortho hardware - Treatment: initial traction splint - intermedullary nailing - ex-fix
LCL PE findings
Surgical management of dislocated patella
Femoral shaft fracture
Quadriceps tendon rupture
33. Transverse fx is most common - displacement & disrupted extensor mechanism likely
Patella fracture
Lisfranc ligament injury PE findings
Complications of Pelvic Fractures
Posterior hip dislocation treatment
34. PE: Thompson test - Tx: in ED - short leg cast in slight plantar flexion. Heals well w/ conservative tx or surgery
Achilles tendon rupture
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Maisonneuve fractures
Vascular compromise (dusky foot - absent pulse)
35. Valgus deformity w/ flexion - Laxity >1cm w/o endpoint: complete rupture - Laxity <1cm w/ endpont: incomplete/partial tear - no laxity but pain: ligament strain
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
MCL PE findings
Femoral shaft fracture
36. SI crush injury may occur - Fracture and horizontal counterclockwise rotation of pelvis on the coronal plane - Ligament injuries may occur
Pain - Parasthesia - Pallor - Pulselessness - Poikilothermia
Patella Fx treatment: Displaced >3mm &/or disrupted extensors
Vascular compromise (dusky foot - absent pulse)
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
37. Immediate reduction of a fracture / dislocation is needed if __________ suspected
Calcaneal fractures
Tibial fracture complications
Vascular compromise (dusky foot - absent pulse)
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
38. Most common mechanism of pelvic fracture (50%) - occurs when pedestrians are broad-sided by car
Ottawa Knee Rules
Patella Fx Treatment: Severely comminuted
Maisoneuve fractures
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture
39. Occurs w/ cutting - squatting - or twisting maneuvers - Can occur independent or w/ ligament injury - Medial > Lateral frequency - 'Locking - popping - clicking - snapping' sensations - joint instability
Meniscal Tear
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
Patellar tendon rupture
Pivot Shift Test
40. Ortho referral - NSAIDs and partial weightbearing - Difinintive Dx by MRI & arthroscopy
Meniscal Tear Treatment
Maisoneuve fractures
Anterior Drawer Test
Uncomplicated ankle fracture treatment
41. Forceful contraction of ____ - Falling on flexed knee - Patients over 40 years
Achilles tendon rupture
Quadriceps tendon rupture
AP Compression Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
42. Atrophy of quads / joint line tenderness - McMurray Test (50% positive) - Grind Test (50% positive)
Patellar tendon rupture
Lateral Compression Pelvic Fracture
Vertical Shear Pelvic Fracture
Meniscal Tear PE Maneuvers
43. Hx of recent fall or MVC - Prolonged steroid use - Hx cancer - CKD - Metabolic disorders -> Pathalogic Fx - Pain @ site of injury - Pain @ knee - groin - other injured sites
LCL PE findings
Clinical History suspect of Hip Fracture
Vertical Shear Pelvic Fracture Xray Findings
Causes of Compartment Syndrome
44. MOA: Acute direct blow or twisting force - Dx: Typically seen in oblique or lateral foot films - Tx: Posterior splint or Orthopedic shoe/boot
Non-displaced metatarsal shaft fractures
MCL PE findings
Lachmans Test
Stimpson maneuver
45. Most sensitive imaging of occult hip fx
Calcaneal fractures
Lachmans Test
Vascular compromise (dusky foot - absent pulse)
46. MOA: vertical or mediolateral forces exerted on base 5th metatarsal while heal is raised and foot plantar flexed - Or significant adduction force applied to forefoot - while ankle is plantarflexed - Sudden change in direction w/ heel off ground in sp
Quadriceps tendon rupture
Physical Exam findings suspect of Hip Fracture
MCL PE findings
Jones Fracture
47. Painful to patient - Patient supine - hip internally rotated 45 degrees - force applied to fibular head - internally rotate ankle and knee - valgus force to knee - flex knee. - If anterior subluxation occurs = ligament tear
Treatment of ALL knee ligament injuries
Complications of Pelvic Fractures
Fibula (Anterior - Lateral - superficial posterior - deep posterior)
Pivot Shift Test
48. Open fractures - Fracture dislocations - Dislocations - Bimalleolar / Trimalleolar fractures - Unstable unimalleolar fractures - Mausonneuve fractures
Immediate Ortho consults
Meniscal Tear
Maisonneuve fractures
Physical Exam findings suspect of Hip Fracture
49. Early detection w/ high index of suspicion - Initially complain of severe pain - poorly controlled w/ analgesics - Pain starts few hours after injury - Swollen - firm - tender to squeeze by examiner
Non-displaced metatarsal shaft fractures
Compartment Syndrome
Patella Fx Treatment: Severely comminuted
Achilles tendon rupture
50. Strain: knee immobilizer - ROM exercises - ice/elevation - NSAIDS - ambulation ASAP - f/you w/ ortho/PCP <1 week - Rupture: Same above - functional bracing - immediate ortho consult for difinitive surgery
Pivot Shift Test
Treatment of ALL knee ligament injuries
Ottawa Knee Rules
Stimpson maneuver