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Freshman Theology
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1. Which books of the NT are the Prophecy books?
Matthew & Mark & Luke & and John
Accepted but fell away because of persecution
Jesus taught to crowds all over israel; sermon on the mount; The three year period during which Jesus gathered a community of disciples around him and preached the word of God. began with His baptism
2. The Lamb
Faith in Jesus to gain eternal life
Choked because of material goods and world anxiety
Pastoral & liturgical & and prophetic
3. Mary's Annunciation
Theme: God's love and forgiveness - betrays father & comes home to become a servant but is forgiven and accepted back into the family
Angel Gabriel; vocation of divine motherhood
Theme: nature - miracle: turned water into wine
Christology from above: history of the eternal world in human nature living with man; show DIVINITY/ son of god
4. Messianic secret
5. Apostle
Matthew & Mark & Luke & and John
David is to the Ark of the Covenant as Mary is to Jesus; 'David was leaping and dancing before the lord' -> 'The babe in my womb leaped for joy'
Commissioned by Jesus to spread the word of God
6. The incarnation
With the woman at the well
God becomes a human being; humble birth; son of god
Rabbi; spoke with authority to forgive sins; lived his teachings; words of eternal life
Stoned to death
7. Which Gospels have the Nativity story?
Matthew and Luke
Separating the light from the dark
John the Baptist; Established the sacrament of baptism; dove descended on him
8. Messianic secret
9. How many books are in the NT?
Theme: nature - miracle: Jesus walks on water...
Righteous & obedient & faithful man
1. Kingdom of heaven: main point of Jesus' ministry 2. Character of the kingdom/heaven - ex. mustard seed 3. king/father in heaven: ex. prodigal son 4. people: ex. good Samaritan
10. Which books in the NT are the Wisdom books?
The senses of heaven; liturgy
The replacement of Judas
Island of patmos
11. Parable
An earthly story with a heavenly meaning
To reveal god's power & Jesus' true identity & his purpose & heavenly glory & and his relationship with god
Sold Jesus to the officials; betrayed Jesus with a kiss
Jesus as the new adam; Jerusalem as the new garden of eden; established at the last supper
12. The magnificat
13. St. Jerome's translation
Theme: everyone is worthy of our love - enemy of the man nurses him back to health; break through prejudices and imitate god's love even with our enemies
Theme: everyone is worthy of our love - enemy of the man nurses him back to health; break through prejudices and imitate god's love even with our enemies
Jesus as the new adam; Jerusalem as the new garden of eden; established at the last supper
From greek to latin
14. The lamb having 7 eyes and ears as
Those who never accepted Jesus
All powerful/all knowing
Theme: nature - miracle: fed 5000+ people with two loaves of bread and one fish - bread of life; foreshadows eucharist
An earthly story with a heavenly meaning
15. Jesus is the ___ and ____
Alpha & omega
Lost for 3 days; Showing Jesus as master of scripture; was teaching the teachers; 'In my father's house' = revelation of who he is
Theme: kingdom of heaven - those who respond to the call of god will be rewarded in heaven
The new Passover; celebrating the first mass - Jesus is the bread and blood
16. Greek word for revelations
Theme: love of neighbor - during Lazarus' life He was a beggar and the rich man neglected him; after their death Lazarus was happy in heaven and the rich man was in hell & begging for Lazarus' mercy - love for the poor
Those who never accepted Jesus
17. Official's son
18. 2nd seed grows but is scorched
Accepted but fell away because of persecution
Agony in the garden; sweating blood
Winged Ox
19. horn
The Jordan river; baptized to fulfill righteousness
The senses of heaven; liturgy
20. Yeast
21. 2nd seed grows but is scorched
All powerful/all knowing
Accepted but fell away because of persecution
Palms: to welcome great conquerors - foreshadowed by Solomon
22. Jesus' ressurection
Gods plan to save us from sin
Jesus rubbing off on the apostles - Peter cures a crippled man - Peter and John arrested by the Sanhedrin
Acts of power that reveal the kingdom of heaven and who Jesus is
Mary and other women
23. The magnificat
24. New Jerusalem
New garden of Eden
God becomes a human being; humble birth; son of god
To conceal - because of the bitterness of peoples hearts - to separate - the truth seekers from the truth deniers - to reveal
Theme: God's love and forgiveness - betrays father & comes home to become a servant but is forgiven and accepted back into the family
25. meaning of Christology in synoptic gospels
For a king
Fishers of men
Theme: nature - miracle: turned water into wine
Christology from below: stories of his life from birth to ascension; show HUMANITY/ power over nature
26. Who is the author of the acts of the apostles?
An earthly story with a heavenly meaning
St. Luke
Fishers of men
Mary and other women
27. Why parables?
To help the people understand His teachings/ reveal the truth of heaven
Fishers of men
Island of patmos
Foundation of the church
28. Sower and the Seed
29. Prodigal son
30. Fulfilling prophecy
Separating the light from the dark
Missions to spread the word of god
The acts of the apostles
Stoned to death
31. synoptic gospels
Those who never accepted Jesus
Theme: nature - miracle: turned water into wine
Theme: physical healing - miracle: rescued the official's son from death - shows god power over death
Matthew & mark & and luke
32. Gospel of the Holy spirit
A marriage
Theme: raising from the dead - god's power over death - Jesus weeped
The acts of the apostles
Agony in the garden; sweating blood
33. Roles of the apostles
Jesus as the new adam; Jerusalem as the new garden of eden; established at the last supper
Theme: love of neighbor - during Lazarus' life He was a beggar and the rich man neglected him; after their death Lazarus was happy in heaven and the rich man was in hell & begging for Lazarus' mercy - love for the poor
Pastoral & liturgical & and prophetic
34. Where was Jesus' baptism? Why?
Theme: God's love and forgiveness - betrays father & comes home to become a servant but is forgiven and accepted back into the family
To reveal god's power & Jesus' true identity & his purpose & heavenly glory & and his relationship with god
Jesus rubbing off on the apostles - Peter cures a crippled man - Peter and John arrested by the Sanhedrin
The Jordan river; baptized to fulfill righteousness
35. Prodigal son
36. Temptation in the desert
37. How many Epistles?
Study of Jesus and who he is
The acts of the apostles
Study of Jesus and who he is
38. Where was Jesus' baptism? Why?
Pastoral & liturgical & and prophetic
Good news
Fulfilled by Jesus & the new covenant
The Jordan river; baptized to fulfill righteousness
39. Matthew mark luke and john are also known as
The evangelists
Winged Lion
For a priest
New garden of Eden
40. Strong foundation
Theme: foundation of god and faith - Foundation of rock: believing in god leads to eternal happiness - foundation of sand: leads to ruins - supreme witnesses to Jesus
Divine man or angel
For a king
41. Epiphany
Commissioned by Jesus to spread the word of God
Study of Jesus and who he is
The visit from the three wise men at the nativity
Matthew & mark & and luke
42. What are the letters NOT written by paul called?
Theme: kingdom of heaven - the seed starts small but becomes a huge plant
Catholic letters
Satan tried to tempt the lord but Jesus overcame it
43. The Evangelists are represented by winged creatures because they are...
An earthly story with a heavenly meaning
Sold Jesus to the officials; betrayed Jesus with a kiss
Messengers of God
44. 1st seed eaten by birds
Those who never accepted Jesus
Fulfilled by Jesus & the new covenant
The evangelists
45. red horse
The woman clothed in the sun
The sacrificial lamb; unblemished -> Jesus
Baptism and Eucharist: pierced in the side and water and blood flowed out
46. Feeding of the 5000
Theme: nature - miracle: fed 5000+ people with two loaves of bread and one fish - bread of life; foreshadows eucharist
To conceal - because of the bitterness of peoples hearts - to separate - the truth seekers from the truth deniers - to reveal
Like the OT: Law & History & Wisdom & Prophecy
New garden of Eden
47. synoptic gospels
1. Kingdom of heaven: main point of Jesus' ministry 2. Character of the kingdom/heaven - ex. mustard seed 3. king/father in heaven: ex. prodigal son 4. people: ex. good Samaritan
Matthew & mark & and luke
The acts of the apostles
48. Rich man
49. Authors of the epistles
Jesus taught to crowds all over israel; sermon on the mount; The three year period during which Jesus gathered a community of disciples around him and preached the word of God. began with His baptism
Paul and other apostles
50. Which books in the NT are the History books?
Acts of the Apostles
Paul and other apostles
Theme: kingdom of heaven - the seed starts small but becomes a huge plant