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Subjects : health-sciences, emt
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Physical exam of chest

2. Rhinosinusitis physical exam?

3. Acute rhino-sinusitis duration of symptoms?

4. Tx of sinusitis symptoms <10 days

5. Which Rx should not be used for viral URI?

6. What does mucopurulent indications not indicate?

7. Which Rx should not be used for viral URI pecs?

8. What is the most common pathogen for otitis in newborns?

9. Common cold symptoms

10. Common Cold (URI - Acute Coryza)

11. Pulmonary diagnostics (1)

12. Rhinosinusitis risk factors?

13. Abnormal pulmonary findings?

14. Symptoms of viral rhinosinusitis

15. Rhinosinusitis History?

16. Stridor

17. Acute otitis media

18. Spirometry

19. Cheyne-stokes

20. What are the symptoms of otitis?

21. Rhonchi

22. Symptoms of acute bacterial rhino-sinusitis (ABRS)?

23. Diagnostics of sinusitis?

24. Rx for rhinorrhea and/or allergies?

25. Wheezes

26. Acute viral rhino-sinusitis (AVRS) pathogens?

27. Cold incubation period

28. Special cases of sinusitis?

29. Rx for viral URI?

30. What is the most common pahtogen for otitis media?

31. Respiratory Examination (Observation)

32. Vesicular breath sounds...

33. Tx for pediatric AOM?

34. Respiratory Illness Key Points (3)

35. 1st line treatment for bacterial sinusitis?

36. What are physical exam findings of AOE?

37. Normal pulse ox

38. Rx nasal congestion?

39. Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)

40. What is the common side effect of sympathomimetics?

41. Kussmal's respiration

42. Bronchial breath sounds...

43. Pulmonary tests

44. Common cold pathogens

45. Crackles (rales)

46. Bronchophony

47. Sinusitis

48. Additional pulmonary diagnostics

49. Whispered pectoriloguy

50. Subacute rhino-sinusitis duration of symptoms?