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Engineering Studies

Subject : engineering
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Ma/vr

2. Elongation of grain flow in direction of rolling

3. Being forced - under pressure - through a hole like toothpaste. either hot or cold

4. Load/area

5. Resulting from exposure to oxygen in the atmosphere - chemical fumes - steam - flue gas. creates a layer of metal oxide.

6. Use of xrays passed through the material to make a visual record of internal structures on specially sensitized film

7. Usually used together - strengthening and toughness

8. When upper die is dropped on bottom

9. Between 2000-35 -700km above the earth's surface.

10. A cable made of optical fibers that can transmit large amounts of information at the speed of light

11. Makes brittle by heating and then cooling quickly - less flexible. Red Heat then quenching

12. A solid state component made from three layers of semiconductor material that can amplify the strenght of an electric signal or act as an electronic switch

13. Produces; harder - stronger and less ductile product

14. Resulting from combined effect of stresses set up within the metal

15. Good toughness and fatigue. high strength structures

16. Forming of metal by compressive force above recrystallization point.

17. A motor that is light - rugged and very reliable - runs on ac current and are more common in robotics. Can only run at a certain speed

18. Occurs when the metal is hammered by a vertically moving tool onto a stationary tool

19. Maximum bending moments X distance to natural axis/ second moment of area

20. A method of transmitting signals by changing the frequency of a wave

21. Steel reinforcing rusts - rust has a greater volume concrete then breaks of as a result.

22. Resulting from exposure to damp environments and liquids.

23. Can only be softened once - bonded strongly - generally stronger that thermoplastics. stronger secondary bonds

24. Allows for another signal to be sent along the carrier signal

25. 0.6%<X<1% carbon. almost entirely pearlite with cementite x>0.8% for high strength and wear

26. Low pressure

27. These have weaker secondary bonds which allow the stretching

28. Supply current to the rotating commutator from an external source

29. 0.3%<X<0.6% carbon. mostly pear- lite - heat treatable. 0.4 used in axles

30. Majority silicon X>1.5% for graphite. Graphite in flakes that cause stress points

31. 1GHZ

32. X<1% silicon no graphite - has carbon/carbide. very brittle

33. Area load piston/area of effort piston

34. High pressure

35. 10MHZ

36. A strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water

37. Glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering

38. Controlled cooling after heating metal to attain a degree of hardness. removes internal stresses

39. Rubbers

40. 0.15%<X<0.3% carbon. more pearlite - most common steel. weldable up to 0.2 used in structures

41. A method of transmitting signals by changing the amplitude of a waves

42. 100GHZ+

43. An orbit less than 1 -500 km. above the Earth's surface.

44. Good wear - case hardening. ball bearings

45. 1/2Xmass X velocity X velocity

46. Can be reflected of the ionosphere - 3 to 30 megahertz

47. The greater the sulphur the harder the rubber to stretch

48. 1%<X<2% carbon. more cementite - used for files

49. A flexible communications cable that contains pairs of insulated copper wires that are twisted together for reduction of EMI and RFI and covered with an outer insulating jacket.

50. Us a metal that is more reactive. It is connect to another metal and corrodes instead of the other metal. the Anode is replaced periodically