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Environmental Engineering 2
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1. filtration is the...
Low BOD - High suspended solids - no control - does not match limits`
Remove as many organic and non organic particles as possible
Last chance to remove particles
No residual
2. Adsorption and Charge Nuetralization
Optimal dose depends on charge and concentration
Turn a large number of small particles into a small number of large particles
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
Remove all flocculated particles
3. Advantage of trickling filter
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
Cheap - low biosolids - resistant to shock - simple
Forms clear interface between particles and supernatant( big word) - particles move around the water
4. Bridging
Last chance to remove particles
Remove the dead pigs - stuff that would hurt the pumps
Residual at tap
High Molecular Weight Synthetics
5. Purpose of sedimentation in waste water
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
Remove as many organic and non organic particles as possible
Last chance to remove particles
Turn a large number of small particles into a small number of large particles
6. Goal for drinking water disinfection
Residual at tap
Sedimentation - suspended solids
No residual
Cheap - low biosolids - resistant to shock - simple
7. Purpose of sedimentation in drinking water
Remove the dead pigs - stuff that would hurt the pumps
Floating upside down
Remove all flocculated particles
Sedimentation - suspended solids
8. Goal for wastewater disinfection
No residual
Floating upside down
Always the same dose needed - but that dose is higher
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
9. Purpose of Floculation
Floating upside down
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
Always the same dose needed - but that dose is higher
Turn a large number of small particles into a small number of large particles
10. 4 types of sedimentation
Forms clear interface between particles and supernatant( big word) - particles move around the water
Sedimentation - suspended solids
Discrete - floculation - hindered - compression
Chemically - Aerobically - Anaerobically
11. where is the break point in chlorination and what happens after
Settling of floculant particles
Add salt
The second dip in the graph - free chlorine is formed
Floating upside down
12. Hinderded Settling
Forms clear interface between particles and supernatant( big word) - particles move around the water
Remove all flocculated particles
Big Partices Catch little ones
No residual
13. Primary clarifier uses _____ removes _____
Sedimentation - suspended solids
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
Want pH high for corrosion but lower for HOCL
Floating upside down
14. Flocuation settling
Compress double layer - adsoprtion and nuetralization - enmeshment - particle bridging
Not in my back yard - nutrient overload - crops
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
Settling of floculant particles
15. Compression Settling
Starts high then goes down like a parabolla as the particles settle then goes back up as it starts to jam
Acts like a sponge - water moves around particles
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
Residual at tap
16. Compress double layer
Acts like a sponge - water moves around particles
No residual
Remove as many organic and non organic particles as possible
Add salt
17. G
RMS velocity gradient
Cheap - low biosolids - resistant to shock - simple
Discrete - floculation - hindered - compression
Want pH high for corrosion but lower for HOCL
18. CL catch 22
Turn a large number of small particles into a small number of large particles
Want pH high for corrosion but lower for HOCL
Settling of floculant particles
Last chance to remove particles
19. Higher pH gives more
Remove as many organic and non organic particles as possible
Optimal dose depends on charge and concentration
De watering - belt press and centrifuge
20. Stabilization 3 ways
Chemically - Aerobically - Anaerobically
Compress double layer - adsoprtion and nuetralization - enmeshment - particle bridging
RMS velocity gradient
Remove viruses and bacteria that slipped through filter
21. Land applicatioin worries
Residual at tap
The second dip in the graph - free chlorine is formed
Not in my back yard - nutrient overload - crops
High Molecular Weight Synthetics
22. Dichotomy of energy level for floculation
23. Sedimentation
Floating upside down
Remove all flocculated particles
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
24. Point of pre treatment
Chemically - Aerobically - Anaerobically
Remove the dead pigs - stuff that would hurt the pumps
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
Big Partices Catch little ones
25. Disinfection
Remove viruses and bacteria that slipped through filter
Low BOD - High suspended solids - no control - does not match limits`
Sedimentation - suspended solids
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
26. 4 mechanisms
Compress double layer - adsoprtion and nuetralization - enmeshment - particle bridging
Last chance to remove particles
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
27. Disadvantages of trickling
Low BOD - High suspended solids - no control - does not match limits`
Compress double layer - adsoprtion and nuetralization - enmeshment - particle bridging
Settling of floculant particles
28. What is thickening - name 2 ways
Forms clear interface between particles and supernatant( big word) - particles move around the water
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
De watering - belt press and centrifuge
29. Secondary Clairfier removes _____
Settling of floculant particles
Add salt
Forms clear interface between particles and supernatant( big word) - particles move around the water
Fixed films
30. Enmeshment in Sweep Floc
Not in my back yard - nutrient overload - crops
Very pH dependent - grab pieces
De watering - belt press and centrifuge
Particle in a medium - they don't interact with other particles
31. Discrete Sedimentation
32. Advantage/Disadvantage of Aerobic digestion
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
RMS velocity gradient
Discrete - floculation - hindered - compression
Easy/Costly hard to dewater
33. What is special about chloramine
Always the same dose needed - but that dose is higher
Need enough to make it happen - don't shear the floc though
Turn a large number of small particles into a small number of large particles
RMS velocity gradient
34. Differential Sedimentatioin
Last chance to remove particles
Big Partices Catch little ones
Not in my back yard - nutrient overload - crops
Easy/Costly hard to dewater
35. What is the effect of temperature and pH
Optimal dose depends on charge and concentration
Floating upside down
Compress double layer - adsoprtion and nuetralization - enmeshment - particle bridging
High pH and cold is bad
36. Headloss change over time
Starts high then goes down like a parabolla as the particles settle then goes back up as it starts to jam
No residual
De watering - belt press and centrifuge
Remove as many organic and non organic particles as possible