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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Cover with blanket or other clothing - prevents chilling or exposure to cold - place blanket between ground and victim - avoid overheating - avoid giving victim anything to eat or drink

2. Based on victims injury

3. Directly to wound

4. Are classified as open or closed

5. Use when direct pressure - elevation - and pressure bandage do not stop severe bleeding

6. Use when bleeding is under control - maintain direct pressure - apply additional dressing - use a roller bandage

7. Can lead to death - even if injury is not fatal - can occur with any injury or illness requiring first aid

8. Body part cut off - preserve amputated part

9. Skin pale and bluish gray - skin cool or cold - diaphoresis - rapid and weak pulse - respiration are rapid - shallow - and may be irregular - blood pressure is very low - general weakness - anxiety and extreme restlessness - excessive thirst - nausea

10. Swelling (edema) - fever (pryexia) - pain - redness (erthyemia) - heat - pus (pustacles) - red streaks leading from wound

11. Do not disturb

12. Cold applications

13. Spotted - with patches of color. pertain to what you would see with a severely burned pt

14. Pulse is rapid - weak - and difficult to feel - hypertension or below normal and may not be obtainable

15. May cause internal bleeding - get medical help asap - check breathing and treat for shock - avoid unnecessary movement - avoid giving any fluid or food to victim

16. Will stop bleeding

17. Apply for 5 to 10 minutes or until bleeding stops

18. Get tetanus shot

19. Eliminate the cause - improve circulation especially to the brain and heart - provide an adequate oxygen supply - maintain the body temperature

20. Subjective sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and marks the onset of a seizure

21. Tearing of tissue - jagged - irregular edges - heavy bleeding - contamination

22. Below bandage to assess for presence of a pulse and there should be no discoloration of skin

23. Caused by sharp objects - bleeding limited - increase chance of infection

24. Used for wounds - if not available use linen type cloth

25. Is most common in puncture sites and wounds that involve tissue damage under the skin

26. Placing a tube within or through the trachea

27. Is the immediate care that is given to the victim of an injury or illness

28. Direct pressure - elevation - pressure bandage - pressure on pressure points

29. Responsiveness of the mind and to the impressions made by the senses

30. Respirations are rapid - shallow and may be irregular

31. Instrument used to compress a bld vessel by application around an extremity

32. Pertaining to the heart and lung

33. Sudden attack of a dz uncontrolled muscle movements of epilepsy

34. Pain and tenderness - swelling - deformity - cold and clammy skin - rapid and weak pulse - uncontrolled restlessness - vomited blood - blood in urine and feces

35. Raise above level of victims heart - continue to apply direct pressure while elevating

36. Pertaining to to a crisis or danger of death

37. Skin is pale (pallor) or bluish gray in color - skin is cool to touch - diaphoresis (excessive perspiration) may result in a wet - clammy feeling when the skin is touched

38. Brachial and femoral

39. Lying flat on back to improve circulation - raise feet 12in to provide additional blood to heart and brain

40. Do not move unless absolutely necessary

41. Pressure should be applied to this - press against underlying bone

42. Are injury to soft tissue

43. A clinical set of signs and symptoms that are associated with an inadequate supply of blood to body organs - especially brain and heart

44. Setting priorities for care of victim(s)

45. Be alert to signs of shock - be prepared to treat shock in any victim - remain calm at all times - reassure the victim while providing care - obtain appropriate assistance or medical care asap

46. Torn or separated from body - bleeding heavy - preserve body part

47. Is a break in skin or mucous membrane

48. Is the first priority in caring for wounds

49. Caused by a sharp object - deep - damage to muscles

50. Hemorrhage or excessive loss of blood - excessive pain or infection - heart attack or stroke - poisoning of chemicals - drugs or gases - lack of oxygen - psychological trauma - dehydration from burns - vomiting - or diarrhea