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Family Medicine/ambulatory 1
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1. MONA therapy
Steroids + bronchodilators
Morphine - Oxygen - Nitroglycerin - Aspirin (clopidogrel if allergic) + B-blocker - GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors
Ear pain - itching - inflammation/swollen canal - exudates/discharge
Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals (pseudogout)
2. IV tx for PID
Clindamycin AND gentamicin
Oxytocin (IV)
MCC melanoma. Radial growth.
Peritonsillar swelling - tonsil pushed to midline with contralateral uvula deviation; sore throat - trismus (pain w/ chewing)
1 mo - eyes follow object to midline - vocalizes
2 yo - copies circle - tricycle - 3 cubes - sentences - 3 colors
Transport - shopping - cooking - telephone - money management - medications - housecleaning - laundry
4. Low serum iron - low MCV - low ferritin - +stool guaiac
Fe deficient anemia
2 yo - copies circle - tricycle - 3 cubes - sentences - 3 colors
400ug (low risk) - 4mg (high-risk: e.g. anticonvulsant therapy - previous defect)
5. Screening for 65-76YO male smoker
4mo - sits unsupported - hand transfer - babbles
Aortic aneurysm
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
6. X-ray on knee?
Ear pain - itching - inflammation/swollen canal - exudates/discharge
55+; patella tenderness; fibular head tenderness; inability to flex knee 90o; inability to bear weight for 4 steps
Diphenhydramine - chlorpheniramine - hydroxyzine
7. Nonfunctioning nodules > 1cm require _____
Short-acting + 40mg prednisone x 10-14days
Initial: Amoxicillin - alternative: amoxicillin-clavulanic acid - TMP-SMX - 2nd-3rd gen cephalosporins
Normal mental status; no other injuries; seen within 10 days of injury
8. Pregnancy class C smoking cessation drugs
Stridor - drooling - toxic appearance
Ceftriaxone 125mg IM
Patch - bupropion - varenicline
Urinary calcium. Hyper PTH (high) >> FHH (normal)
9. Tocodynamometer
7-10d sx: purulent nasal discharge - maxillary tooth or facial pain - unilateral maxillary sinus tenderness - worsening of Sx after initial improvement (post viral URI possibly)
1 mo - eyes follow object to midline - vocalizes
Calcium oxalate crystals
Conrtaction monitoring along with fetal heart rate assessment
10. Complications of GAS infxn
Long axis of fetus to long axis of mother (longitudinal or transverse)
Morphine - Oxygen - Nitroglycerin - Aspirin (clopidogrel if allergic) + B-blocker - GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors
Ferrous sulfate 325mg tid
Rheumatic fever - PSGN - TSS - peritonsillar abscess - meningitis - bacteremia
11. Malignancies with hypercalcemia
Lung; SCC head & neck; RCC; breast; MM; prostate
9 mo - walks - throws - 1-3 words - 1-step commands
Age-related sensorineural hearing loss (high frequency and speech discrimination)
12. writes name - counts 10 objects
Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals (pseudogout)
Diabetes - HTN - GN
5 yo - draws person - ties shoes - skips
13. Tx chlamydia
Doxycycline 100mg bid x 7days OR azithromycin 1000mg once
High dose PTU - B-blocker - hydrocortisone (prevent adrenal crisis)
Anaerobic: bacteroides - peptostreptococcus - fusobacterium
(ofloxacin OR levofloxacin) +/- metronidazole
14. shoulder dystocia
Onset of labor until cervix dilation
Anterior shoulder cannot readily pass below the pubic symphysis.
Calcium oxalate crystals
Thin homogenous discharge; pH > 4.5; +KOH whiff test; clue cells on wet mount
15. Dx criteria for RA
(cefotetan OR cefoxitin) AND doxycycline
Oxygen intervention 15h/d
Measures strength of contractions
Morning stiffness - 3+ joints - hands - symmetric - nodules - +anti-Ig (RF) - erosions/decalcifications on XR
16. Third stage of labor
Tdap - influenza - pneumovax
Calcium hydroxyapatite crystals
Nicotine inhaler - nasal spray - gum
After delivery until delivery of placenta and membranes <30 mins
17. explorations
Transport - shopping - cooking - telephone - money management - medications - housecleaning - laundry
Aortic aneurysm
Pneumovax - influenza
9 mo - walks - throws - 1-3 words - 1-step commands
18. Screened at 11-13 weeks GA for trisomy
Ciprofloxacin 500mg bid x 1-2days - azithromycin 1000mg or 10mg/kg daily x 3d (children) - Rifaximin (noninvasive E. coli)
Nuchal translucency - serum hCG - PAPP-A
Masoiditis - bacterial meningitis - brain abscess - subdural empyema
0.2-0.5mg aqueous EPI IM/SubQ
19. group play - gender - knows name
6 yo
3 yo - identify body part - copies square - hops - throws - past tense - story telling
Doxycycline 100mg bid x 7days OR azithromycin 1000mg once
Calcium oxalate crystals
20. Immunizations at visit for 6MO
DTaP - hepB - Hib - rotavirus - inactivated polio
4 yo - copies triangle - catches ball - dresses self
Lung; SCC head & neck; RCC; breast; MM; prostate
5 yo - draws person - ties shoes - skips
21. Improve short-term outcomes in acute exacerbations of COPD - asthma
Calcium hydroxyapatite crystals
Steroids + bronchodilators
Onset of labor until cervix dilation
Lung; SCC head & neck; RCC; breast; MM; prostate
22. DDX for geriatric hearing impairment
4 yo - copies triangle - catches ball - dresses self
Ampicillin/sulbactam AND doxycycline
Presbycusis - noise-induced - cerumen impaction - otosclerosis - central auditory processing disorder (CAPD)
23. Four cardinal fetal movements
4 yo - copies triangle - catches ball - dresses self
Long axis of fetus to long axis of mother (longitudinal or transverse)
Flexion - internal rotation - extension - external rotation
Onset of labor until cervix dilation
24. Other causes of hypercalcemia
Triple/quad screen (AFP - b-hCG - estriol +/- inhibin A)
Hypervitaminosis A; hypervitaminosis D; rhabdomyolysis; adrenal insufficiency
MCC melanoma. Radial growth.
Clindamycin AND gentamicin
25. Oral tx for PID
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
Fe deficient anemia
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexalate) - insulin + glucose - retention enema
(ofloxacin OR levofloxacin) +/- metronidazole
26. variable deceleration
Abrupt decrease in fetal heart rate - inconsistent timing. caused by umbilical cord compression during contractions.
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
Ampicillin/sulbactam AND doxycycline
27. Sx epiglottitis
6 mo - pincer - crawls - cruises - mamma - dada - byebye
Lower abdominal tenderness - adnexal tenderness - CMT - febrile - discharge - elevated ESR - CRP - gonorrhea/chlamydia infxn
Stridor - drooling - toxic appearance
28. Electrolyte abnormality that increases the incidence of torsades de pointes
<20lb - <1YO - Reacts to pain - Responds to noise
Monosodium urate crystals (gout)
Thiazdes; lithium
29. painless - deep - subQ swelling (periorbital - circumoral - facial)
Calcium oxalate crystals
Anaerobic: bacteroides - peptostreptococcus - fusobacterium
McRobert's manuever (hyperflexion of hips); suprapubic pressure; episiotomy
30. causes of acute bronchitis
Starts at peak of contraction. caused by uteroplacental insufficiency: maternal hypotension; diabetes; prolonged pregnancy; placental abruption
Influenza PIV - adenovirus - rhinovirus - mycoplasma - c. pneumoniae
Thin homogenous discharge; pH > 4.5; +KOH whiff test; clue cells on wet mount
31. IV tx for PID
Ampicillin/sulbactam AND doxycycline
5 yo - draws person - ties shoes - skips
0.2-0.5mg aqueous EPI IM/SubQ
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexalate) - insulin + glucose - retention enema
32. recognizes strangers
6 mo - pincer - crawls - cruises - mamma - dada - byebye
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
Urinary calcium. Hyper PTH (high) >> FHH (normal)
1st line: penicillin V (oral) - penicillin G (IM) - if allergy: cephalosporin - macrolide
33. complications of otitis media
Masoiditis - bacterial meningitis - brain abscess - subdural empyema
Stridor - drooling - toxic appearance
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Age-related sensorineural hearing loss (high frequency and speech discrimination)
34. social interaction
Thin homogenous discharge; pH > 4.5; +KOH whiff test; clue cells on wet mount
4 yo - copies triangle - catches ball - dresses self
Ask - Advise - Assess - Assist - Arrange
35. Tx hyperkalemia in CKD
MCC melanoma. Radial growth.
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexalate) - insulin + glucose - retention enema
2 mo - eyes follow object past midline - rolls over - laughs - squeals
1 = 90+ GFR - 2 = 60-89 - 3 = 30-59 - 4 = 15-29 - 5 = <15 or dialysis
36. Tx bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole or clindamycin
Bupropion - varenicline - nicotine replacement
Most aggressive melanoma.
Tdap - influenza - pneumovax
37. Immunizations for adult 65YO+
Rheumatic fever - PSGN - TSS - peritonsillar abscess - meningitis - bacteremia
Tdap - influenza - pneumovax
Histamine - tryptase - chymase - kinase - leukotrienes - PGD2
Flexion - internal rotation - extension - external rotation
38. Dx bacterial vaginosis
Thin homogenous discharge; pH > 4.5; +KOH whiff test; clue cells on wet mount
Triple/quad screen (AFP - b-hCG - estriol +/- inhibin A)
Measures strength of contractions
Aortic aneurysm
39. Large - irregularly shaped - prutitic - erythematous wheals
Most aggressive melanoma.
Doxycycline 100mg bid x 7days OR azithromycin 1000mg once
Triple/quad screen (AFP - b-hCG - estriol +/- inhibin A)
40. Recommended folic acid daily dose
Hypervitaminosis A; hypervitaminosis D; rhabdomyolysis; adrenal insufficiency
400ug (low risk) - 4mg (high-risk: e.g. anticonvulsant therapy - previous defect)
Diabetes - HTN - GN
Monosodium urate crystals (gout)
41. Tx acute exacerbation COPD
Transport - shopping - cooking - telephone - money management - medications - housecleaning - laundry
Short-acting + 40mg prednisone x 10-14days
Histamine - tryptase - chymase - kinase - leukotrienes - PGD2
Rheumatic fever - PSGN - TSS - peritonsillar abscess - meningitis - bacteremia
42. Fetal lie
Oxygen intervention 15h/d
Long axis of fetus to long axis of mother (longitudinal or transverse)
1st line: amoxicillin - TMP-SMX 10-14d 2nd line: amoxicillin-clavulanic acid; 2nd-3rd gen cephalosporin; fluoroquinolone; 2nd gen macrolides (azithromycin - clarithromycin)
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
43. Augments contractions
MCC melanoma in Africans/Asians. Under nails - soles - palms.
[ceftriaxone OR (cefoxitin + probenecid)] AND doxycycline +/- metronidazole
Thin homogenous discharge; pH > 4.5; +KOH whiff test; clue cells on wet mount
Oxytocin (IV)
44. Estimated delivery date (Naegele's rule)
Monosodium urate crystals (gout)
MCC melanoma in Africans/Asians. Under nails - soles - palms.
= LMP + 7 days - 3 months
45. dyspnea - visceral edema - hypotension
Metronidazole or clindamycin
Ampicillin/sulbactam AND doxycycline
PH > 6.5 (Nitrazine) - 'ferning' on air-dried microscope slide
46. Superficial spreading melanoma
MCC melanoma. Radial growth.
Measures strength of contractions
After delivery until delivery of placenta and membranes <30 mins
47. GBS tx
IV penicillin (or ampicillin)
[0.8 x (normal albumin - patient's albumin)] + serum Ca level
48. Bacteria causing chronic sinusitis
Anaerobic: bacteroides - peptostreptococcus - fusobacterium
Influenza PIV - adenovirus - rhinovirus - mycoplasma - c. pneumoniae
Cr Clearance = [(140-age) x weight/72 x SCr] x 0.85 (if female)
49. Tx RA (best long-term outcome)
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Stones; bondes; psychic groans (poor concentration - supor coma - weakness - fatigue); abdominal moans (pancreatitis - anorexia - pain - constipation - nausea - vomiting)
PH > 6.5 (Nitrazine) - 'ferning' on air-dried microscope slide
50. Oral tx for PID
Urinary calcium. Hyper PTH (high) >> FHH (normal)
[ceftriaxone OR (cefoxitin + probenecid)] AND doxycycline +/- metronidazole
MCC melanoma in Africans/Asians. Under nails - soles - palms.