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First Aid: Reproductive
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1. GI malignancy that metastasizes to ovaries causing a mucin secreting signet cell adenocarcinoma
Slight increase - 1.5 to 2
Krukenburg tumor
Fibrcystic change - ductal cancer
2. what metabolic disorder is assocaited with PCOS
Esophogeal/duodenal atresia - can't swallow - anencephaly
Insulin resistance
increased freq of urination - nocturia - difficulty starting/stopping urination - dysuria
3. What virus is dyslapsia and carcinoma in situ of the cervix associated with
HPV 16 - 18
Corpus luteum cyst
Ectopic preg
4. What is the typical cell change in HPV infection
E coli
Invasive ductal
Visceral - somatic nerves in pudendal
5. Which system and nerve are responsible for emission
Granulosa cell tumor
SANS - hypogastric nerve
Smooth muscle
6. reinke crystals - androgen producing - gynecomastia in men - precocious puberty in boys - golden brown color
Retrograde mentrual flow or ascending infection
Hydatidiform moles - choriocarcinoma - gestational trophoblastic tumors
Leydig cell tumor
7. What is the most common pathogen in acute mastitis
Myometrial tumors
Syncytiotrophoblasts of placenta
S aureus
8. What is the main source of energy for spermatozoa
Weight loss - OCP - gonadotropin analogs - clomiphene - sprinolactone - surgery
9. attachment of palceta to lower uterine segment that may occlude internal os - painless bleeding in any trimester
Placenta previa
Paget's disease
Invasive ductal
10. dx with increased testosterone and increased LH
Male pseudoHerm
Defective androgen receptor
Obdurator - exterinal iliac - hypogastic nodes
11. histo: simple columnar epithelium
increased size and tenderness with increased estrogen
Stimulates sertoli cells to produce ABP and inhibin
12. dx with decreased testosterone - increased LH
Aortic bicuspid valve
increased Ca in - smooth muscle contraction - vasocxn - antierectile
Primary hypogonadism
13. What structures does testosterone negatively feedback on?
Hypogondadotropic hypogonadism
Diploid - 4N - 46 sister chromatids
The anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
14. List the estrogens in order of decreasing potency
Call exner bodies
Estradiol > estrone > estriol
15. What is the genetic material in the secondary oocyte?
Haploid - 2N - 23 sister chromatids
PANS - pelvic nerve
16. when do primary oocytes begin meiosis I
In the 6th decade of life
During fetal life
Haploid - 2N - 23 sister chromatids
Klinefelter's - XXY
17. Large bulky breast mass of connective tissue and cysts with leaf like projections
Phyllodes tumor
Tunica vaginalis lesions
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
18. When is follicular growth the fastest?
Hydatidiform mole
Serous cystadenoma
2nd week of proliferative phase
19. What is the pattern seen in leiomyoma
Whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles
Peripheral adipose tissue
Seminiferous tubules - epididymis - vas deferens - ejaculatory ducts - nothing - urethra - penis
20. What are the four functions of estrogen
Development of genitalia and breast - growth of follicle - hormonal interactions with HPG accesss - and increased transport proteins like SHBG increased HDL and dec LDL
Broad ligament
Neoplastic cells block lymphatic drainage
21. What occurs to a fibroadenoma during pregnancy and menstruation and why
increased size and tenderness with increased estrogen
Testis determining factor
increased risk for carcinoma
22. Red velvety plaques - usually involving the glans - similar to Bowen's
Andogren binding protein - anti mullerian hormone
Erythroplasia of Queyrat - carcinoma in situ of penis
Differentiation of penis - scrotum and prostate
23. tumor with orderly row of cells - often multiple and bilateral
Corpus luteum cyst
Invasive lobular
Placental ischemia due to impaired vasodltn of spiral arteries resulting in increased vasc tone
24. Benign painless lump - forms as a result of injury to breast tissue - possible history of trauma
Fat necrosis
Good - late metastasis
Bowen's dz - carcinoma in situ of the penis
Diploid - 4N - 46 sister chromatids
25. What are the effects of prolactin?
Induces and maintains lactation - decreases reproductive function
Corpus luteum - placenta - adrenal cortex - testes
Yolk sac - endodermal sinus - tumor
Krukenburg tumor
26. Where is testosterone converted to estrogen
Inhibition LH and FSH
Call exner bodies
Sertoli cells - and adipose tissue via aromatase
27. small follicles filled with eosinphilic secretions
Small infiltrating glands with prominent nucleoli
Peripheral conversion of androgens
Call exner bodies
28. What is the common presentation of metastasis in prostate cancer
Milk letdown - uterine contractions?
2 months
Low back pain with increased serum alk phos
increased AFP and hCG
29. defect in androgen receptor resulting in normal appearing female - rudimentry vagina - no uterus or uterine tubes
Haploid - N - 23 single chromatids
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - 46 XY
1 week - 2 weeks
Lateral invasion can block ureters causing renal failure
30. malignancy in ovaries - testis - sacrococcygeal area of young children - yellow friable solid masses with 50% having schiller - duval bodies
Neoplastic cells block lymphatic drainage
SANS - hypogastric nerve
Yolk sace - endodermal sinus - tumor
31. What does progesterone do for pregnancy
Theca - leutin cysts
Bicornute uterus
32. What is the most common form of male pseudoHerm
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Insulin resistance
Mimics LH
33. blood from ruptured follicle causing peritoneal irritation that can mimic appendicitis
Mittelschmerz syndrome
Prostatic acid phosphatase and PSA
Fallopian tube
34. hyperplasia - not hypertrophy of the prostate gland
Endometrial > ovarian> cervical (in US)
69 xxy
Theca - leutin cysts
35. ovaries plus virilized external genitalia due to excessive and inappropriate exposure to androgenic steroids during early gestation
Prostatic acid phosphatase and PSA
S aureus
Female pseudoHerm
Sertoli cells
36. increased AFP - schiller duvel bodies - yellow mucinous
Peripheral adipose tissue
GnRH from hypoTh - LH and FSH from ant pituitary
Yolk sac - endodermal sinus - tumor
37. malignant - increased hCG - disordered syncytiotrophoblastic and cytotrophoblastic elements - hematogenous spread
Cyclic bleeding - chocolate cysts - severe menstrual related pain - infertility
Prostate growth - balding - and sebaceous gland activity
2nd week of proliferative phase
38. endometrium within the myometrium
Myometrial invasion
Weight loss - OCP - gonadotropin analogs - clomiphene - sprinolactone - surgery
Fibroadenoma - phyllodes tumor
39. Invasive carcinoma of the cervix is usually caused By what kind of malignancy
Squamous cell carcinoma
Hypogondadotropic hypogonadism
Spermatogonia (germ cells)
Fat necrosis
40. dilated epididymal duct
Visceral - somatic nerves in pudendal
IV mag sulfate - diazepam
Cardinal ligament
41. What is the treatment for preeclampsia
Delivery of fetus
Whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles
Granulosa cell tumor
42. multilocular cyst lined by mucus secreting epi - benign - intestine like
Fibrcystic change - ductal cancer
Mucinous cystadenoma
Neoplastic cells block lymphatic drainage
43. What is the average age of onset for menopause
51 yo
History of infertility - salpingitis - ruptured appendix - prior tubal surgery
Milk letdown - uterine contractions?
Upregulation - LH surge - ovulation
44. What is the risk for carcinoma among patients with intraductal papilloma
Lack of spermatogenesis due to increased temp of testis inside body and associated risk of germ cell tumors
Broad ligament
Yolk sac - endodermal sinus - tumor
Slight increase - 1.5 to 2
45. What happens to a leiomyoma in pregs and menopause and why
Increase in size in pregs - decrease in size meno - estrogen sens
Upregulation - LH surge - ovulation
Premature ovarian failure (Pof)
46. 2 sperm + empty egg
Enlarged bilateral cystic ovaries - amenorrhea - infertility - obesity - and hirsutism
Asia - Africa - S. America - HPV - lack of circumcision
47. Where is SCC of the penis more common and What is it associated with
PCOS - obesity - Asherman's - HPO axis defect - Pof - hyperprolactinemia - thryoid - eating disorders - cushging's - adrenal insuff
E coli
Induces and maintains lactation - decreases reproductive function
Asia - Africa - S. America - HPV - lack of circumcision
48. Risk factors for ectopic pregs
Hyperthyroidism - contains functional thyroid tissue
History of infertility - salpingitis - ruptured appendix - prior tubal surgery
Placenta acreta
49. What does inhibin do?
Inhibit FSH
Sertoli cell tumor
Left gonadal vein - left renal vein - IVC
Female pseudoHerm
50. What are risk factors for abruptio placentae?
Smoking - HTN - cocaine
Testosterone secreting tumor - exogenous steroids
Distention and hypertrophy of bladder - hydronephrosis - UTIs - not premalignant
Klinefelter's - XXY