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1. To assess circulation - (after you assess the airway/breathing of the patient) - What are the four actions needed to be taken?
According to the assessment sheet - you should control/assess major bleeding before you take the patient's pulse.
Determine if the scene is safe.
1. Assess/control major bleeding (if any) 2. Assess pulse 3. Assess skin (color - temperature - and conditions) 4. Make the decision to transport patient - or not to transport the patient.
Prepare the glucometer and supplies.Cleanse the site. Lance the site. Apply blood to test strip. Apply direct pressure to the site. Finally - read the results.
2. Assessment says that you will notice that the patient is now pale and diaphoretic with a rapid - weak pulse... say that out loud.
The color - temperature - and condition.
Place auto - injector on lateral thigh - midway between the knee and thigh.
You should verbalize the re - assessment of the vital signs.
Remember to position the patient properly.
3. What do you do after you determine if the scene is safe?
Determine the mechanism of injury.
Assessing the posterior includes assessing the thorax - and the lumbar.
Includes 'inspection - palpation - and assessment of motor - sensory - and circulatory functions.'
The second action is determining the patient's responsiveness/level of consciousness
4. Skin Moisture: (touch the patient)
Normal - Moist - Diaphoretic
1. indicate appropriate oxygen therapy. 2. assure adequate ventilation 3. continue with injury management.
Hold the auto - injector to the patient's thigh for 10 seconds.
Medical command
5. After selecting the appropriate assessment - (focused or rapid) - you should obtain baseline ___?___
You should obtain baseline vital signs of the patient.
Normal - Moist - Diaphoretic
Determine if the scene is safe.
Apply blood pressure cuff 1' above the antecubital space Not over clothing. - snug fit - center bladder over artery
6. Assess the following
Yes - you should obtain SAMPLE history after taking baseline vital signs.
You should verbalize the re - assessment of the vital signs.
Determine if the scene is safe.
- Rate - Rhythm (regular/irregular) - Quality (strong/weak)
7. Focused History and Physical Examination/Rapid Trauma Assessment. The first thing you should do in this situation is...
Prepare the glucometer and supplies.Cleanse the site. Lance the site. Apply blood to test strip. Apply direct pressure to the site. Finally - read the results.
Select the appropriate assessment (focused - or rapid assessment)
After doing so - ventilate the patient at the proper volume and rate.
- Description of the episode - Onset - Duration - Associated Symptoms - Evidence of trauma - Interventions - Seizures - Fever
8. After BSI precautions - you need to perform a blood glucose check.. How do you set up/perform the check?
Check the level of consciousness - and the history.
Determine the mechanism of injury.
Prepare the glucometer and supplies.Cleanse the site. Lance the site. Apply blood to test strip. Apply direct pressure to the site. Finally - read the results.
Palpate with 2 fingers (index and middle) over radial artery.
9. After you take BSI precautions - are you just going to assume that the patient can use the nebulizer?
10. Pulse! Palpate with How many fingers?
- Normal - Cyanosis - Jaundice - Ashen - Paleness - Flushing
Report/record ausculated blood pressure.
Palpate with 2 fingers (index and middle) over radial artery.
Inspect the chest - palpate - auscultate.
11. After you determine the number of patients - what should you do - IF NECESSARY?
Request additional help.
For at least 30 seconds!
(margin +/-4)
Confirm the expiration date.
12. You've successfully removed the cap - and you're ready to administer the medication to the patient... but where do you administer it?
Assess effectiveness of intervention. (the assessment says that you have to tell the patient that the wound continues to bleed.)
Expose the thigh area - (and say that you are doing so.)
The second action is determining the patient's responsiveness/level of consciousness
Determine the mechanism of injury.
13. When assessing circulation - should you control major bleeding BEFORE you assess the patient's pulse - or after?
14. Everything is in place - and you are ready to administer the drug to the patient. Should you warn them that they're going to feel a stick?
Yes - always explain to the patient that they will feel a stick from the needle.
Assess effectiveness..(assessment says that the patient Is STILL bleeding.. so. tell them that they are still bleeding.)
Report/record ausculated blood pressure.
Open the airway manually.
15. Integration! First thing you do;
Verbalize or direct insertion of a simple airway adjunct. (oral/nasal)
- Description of the episode - Onset - Duration - Associated Symptoms - Evidence of trauma - Interventions - Seizures - Fever
Determine if the scene is safe.
Take BSI precautions!
16. Did that help?
Count pulse for minimum of 30 seconds then multiply by 2.
- Rate - Rhythm (regular/irregular)
Assess effectiveness of intervention. (the assessment says that you have to tell the patient that the wound continues to bleed.)
Assess the neck - next. Inspect and palpate the neck - assess for JVD - and then for tracheal deviation.
17. Should you examine the head - arm - or abdomen first?
Dispose of the auto - injector in a sharps container.
Assess the following..
Examine the head first. Check/palpate the scalp and ears - check the eyes - and facial areas (the oral and nasal areas.)
Determine the mechanism of injury.
18. Alright - you're about to distribute the Epinephrine to the patient. You don't just do it without telling the patient what you're doing.. do you?
Determine if the scene is safe.
Remember to explain the procedure to the patient.
Did that help? Document when you put the tourniquet on.
- Onset - Provokes - Quality - Radiates - Severity - Time - Interventions - Refer to Nitroglycerin
19. Should you just lay something over the wound after BSI precaution - or should you apply direct pressure?
Assess effectiveness of intervention. (the assessment says that you have to tell the patient that the wound continues to bleed.)
Hold the auto - injector to the patient's thigh for 10 seconds.
Apply direct pressure to the wound.
Simple.. Remove the cap from the auto - injector. (be careful not to stab yourself in the finger with it!)
20. Assess the following
Prepare the glucometer and supplies.Cleanse the site. Lance the site. Apply blood to test strip. Apply direct pressure to the site. Finally - read the results.
- Onset - Provokes - Quality - Radiates - Severity - Time - Interventions - Refer to Nitroglycerin
Normal - Moist - Diaphoretic
- Rate - Rhythm (regular/irregular)
21. Count the respiratory rate for at least ___ seconds and multiply times 2.
Take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions.
Apply blood pressure cuff 1' above the antecubital space Not over clothing. - snug fit - center bladder over artery
You should verbalize the re - assessment of the vital signs.
For at least 30 seconds!
22. After checking the chest - where do you move?
Switch to bag/valve mask.
Take BSI precaution!
You move down to the abdomen/pelvis - where you assess each. Verbalize assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed.
Simple.. Remove the cap from the auto - injector. (be careful not to stab yourself in the finger with it!)
23. After you're sure he/she isn't allergic to the medicine; check your 5 rights of drug administration.. which are.....
Right patient - Right drug - Right dose - Right route - Right time.
Explain the procedure to the patient.
Take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions.
Examine the head first. Check/palpate the scalp and ears - check the eyes - and facial areas (the oral and nasal areas.)
24. Okay - you've told the patient what you're going to do.. But are you sure they're not allergic to the medication?
Apply blood pressure cuff 1' above the antecubital space Not over clothing. - snug fit - center bladder over artery
Confirm that the patient has NO allergies to the medication.
According to the assessment sheet - you should control/assess major bleeding before you take the patient's pulse.
Take BSI precaution!
25. When dealing with a patient who has a history of - or who is experiencing cardiac problems - What are the questions/key words you should remember?
Confirm that the patient has NO allergies to the medication.
Explain the procedure to the patient.
Connect the mask to high concentration or oxygen.
- Onset - Provokes - Quality - Radiates - Severity - Time - Interventions - Refer to Nitroglycerin
26. Respirations!
Initiate analysis of the rhythm.
First - observe the rise and fall of the chest/abdomen.
Assure high concentration of oxygen is delivered to the patient.
Briefly question the bystanders about arrest events.
27. How will you determine if the patient needs glucose administration?
For at least 30 seconds!
Check the level of consciousness - and the history.
Request additional help.
You should verbalize the re - assessment of the vital signs.
28. The patient is still bleeding - so you..
Yes - always explain to the patient that they will feel a stick from the needle.
You move down to the abdomen/pelvis - where you assess each. Verbalize assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed.
Direct rescuer to stop CPR and ensures all individuals to stand clear.
Apply pressure dressing to the wound.
29. After determining the level of responsiveness/consciousness during the initial assessment of the patient; you should turn your attention to the: A.) scrapes and bruises of the patient B.) chief complaint/apparent life threats
Direct resumption of CPR.
You should determine the chief complaint/apparent life threats of the patient.
You move down to the abdomen/pelvis - where you assess each. Verbalize assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed.
Assess the airway and breathing.
30. You've checked the neck - now move down to the chest.
Inspect the chest - palpate - auscultate.
Monitor the patient's condition and vital signs after administration.
Hold the auto - injector to the patient's thigh for 10 seconds.
The color - temperature - and condition.
31. What do you do after you determine the mechanism of injury?
Determine the number of patients.
Document the procedure!
Yes - direct resumption of CPR.
Indicate the need for immediate transportation.
32. After taking care of the chief complaint of the patient during the initial assessment - you should...
Assess the airway and breathing.
Apply the blood pressure cuff 1' above the antecubital space - Not over clothing. - snug fit - center bladder over artery
Confirm the expiration date.
Apply pressure dressing to the wound.
33. First action performed after you arrive on scene..
You move down to the abdomen/pelvis - where you assess each. Verbalize assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed.
Take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions.
Hyperextend extremity and palpate brachial artery.
Apply pressure dressing to the wound.
34. Inflate cuff rapidly to at least 20mm Hg ______ palpated blood pressure.
Yes - after completing the physical examination - you should manage all of the patient's secondary injuries/wounds appropriately. In class - you will receive 1 point for doing so.
Inflate cuff rapidly to at least 20mm Hg above palpated blood pressure.
Report/record ausculated blood pressure.
Take BSI precautions!
35. Do CPR without unnecessary/prolonged interruption..
Assessing the posterior includes assessing the thorax - and the lumbar.
The pulse returns.
Initiate analysis of the rhythm.
The color - temperature - and condition.
36. When dealing with a patient who has an altered mental status - What are the questions/key words you need to remember in order to assess them appropriately?
Did that help? Document when you put the tourniquet on.
Apply direct pressure to the wound.
Connect the one - way valve to mask.
- Description of the episode - Onset - Duration - Associated Symptoms - Evidence of trauma - Interventions - Seizures - Fever
37. The second action needed to be taken during the initial assessment is A.) Determining responsiveness/level of intelligence B.) Determining responsiveness/level of consciousness C.) Determining responsiveness/level of oxygen in blood stream
38. Report/record pulse findings.
Request additional help.
(margin +/-4)
Document the procedure!
Apply blood pressure cuff 1' above the antecubital space Not over clothing. - snug fit - center bladder over artery
39. Skin Signs!
- Description of the episode - Onset - Duration - Associated Symptoms - Evidence of trauma - Interventions - Seizures - Fever
Assess the following..
Initiate analysis of the rhythm.
After doing so - ventilate the patient at the proper volume and rate.
40. You're getting ready to use the AED. But the other rescuer is still performing CPR.. What do you tell him?
Direct rescuer to stop CPR and ensures all individuals to stand clear.
Expose the thigh area - (and say that you are doing so.)
Take BSI precautions!
(margin +/-4)
41. Blood pressure (auscultation)
42. What's the expiration date on the oral glucose?
Assess the patient's ability to use the nebulizer.
Normal - Moist - Diaphoretic
Open the airway manually.
Confirm the expiration date.
43. After checking the chest - where do you move?
You move down to the abdomen/pelvis - where you assess each. Verbalize assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed.
Inspect the chest - palpate - auscultate.
- Onset - Provokes - Quality - Radiates - Severity - Time - Interventions - Refer to Nebulizer
You should obtain baseline vital signs of the patient.
44. How do you prepare the medication and nebulizer?
Examine the head first. Check/palpate the scalp and ears - check the eyes - and facial areas (the oral and nasal areas.)
Unscrew the lid of the nebulizer chamber. Add the medication as directed. Reattach the lid. Fasten the T- tube to the nebulizer chamber. Connect the mouth piece to the T- tube and flex tube to the other end.
Perform two minutes of high quality CPR.
Assure high concentration of oxygen is delivered to the patient.
45. During your Epinephrine Auto - Injector Administration scenario; What is the First thing you should do?
Briefly question the bystanders about arrest events.
Take BSI precautions!
Take BSI precautions!
Take BSI precautions.
46. Ventilate patient!
Assure high concentration of oxygen is delivered to the patient.
Brachial artery.
Normal - Moist - Diaphoretic
Monitor the patient's condition and vital signs after administration.
47. Administer ____ concentration oxygen.
Assess the following..
Administer high concentration oxygen.
Yes - you should obtain SAMPLE history after taking baseline vital signs.
Brachial artery.
48. Attach the AED to the patient;
Initiate analysis of the rhythm.
- Normal (warm) - Cool - Cold - Hot
1. Assess/control major bleeding (if any) 2. Assess pulse 3. Assess skin (color - temperature - and conditions) 4. Make the decision to transport patient - or not to transport the patient.
For at least 30 seconds!
49. You need to shock the patient again. The rescuer is STILL delivering CPR.. What do you do?
Tell the rescuer to stop delivering CPR - and for everyone to stand clear.. make sure they are all clear.
In the assessment for class - you will receive 1 point for EACH EXTREMITY (so check them all.) that includes 'inspection - palpation - and assessment of motor - sensory - and circulatory functions.'
Scalp - ears - eyes - and the oral/nasal areas.
Document the procedure!
50. What do you do after that?
Connect the mask to high concentration or oxygen.
Determine the number of patients.
- Onset - Provokes - Quality - Radiates - Severity - Time - Interventions - Refer to Nebulizer
- Rate - Rhythm (regular/irregular)